Destinos: 1-26The Main Grammar
Points, andExercises withAnswer Key
I.Regular Verbs: Present Tense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4II.Ser, Estar, and Hay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4III.Articles, Nouns and Adjectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5IV.Saber and Conocer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7V.Interrogatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7VI.A Note About Stem-changing Verbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8VII.The Preterite Indicative Tense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9VIII.The Imperfect Indicative Tense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12IX.The Preterite and Imperfect Tenses Compared . . . 13X.Gustar and Some Other Similar Verbs. . . . . . . . . . 19XI.Por and Para . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20XII.Subject and Object Pronouns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22XIII.Affirmative and Negative Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25XIV.Equal and Unequal Comparisons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27XV.Hace + que in Time Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29XVI.Progressive Tenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31XVII.Idioms with Tener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33XVIII.A Few Additional Uses of the Infinitive . . . . . . . . . . . 35
I.Regular Verbs: Present Tense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36II.Ser, Estar, and Hay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37III.Adjectives, Including Possessives and
Demonstratives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38IV.Saber and Conocer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39V.Present Tense: Irregular Verbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
Interrogatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41Present Tense: Stem-changing Verbs. . . . . . . . . . . . 42Preterite Tense: Regular Verbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44Preterite Tense: Irregular Verbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45Preterite Tense: Stem-changing Verbs . . . . . . . . . . . 47Imperfect Tense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47Preterite and Imperfect (Sentences) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49Preterite and Imperfect (Pragraphs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50Verbs With Different Meanings in Preterite and
Imperfect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52XV.Gustar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52XVI.Por and Para . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53XVII.Object Pronouns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54XVIII.Affirmative and Negative Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57XIX.Comparisons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58XX.Hacer + que Constructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59XXI.A Few Additional Uses of the Infinitive . . . . . . . . . . 59
? Answer Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? Verbs from Destinos, 1-26 . . . . . . . . . .
bebo bebemosbebes bebéisbebe beben
escribo escribimosescribes escribísescribe escriben
***This, and all other verb information you will need in this course canbe found in “Appendix 2: Verb Charts,” which begins on page 511 of theDestinos textbook.
Some uses of ser:
? to express nationality:Ella es peruana.? with de, to express origin:Soy de Perú.? to tell time:Son las dos y media de la tarde.? with de, to express possession:La chaqueta es de Pablo.? to identify people, places and things:?Qué es esto?Es una manzana.? In impersonal expressions such as es importante, es obvio, es lástima, es cierto, etc.? after para, to tell for whom or what something is intended:Esta carta es para ella.? after adjectives, to describe basic characteristics:Ella es alta, y es inteligente.Some uses of estar:
? to describe conditions that are not inherent:Estoy cansada. Este café está
caliente; no está frío. (BUT: El fuego es caliente [inherent
? with en, to convey location:Están en la biblioteca; no están en casa.HAY
This extremely useful expression can translate either as “there is” or “there are:”Hay dos maestras en esa clase. There are two teachers in that class.Hay un alumno que no quiere ir.There is one student who doesn’t want to go.
Hay can be confused with forms of ser and estar, but knowing when to use hay can bequite simple: if the word there appears with a form of to be, you use hay. If the words itor they appear with a form of to be, don’t use hay, use some form of ser or estar.It is a fountain.
There is a fountain in the square.They are seven sisters.
There are seven sisters at the party.The two boys (=They) are here.There are two boys here.
Es una fuente.
Hay una fuente en la plaza.Son siete hermanas.
Hay siete hermanas en la fiesta.Están aquí los dos muchachos.Hay dos muchachos aquí.
un profesor - a (male) professorun libro- a bookel profesor - the (male) professorel libro-the bookuna profesora- the (female) professoruna carta- a letterla profesora - the (female) professorla carta- the letterPlurales:
los profesores, los libros; unos (=some) profesores, unos libros
las profesoras, las cartas; unas profesoras, unas cartas
In Spanish, adjectives always agree in gender and number with their nouns, never withthe person who possesses the nouns. So, for example, in the sentence “Do you have mybooks?,” even though I am a singular person, books is plural, and so my, in Spanish, willbe plural, not singular: ?Tienes mis libros?
The same is true of “our house” in the sentence “Our house is white:” “Nuestra casa esblanca”, where nuestra is singular (because its noun, house, is singular), even though ourrefers to us, which is plural. It is the noun, not the possessor, that determines the numberand gender of the adjective in Spanish.
Remember that all adjectives in Spanish agree in number and gender with theirnouns
Adjectives that end in -o have four forms (el libro rojo, la mesa roja, los libros rojos,las mesas rojas).
Adjectives ending in -e have only singular and plural forms, not masculine and
feminine forms: el/la estudiante inteligente, los/las estudiantes inteligentes. The pluralis formed by adding -s.
Adjectives ending in consonants also have only singular and plural forms: el libro útil,la mesa útil, los libros útiles, las mesas útiles. The plural is formed by adding -esException: adjectives of nationality that end in a consonant in the masculine singular form add -a to form the feminine singular: un hombre espa?ol, una mujer espa?ola. This is true even when the reference is not to a person: un
? ? ? ? ?
diccionario francés, una mesa francesa. The plurals are formed as you would expect: unos diccionarios franceses, unas mesas francesas.
? Pay particular attention to adjectives of possession as regards agreement with theirnouns. Remember, adjectives agree with the noun, not with the person(s) possessingthe nouns. So mi casa means \es\mis casas. In likefashion, nuestras casas can only mean \es,\is, of course, nuestra casa).
? Qualitative and quantitative adjectives.Adjectives that describe (such as red,pretty, handsome, lamentable, fast, upsetting, etc.) generally follow their nouns,while adjectives that indicate, limit or express magnitude generally precede theirnouns:
nuestra casa (tells which one), but una casa roja (tells what kind); aquella casa, but una casa interesante; muchas personas, but personas espa?olas.
Quantitative adjectives include numbers, possessives, demonstratives (=this, that, these, those) and the articles (un, una, el, la, los, las).The possessive adjectives are mi(s), tu(s), su(s); nuestro, nuestra, nuestros, nuestras,vuestro, vuestra, vuestros, vuestras, su(s). If needed to avoid confusion, the phrase
de+subject pronoun may replace the possessive adjective: su libro could mean any ofthe following: el libro de él, el libro de ella, el libro de Ud., el libro de Uds., el libro deellas or el libro de ellos.
?near the speakerthisthese
este suéter
estos suéteres
esta camisa
estas camisas
***Memory Aid: In Spanish, \this and these have ts\(este, esta, estos, estas)
?not near the speaker; usually, near the person addressed
?even farther awaythat (over there)those (over there)
ese vestidoesos vestidosaquel zapatoaquella falda
esa bufandaesas bufandasaquellos zapatosaquellas faldas
Saber means to know facts or pieces of information. When followed by an infinitive,saber means to know how to do something.
Sé que aquella chica se llamaCarmen.
No sabemos dónde vive ella.?Sabes tocar el violín?
---Sí, pero no sé tocar muy bien.
I know that that girl is named Carmen.We don’t know where she lives.Do you know how to play violin?----Yes, but I don’t know how to playvery well.
Conocer means to kow or to be acquainted (familiar) with a person, place or thing.It can also mean to meet someone for the first time. Note the personal a used before aspecific person.
Teresa Suárez no conoce a Raqueltodavía. La va a conocer muypronto.
Conozco a Miguel, pero no sé dóndevive.
Raquel ahora conoce Madrid ySevilla.
Teresa Suárez doesn't know Raquel yet.She's going to meet her soon.I know Miguel, but I don't know wherehe lives.Raquel now knows (is acquainted with)Madrid and Seville.
Know the interrogatives in the list in your text on page 87.
Other useful interrogative phrases you should know are these:
?adónde??de dónde??a quién??de quién??para quién?
where to?where from?to whom?whose?
about whom?for whom?
?Adónde va Raquel??De dónde es ella??A quién habla ella??De quién es la cartera?
?De quién hablan?
?Para quién es la carta?
On our verb sheet stem-changing verbs have vowels in parentheses after the infinitive.Look, for example, at encontrar(ue). The (ue) in parenthesis tells you that, in the presenttense, four of the six forms change the o of encontrar to ue. Some of you may have heardstem-changing verbs called \four forms that change in the present tense, the resulting figure looks something like aboot:
(present tense)
encontramos [no change]encontráis [no change]encuentranStem-changing verbs have their change whenever the stress is on the vowel that changes.In the case of encontrar, the vowel in question is the o, and it is unstressed in the
infinitive, and also in the nosotros and vosotros forms. In the other four conjugated formsof the present tense the o is stressed, and so changes to ue. (Such changes are not limitedto verbs. Think of siete and setenta, nueve and noventa. Another example is Venezuelaand venezolano [= someone from Venezuela ]). While it is not really possible to predictwhich verbs will have stem-changes, still, once you do know it you also know which fourforms change and which forms don’t.
Stem-changing verbs are not irregular verbs. They have the regular endings for theirgroup (-AR, -ER, or -IR). Irregular verbs are irregular because their endings, and not justtheir stems, are different from what you would expect them to be.
Like all tenses, the preterite has regular and irregular verbs. Unlike the present indicativetense, the preterite indicative tense has only two sets of endings, not three, for regularverbs:
-ER / -IR
Worth Noting:1.The nosotros forms of the preterite are the same as those for the present forregular -ar and regular -ir verbs: entramos,entramos / escribimos,escribimos; they aredifferent for regular -er verbs: bebemos, bebimos.2.The vosotros form (2nd person plural) is always the tú form + -is: entraste+is=entrasteis, bebiste+is=bebisteis, escribiste+is=escribisteis.3.-AR and -ER verbs with stem changes in the present tense do not have stemchanges in the preterite: encuentro, encontré; entiende,entendió. To form the preteritework from the infinitive, not from the present tense.4.Regular verbs in the preterite have accents on the final vowel in the first and thirdperson singular: bebí, bebió; escribí, escribió; entré, entró. There are no accents in anyof the other forms. (Verbs irregular in the preterite have no accents anywhere.)5.Some regular verbs have spelling changes in the first person singular form of thepreterite, to preserve the original pronunciation of the final consonant of the infinitive:buscar: busqué; llegar: llegué.6.Another spelling change involves changing i to y when it falls between vowels andis unaccented: oír: oyó, oyeron (but oíste, oímos, oí, oísteis); creer: creyó, creyeron(creí, creíste, creímos,creísteis).
Encontrar(ue), for instance, has a stem change in the present tense, but not in thepreterite.
encontrar(preterite tense)encontréencontramosencontrasteencontrasteisencontróencontraron
Encontrar is typical of -ar and -er verbs with a stem change in the present tense. These
changes do not appear in the preterite. This holds true for ALL -ar and -er verbs withstem changes in the present tense.
Now let's look at an -ir stem-changing verb like pedir(i,i). It has two notations in theparentheses: (i,i). The first of these tells what happens to the forms of the verb in thepresent tense, and the second refers to the changes in the verb forms in the preterite. So,in the present tense, pedir changes exactly where encontrar does (and where all otherstem-changing verbs do, too):
(present tense)
pedimospedíspidenBut in the preterite, where encontrar (and all other -ar and -er verbs with stem changes inthe present tense) do not change, pedir does. However, note that the pattern of changein the preterite tense does not form a boot. The change occurs only in the third personsingular and third person plural forms of the verb.(preterite tense)
Were we to draw a figure around the stem changing forms of pedir (and every other -irverb that happens to have a stem change in the preterite), it would not form a boot, butsomething more akin to merely the sole of a boot or shoe.
Ser and Ir.One curious fact about the Spanish preterite is that two of its most
irregular verbs, ser and ir, have exactly the same forms in the preterite. It is context thatlets us know which verb is being used.
Forms of ser and irfuifuistefue
Note: Another curious fact about this conjugation is that the three plural forms containtheir singular form counterparts: fui, fuimos; fuiste,fuisteis; fue,fueron.
Other Irregular Verbs in the Preterite.There are about a dozen commonly usedverbs that have irregular forms in the preterite. Most of them are the so-called strongpreterites, which means that their stress pattern is like the present tense, with theemphasis always on the next to the last syllable, never on the last: examples are tuve,estuve, puso, hice, hizo, etc. These verbs have roots different from what we would expectfrom the infinitive, but they all share the same, unstressed, endings:
***In the third person plural form, verbs like decir and traer, which have a final jin their stem, use -eron; verbs with any other letter than j as the final letter of thestem use -ieron: dijeron and trajeron, but hicieron, pusieron, anduvieron, dieron, etc.Worth Noting.
? Because of their common endings, the \memorizing each irregular stem [such as hic- for hacer, tuv- for tener, pus- for
poner, etc.] and (2) memorizing one set of endings, those given above. The stems of\querer: quis-; venir: vin-;saber: sup-; poder: pud-; decir: dij-; hacer: hic- (except for hizo); andar: anduv-;tener: tuv-; estar: estuv-;traer: traj-. (The forms of ser and ir, as stated before, mustbe memorized separately).
? The forms of the verb dar are considered irregular because it is an -ar verb, but its
endings are identical to those for the verb ver: di, diste, dio, dimos, disteis, dieron.No accents are necessary on the forms of dar (or of ver, for that matter), because theyare one syllable forms (di, dio; vi, vio).Appendix 2, \Destinos text, shouldbe consulted for reference and for specific conjugations and individual forms.
The imperfect indicative tense is an easy one to form. The endings are as follows:
For -AR Verbs
For -ER and -IR Verbs
Worth Noting.1.The first and third person singular forms are the same: yo entraba, ella entraba; yo
escribía, él escribía; yo bebía, Ud. bebía. Because of this fact, the subject pronouns are used with these imperfect forms whenever needed to avoid confusion.2.
For -AR verbs, only one form has an accent, nosotros: entrábamos, llegábamos,etc. For -ER and -IR verbs, all forms have an accent over the first í of the ending: bebía, escribíais, entendíamos, etc.
The three irregular verbs of the imperfect indicative tense. Only ser, ir and ver areirregular in the imperfect:SER: eraeraseraéramoseraiseranIR: ibaibasibaíbamosibanibaVER: veíaveíasveíaveíamosveíaisveíanBy memorizing the yo form of each verb, you should be able to generate all other forms ofthese three verbs.
Having discussed the forms of these tenses, we now turn to their uses. Any verb in
Spanish may be used in either tense, but its meaning will be different. The following is oneway to approach the differences between these tenses. It follows, more or less, theexplanation in the Destinos Workbook I. Other grammar explanations also may provehelpful to you. I have several reference grammars in my office which you are welcome touse. Experience has taught me that any explanation of these two tenses, to be successful,must be accompanied by examples and (especially) by practice.
Stated briefly, the imperfect is the Spanish past tense used to express events in
progress, habitual or repeated events, descriptions, conditions, and the time of day.In general, functions in the past other than those just summarized are expressedwith the preterite.
Examples of Uses of the Imperfect Indicative
? To talk about events that were ongoing (in progress) in the past.
This includes simultaneous ongoing events, usually expressed with mientras:
Raquel listened (was listening) attentively while do?a Carmen Raquel escuchaba con atención
talked (was talking) about ángel.mientras do?a Carmen hablaba de
Note, however, that cuando can have the meaning of mientras and thus can be followedby the imperfect:Cuando hablaba con Olga, Raquelse sentía un poco incómoda.
When (While) speaking with Olga,Raquel felt a little uncomfortable.
The imperfect also expresses actions in progress that were interrupted by another action(expressed with the preterite).
While we were going to San Germán, thecar started to run badly.Mientras íbamos a San Germán, el
carro empezó a funcionar mal.
We were leaving the toll both when thecar stopped.Salíamos del peaje cuando se paró el
The ir a + infinitive structure is almost always in the imperfect.ángela iba a llamar a su hermanootra vez.
ángela was going to call her brotheragain.
?To describe conditions that were ongoing in the past.
This includes physical characteristics, states of mind, and emotions, as well as age.ángela era una joven lista ysimpática. Tenía 25 a?os, más omenos.
Se sentía muy frustrada por lo delcoche.
Hacía muy buen tiempo durante elviaje a San Germán, pero hacíamucho calor.
ángela was a bright and pleasant youngwoman. She was about 25 years old.She felt very frustrated by the situationwith her car.The weather was very nice during thetrip to San Germán, but it was veryhot.
?To talk about habitual events in the past.
Often (but not always) this use of the imperfect is signaled by the use of words and
phrases that emphasize the habitual nature of the action: todos los días, siempre, porlo general, and so on.De ni?a, ángela visitaba confrecuencia a su abuela .
As a child, ángela visited (used to visit)her grandmother often.
?The imperfect is always used to tell time in the past.
?Qué hora era cuando ángela,
Raquel y Laura llegaron a la casa dela abuela?
Eran las once de la ma?ana.
What time was it when ángela, Raqueland Laura arrived at thegrandmother's house?It was eleven in the morning.
Examples of the Uses of the Preterite Indicative
?to talk about distinct, individual actions or events in the past
These may have occurred only once or be seen as having happened individually anumber of times
Fuimos a San Germán y hablamoscon mi abuela.
Le dije el número como mil veces.Olga empezó inmediatamente ahacerle preguntas a Raquel.La conversación terminó tarde.
We went to San Germán and talked withmy grandmother.I told him the number about a thousandtimes.Olga immediately began to ask Raquelquestions.The conversation ended late.
?to talk about changes in conditions
ángela se enojó cuando su abuelacriticó a Jorge, y luego se puso triste.
Angela got mad when her grandmothercriticized Jorge, and then she becamesad.
?to describe actions that occurred within a defined period of time
A time phrase, such as por una hora or por un a?o, is often used in these cases.?Estuvo en Nueva York?---Sí, estuve por unos días.Durante unos a?os vivieron en laestancia Santa Susana.Were you in New York?
---Yes, I was there for a few days.For a few years they lived on the SantaSusana Ranch.
Preterite and Imperfect Together
When a sentence that talks about the past contains more than one verb, any sequence orcombination of these two tenses is possible, depending on what you wish to express: allpreterite, all imperfect, or a combination of the two. Remember that one frequent pattern
is as follows: the imperfect describes what was happening when another action (expressedin the preterite) occurred.
Raquel viajó a Puerto Rico, buscó lacasa de ángel, y habló con unavecina de ángela. (all preterite)Eran las diez y ángela tenía una citapara ver unos apartamentos a las diezy media. (both imperfect)Arturo estaba en casa cuando lollamé. (imperfect, preterite)Cuando nosotras llegamos, Jorgedaba una clase. (preterite, imperfect)
Raquel traveled to Puerto Rico,looked for ángel's house, and spokewith ángela's neighbor.
It was ten o'clock and ángela had anappointment to see some apartmentsat ten-thirty.
Arturo was at home when I calledhim.
When we arrived, Jorge was teachinga class.
Verbs With Different Meanings in the Preterite and Imperfect
The following five verbs have different English equivalents depending on whether theyare used in the preterite or the imperfect: conocer, saber, querer, poder, and haber.Conocer
?preterite=met, but only in the sense of “met for the first time, or made the
acquaintance of” (Note: conocer can also mean meet=to make the acquaintance of,in the present tense). Conocer never means “to encounter” (=encontrar).
Raquel conoció a los tíos deángela.
Voy a la universidad paraconocer a Jorge.
Raquel met ángela's uncles and aunts(=made their acquaintance).I'm going to the university to meetJorge (for the first time).
?imperfect=knew, was acquainted with
Arturo no conocía bien a su mediohermano.
Arturo didn’t know his half-brotherwell.
?preterite=found out, learnedRaquel llegó a casa de ángel y supoque estaba muerto.
Raquel arrived at ángel's house andfound out (learned) he was dead.
?imperfect=knew about, had knowledge of
ángela no sabía que tenía un tío enla Argentina.
?affirmative preterite=tried, made an attemptRaquel quiso avisar a ángela sobre
la personalidad de Jorge.
Raquel tried to warn ángela aboutJorge's personality.ángela didn't know she had an unclein Argentina.
?negative preterite=refused
Pero ángela no quiso oír la crítica de
su novio.
But ángela refused to hear anycriticism of her boyfriend.
?imperfect (affirmative and negative)=wanted/didn’t want
Raquel no quería meterse en susrelaciones con Jorge.
Raquel didn’t want to get involved inher relationship with Jorge.
?affirmative preterite=to succeed inRaquel pudo convencer a do?aCarmen de que el viaje era muyurgente.
Raquel succeeded in convincing do?aCarmen that the trip was veryurgent.
?negative preterite=failed to
Jorge no pudo impresionar a Raquel.
Jorge failed to impress Raquel.
?imperfect (affirmative and negative)=was (not) able to [description of a state or
ángela no podía comprender porqué todos se oponían a susrelaciones con Jorge.ángela couldn’t understand whyeveryone was opposed to herrelationship with Jorge.
Haber (hay)
?preterite=there was/were in the sense of occurred, happened, took placeHubo un accidente en el sitio dela excavación.
An accident occurred (took place) atthe excavation site.
?imperfect=there was/were, there existed
Había muchas cosas que hacer.
There were many things to do.
Worth Noting:With these five verbs, in every case, the preterite meanings
involve an action that occurred, an event that took place (meeting someone forthe first time, finding something out, making an attempt, refusing, etc.), while themeanings associated with the imperfect always involve a description orcondition, often of a mental state (knowing someone or something, wanting ornot wanting something, having the capacity to do something, or something thatwas in existence at a given time). The uses of the preterite and imperfect withthese verbs, then, is no different from their uses with other verbs, but the nature ofthese five verbs is such that the English translations of the preterite and imperfectneed to be different to express the meaning correctly.
The verb gustar, though it is often translated as “to like,” really means “to be pleasing to.”While the difference in meaning between “to like” and “to be pleasing to” is perhapsnegligible, the grammatical difference is very significant, and English-speakers who arelearning Spanish must be very careful or they will use gustar incorrectly.
In the sentences “I like it” and “It is pleasing to me,” the subjects and objects areswitched: “I” is the subject of one sentence, “It” is the subject of the other; “it” is thedirect object of the first sentence, while “me” is the indirect object of the second one.
EnglishI like it.
SpanishMe gusta.
? Note that The word “It” is not expressed with a pronoun in Spanish. The word “it” isin the verb gusta.? Gustar is almost always in the third person, either singular or plural. If you haveput gustar in first or second person, you probably have gotten the sentence wrong.Because the gustar construction always takes an indirect object pronoun, sometimes it isnecessary to add a prepositional phrase for clarification (or for emphasis).Example: “He likes apples.”A él le gustan las manzanas.
“She likes apples.”A ella le gustan las manzanas.“You (Ud.) like apples.”A Ud. le gustan las manzanas.Without the clarifying prepositional phrases “A él”, “A ella,” and “A Ud.” the sentence
would be just “Le gustan las manzanas,” which could refer to any of the three.
? The prepositional phrase can never take the place of the indirect object pronoun,which must be present. So “Le gustan las manzanas,” or “A ella le gustan lasmanzanas” are both correct sentences, but “A ella gustan las manzanas” is not,because it is missing the indirect object pronoun le.Examples:We like apples.(A nosotros/as) nos gustan las manzanas.You like apples.(A vosotras/os) os gustan las manzanas.You like apples.(A ustedes) les gustan las manzanas.They like apples.(A ellos/ellas) les gustan las manzanas.You like apples.(A ti) te gustan las manzanas.You like apples.(A usted) le gustan las manzanas.S/he likes apples.(A ella/él) le gustan las manzanas.
? Note that the verb in all these sentences is gustan, third person plural, because thesubject of each sentence is the same, las manzanas, so the verb is the same (verbsalways agree with their subject; with gustar the tricky part is to figure out what thesubject is).
? A tip:
The person involved in the sentence is almost never the subject, but rather the indirect object. The subject is some third person object (like “apples”).
Other verbs that work like gustar
Other Spanish verbs also employ the same grammatical construction as gustar. Perhapsthe most common are importar= to be important (to someone), and parecer, to seem.Examples:I don’t care.We don’t care.She doesn’t care.
We care, but he doesn’t.It seems a good idea to me.That doesn’t seem good to us.
No me importa (=It’s not important to me).No nos importa (=It’s not important to us).(A ella) no le importa.
A nosotras sí nos importa, pero no le importa a él.Me parece buena idea.Eso no nos parece bien.
Both of these prepositions can translate as for, but they are not interchangeable. Withpractice, you will come to master the most common uses of these very frequently usedprepositions.
When not to use POR or PARA.
? Remember that some Spanish verbs don’t require a preposition, even though theirEnglish equivalents do: esperar = to wait for; buscar = to look for; pedir = to ask for? Also, when for relates to a verb, it is often expressed with an indirect object ratherthan with a preposition:Arturo le compró una campera a Raquel. = Arturo boughtRaquel a jacket (a jacket for Raquel).Uses of para:
? destined for, to go to, or to be given to someone
Esta carta es para don Fernando.This letter is for don Fernando.? to, in the direction of
Salieron para Colorado.
? to be used for or in
Arturo compró fruta para el picnic.La foto fue útil para la búsqueda.? in relation to (compared to) others
Para francés, habla bien el inglés.
They left for Colorado.
Arturo bought fruit for the picnic.The photo was useful in the search.
For a Frenchman, he speaks English well.
? in order to + infinitive (often in order is not expressed in the English)
Estudio para aprender.I study (in order) to learn.Se sentaron para descansar.They sat down (in order) to rest.Uses of por:
? in exchange for
?Pagué sesenta dólares por ese libro!? for the sake of, on behalf of
Ella lo hizo por dinero, no por amor.Ella lo hizo por don Pedro.
I paid sixty dollars for that book!
She did it for money, not for love.She did it for don Pedro’s sake.
? for a period of time
Vivimos en Montana por cinco a?os.
We lived in Montana for five years.
? by, by means of
Fuimos por tren.
Raquel le habló por teléfono.? through, along
Corrieron por la Avenida Rivermont.Anduvieron por el parque.? during, in (with morning, afternoon, etc.)
Por la noche fueron a la fiesta.
Me gusta correr por la ma?ana.
? because of, on account of, about
Fue difícil llegar por las calles bloqueadas.
él se preocupaba por su hijo.
We went by train.
Raquel spoke to him by phone.
They ran along Rivermont Avenue.They walked through the park.
In the evening (At night), they went
to the party.
I like to run in the morning.
It was difficult to arrive because of
the blocked streets.
He was worried about his son.
? Por is also used in quite a number of fixed expressions, like por lo general (generally),por favor (please), por ejemplo (for example), and others.
You should know and be able to use properly the following five types of pronouns:1. subject pronouns: yo túUd.ellaél21
Uds.ellasellos2. direct object pronouns:3. indirect object pronouns:4. reflexive pronouns:5. prepositional pronouns:memememíteteteti
nos nos nosnosotrosnosotras os os osvosotrosvosotras
1.Subject pronouns.
A subject performs the action in the verb. All verbs must agree with their subjects. Thesubject pronouns are often not needed in Spanish, and so are used much less frequentlythan in English. They are primarily included only for stress, and to avoid confusion(among ella, él and Ud., for example.)
Never use lo as a subject pronoun. The word it, used as a SUBJECT, has noSpanish translation (technically, it does, but it is almost never used). In Spanish, the
subject it is in the verb. (So \be wrong, especially adding \
2.Direct object pronouns.
A direct object is a noun or pronoun that directly receives the action in the verb. In thesentence \ when we ask the question \being the action in the verb), the answer is \book is the diret object. (Ido not give María; I give something to María). If we replace \we have a direct object pronoun: I give María it (or \it to María).
The positioning of direct object pronouns is different in Spanish than inEnglish. Direct object pronouns:
precede conjugated verb forms
come in between no and a conjugated verb formmay follow and be attached to an infinitive
Veo a Inés. I see Inés.(direct object noun)La veo.I see her.(direct object pronoun)Ella me ve.She sees me.(direct object pronoun)Quería verla.I wanted to see her. (dir. obj. pron.)Ella no me conoce.She doesn't know me. (dir. obj. pron.)
Notice that in the last sentence, the object pronoun me is placed between no and conoce.Worth Remembering: The verb in Spanish (as in English) always agrees with thesubject, not with the object. Because the subject pronouns are frequently absent in
Spanish, be careful not to confuse the subject and object when you choose the verb form.3.Indirect object pronouns.
An indirect object is a noun or pronoun that indirectly receives the action in the verb. Inthe sentence \ book is the direct object, María is the indirectobject. If we replace the noun María with a pronoun, we have an indirect object pronoun:\her the book.\
Just like the direct object pronouns, the indirect object pronouns precede
conjugated verb forms, are placed in between no (or other negative words) and the verb,and may be attached to the infinitive.
Le doy el libro a María.I give María the book. (ind. obj. noun)Le doy el libro (a ella).I give her the book .(ind. obj. pronoun)Queremos darle el libro.We want to give her the book.(ind obj pron)Ella me dio el libro.She gave me the book.(ind. obj. pron.)No le hablamos (a ella).We don’t speak to her.
Note two things in the last sentence, \t speak to her\as with the direct object pronouns, the indirect object pronouns also come between theconjugated verb and no; second, the indirect object pronoun often contains the word towhen we translate into English, whether or not the Spanish word a is part of the sentence.4.Reflexive object pronouns.
Reflexive pronouns are really just special cases of either direct or indirect object pronouns.What is special about them is that the object of the sentence is the same as the subject.\se llama Inés\she (ella) is the subjectand herself (se) is the reflexive (direct, in this case) object pronoun.
Oftentimes, but not always, the English translation of reflexive verb forms includesthe word \get\vestirse=to get dressed, casarse=to get married, enojarse=to get mad,perderse=to get lost, levantarse=to get up).
Like the direct and indirect object pronouns, the reflexive object pronouns precedea conjugated verb, come between the conjugated verb form and no, and may be attachedto the infinitive.
Se levantan temprano.They get up early.(reflexive obj. pron.)Quería despertarme tarde.I wanted to wake up late. (ref. obj. pron.)Ella no se llamaba María.Her name wasn't María. (ref. obj. pron.)Note that in all of these sentences the subject, verb and object are all in agreement.The \The reflexive construction is much more widespreadin Spanish than in English. Not only verbs listed in dictionaries as reflexive (like llamarseand despertarse), but many other verbs may be used reflexively in what is called the
reciprocal (or \plural. Some examples of this construction are as follows:
Ellas se hablaban frecuentemente por teléfono.They frequently talked on the phone.Elena y Pedro se aman mucho.Helen and Pedro love each other very much.No nos vemos mucho.We don't see each other very much.5.Prepositional object pronouns.
Forms: The prepositional pronouns are identical in form to the subject pronouns, withtwo very important exceptions: instead of yo and tú, use mí (accent) and ti (no accent).There are two special combining forms, used only with the preposition con:con+mí=conmigo; con+ti=contigo.
Uses:As their name implies, these pronouns are used after prepositions (words andphrases such as de, por, para, con, sin, entre, etc.).Examples
Fuimos con Miguel.We went with Michael.(prepositional noun object) Fuimos con él.We went with him. (prep. object pronoun) Quieren ir conmigo. They want to go with me.(prep. obj. pron.) Mi computadora. No quería salir sin ella.I didn't want to leave without it. El libro. No queríamos salir sin él.We didn’t want to leave without it. ?Es para mí o para ti esta carta?Is this letter for you or for me?
Using Two Object Pronouns Together
Reflexive, indirect and direct object pronouns are often used in combinations of two. Therule governing their order is easy: \Examples
They give the book to us.Nos dan el libro.They give it to us.Nos lo dan.(indirect, then direct)They don’t give me the tables.No me dan las mesas.They don’t give them to me.No me las dan.(indirect, direct)
You wash your hands.You wash them.Te lavas las manos.
Te las lavas.
(reflexive, direct)
Important:Whenever the indirect object pronouns LE or LES come before adirect object pronoun beginning with L- (lo, la, los or las), LE(S) changes to SE.(Some students have learned the sentence \t lay low, you say low,\that you don’t \le lo, you se lo\la or los or las)
I gave them the book.Les di el libro.I gave it to them.Se lo di.I brought him a computer.Le traje una computadora.I brought it to him.Se la traje.
Because the SE in sentences like these could refer to her, him, you (Ud.), you (Uds.) orthem (either ellas or ellos), it is common for an additional phrase to be included forclarity: The two example sentences above would become \a ellas\traje a él.\Such phrases can never replace the indirect object pronoun, even thoughthey mean the same thing; the indirect object pronoun must be kept in the sentence.(So, \wrong; \Se lo di a ellas\
algún/alguno/a(algunos, algunas)sí
something, anythingsomeonesome, anyyesalwaysalso, too
NEGATIVE nothing, not anything no one, nobody, not
ningún,ninguno/a no, none, not anyno nonunca, jamás nevertampoco neither
ni__ni__tampoco neither__nor__either
Note that the alguno/ninguno pair are adjectives, and so they show gender and numberagreement with their nouns, whereas the rest of these words are invariable in form.Alguno and ninguno shorten to algún and ningún before masculine singular nouns.
?Trae algún documento?Si no hay inconveniente . . .---Ninguno. Será un placer.Todavía tengo algunas cosas quehacer.
Do you have any identification (on you)?If it's no problem . . .
---None at all. It will be a pleasure.I still have a few things to do.Do you want something to drink?
?Desean tomar algo?
I called Roberto, but he's never at home.
Llamé a Roberto, pero nuncaestá en su casa.
?In Spanish, only one negative word (including no) can precede the verb
Nadie estaba en la casa de ángelcuando llegó Raquel.
Raquel nunca conoció a ángel.
Raquel no conoció nunca a ángel.
Nobody was at ángel's house whenRaquel arrived.Raquel never got to meet ángel.
?Double negatives are common in Spanish. Thus, when no precedes the verb, another
negative word can appear somewhere after the verb. Such double negatives aregrammatically correct in Spanish.No había nadie en la casa de ángel.Raquel no conoció nunca a ángel.
There wasn't anybody at ángel's house.Raquel never got to meet ángel.
?When the sentence is negative, any included indefinite word must also be negative.
Such double negatives are not only grammatically correct, they are obligatory.Me imagino que tu hermano no sabenada de esto.
?Puedes hacer algo en este caso?---No, no puedo hacer nada.
I imagine your brother doesn't knowanything about this.Can you do anything in this situation?---No, I can't do anything.
?Note that questions may have a no before the verb but not be negative in meaning. In
such cases, the affirmative form of the indefinite word is used.
?No quieres llevar algunos duraznos ofrutillas??No quieres vino también?
Don’t you want to bring some peaches orstrawberries?Don’t you want wine too?
A.Comparisons of Inequality
To make unequal comparisons in Spanish, use one of the following structures:más + noun or adjective + quemenos + noun or adjective + que
more + noun or adjective + thanless/fewer + noun or adjective + than
Some adjectives have special comparative forms.
mejor (mejores) quebetterpeor (peores) queworsemayor (mayores) queoldermenor (menores) queyoungerUses.
San Juan es más importante que
Ponce y tiene más habitantes que la segunda ciudad.Hawaii tiene menos habitantes que Puerto Rico.
Raquel es mayor que ángela.
San Juan is more important than Ponceand has more inhabitants than thesecond city.Hawaii has fewer inhabitants than PuertoRico.Raquel is older than ángela.
?Much more/less is expressed with mucho más/menos. Note that if the comparison is
with nouns, mucho must agree with the noun.Olga tiene mucha menos paciencia que los otros tíos.
Olga has much less patience than theother aunts and uncles.
?These structures are also used adverbially, to compare and contrast the actions
expressed by verbs or to compare and contrast adverbs.
Raquel works more than Arturo, don'tRaquel trabaja más que
you think?Arturo, ?no crees?Jaime estudia menos que su
hermano Miguel.
?Quién corre más rápidamente, Jaime o Miguel?
Jaime studies less than his brotherMiguel.Who can run faster, Jaime or Miguel?
?To express more/less than + a number, use más/menos de + a number.
Puerto Rico tiene más de tres millones de habitantes.
Puerto Rico has more than three millioninhabitants.
B.Comparisons of Equality
The structures for the comparison of equal items is:tanto/a/os/as + noun + comotan + adjective or adverb + como
as much/many + noun + asas + adjective or adverb + as
The word tanto, an adjective, modifies nouns; like all adjectives, it agrees in numberand gender with the noun it modifies. The word tan, an adverb, is invariable in form.Uses.
ángel no tenía tantos hermanos como su esposa.Olga no tenía tanta información como ángela.
?Es tan alta ángela comoRaquel?
ángel didn't have as many brothers andsisters as his wife.Olga didn't have as much information asángela.Is ángela as tall as Raquel?
Did ángel paint as well as Picasso??Pintaba ángel tan bien como
?This structure is the equivalent of the English as . . . as, but the distinction is made inSpanish as to whether what is being compared is a quantity (a noun) or a quality (anadjective or adverb).
?When the second element of the comparison is not expressed after tan or tanto, the
word como is omitted.
Llueve mucho en El Yunque, pero en San Juan no llueve tanto.San Juan es una capital como Buenos Aires, pero no es tangrande.
It rains a lot in El Yunque, but in SanJuan it doesn’t rain as much.San Juan is a capital like Buenos Aires,but it isn’t as large.
A.Expressing AGO in Spanish.
?There is no word to translate English \
structure is used:
Hace + (time expression) +que + (verb in preterite tense)
Hacetres semanasHaceuna horaHacediez a?osquellegó Raquel a Espa?a.que nos llamaron ellas.
que conocimos al Se?or Díaz.
Raquel arrived in Spain three weeks ago.They called us an hour ago.We met Mr. Díaz ten years ago.
This structure also has another form, which you should be able to recognize (you mayuse it, too, if you want to). In this alternate form, the three sentences above would beexpressed as follows:
Raquel llegó a Espa?a hace tres semanas.Ellas nos llamaron hace una hora.
Conocimos al Se?or Díaz hace diez a?os.
This structure retains the use of hace and the preterite tense, but the word que is notused.
B.Talking About How Long Something Has Been Happening
?When the structure presented above (hace + time+que) is used with a verb in the
present tense, it expresses how long something has been going on:
Hace + (time expression) +que + (verb in present tense)
Hace Hace Hace Hace una horacinco a?os dos a?os
cinco minutosque comemos.que viven en esta ciudad.que asisto a esta universidad.que estoy en la clase hoy.
We have been eating for an hour.
They have been living in this city for five years.I've been going to this college for two years.I've been in the classroom for five minutes today.
?In both of the expressions with hace, hace and que are invariable terms. What
determines the meaning is the tense of the other verb (not hace, which is always inthe present tense).
Hace media hora que comí.I ate half an hour ago.Hace media hora que como.
I have been eating for half an hour.
?To ask a question using this structure, the phrase ?Cuánto tiempo hace que . . . \ is
?Cuánto tiempo hace queasistes a esta universidad??Cuánto tiempo hace queviniste a esta universidad?
used. Again, it is the tense of the other verb (not hace) that determines the meaning.
How long have you been attending thiscollege/university?How long ago did you come to thiscollege/university?
Note the use of the word ago in the English sentence that corresponds to the Spanishsentence where the preterite tense verb viniste is used.
As the word \actually inprogress.
A. The Present Progressive Tense
Raquel le está contando a ángela la historia de don Fernando y Rosario. También le está explicando los últimos detalles de su investigación. ángela la está escuchando con mucha atención. También, está pensando ?Esta historia parece de novela!
The present progressive is formed with the present tense of estar and the presentparticiple. In English the present participle is the verb form that ends in -ing. InSpanish it ends in -ndo.The Present Participle
Here are the regular present participle endings.
cruzar -andocruzando
entender -iendoentendiendo
escribir -iendoescribiendo
-Er verbs that have a stem ending in -a, -e, or -o replace the i in the ending with y
-Ir stem changing verbs show the preterite stem change in the present participle.
Some verbs with irregularities in the present have an irregularity in the presentparticiple as well. The most frequently used is diciendo (decir).Uses.
?Qué diablos están haciendoaquí que todas las calles están bloqueadas?
What the devil are they doing herethat has all the streets closed off?
Disculpe. Estoy buscando la calle Sol.Raquel se está despidiendo (or estádespidiéndose) de Arturo en elaeropuerto.
Excuse me. I’m looking for Sol Street.
Raquel is saying good-bye to Arturo at
the airport.
?The present participle is invariable in form. It never shows agreement in number or
?In Spanish, the progressive is used to stress the ongoing nature of an event or a
condition. An event expressed with the progressive is actually in progress.
?When object or reflexive pronouns are used with the progressive, they may either be
attached to the participle or precede the conjugated verb. The present participle thuscombines with pronouns the same way that the infinitive does. When pronouns areattached to the participle, a written accent is required to maintain the stress on thesame syllable of the participle (see second example above).
1.The simple present tense in Spanish often expresses the equivalent of the Englishprogressive, especially in the case of verbs of motion such as ir and venir. Theparticiples of ir (yendo) and venir (viniendo) are used only infrequently.
2.The progressive does not express the idea of future intent in Spanish, as it oftendoes in English. Note the following examples where it would be incorrect to use theSpanish progressive.
I’m going to cross the street.I'm leaving for San Germán tomorrow.
We are sitting (i.e., we are seated) over there.
Voy a cruzar la calle.
Salgo ma?ana para San Germán.Estamos sentados allí.
?Worth Noting.
B. The Past Progressive Tense
The past progressive is formed with the past tense of estar--usually the imperfect--andthe present participle. As with the present progressive, an object or reflexive pronounmay precede estar or follow and be attached to the present participle.Laura estaba mirando el mapa.?Me estaba proponiendomatrimonio?
ángela estaba ense?ándole (orle estaba ense?ando) la copa.Laura was looking at the map.Was he proposing marriage to me?
Angela was showing him the goblet.
When speaking about the past, it is not always necessary to use the past progressive toexpress English was/were -ing. The simple imperfect can do that. Here are thepreceding examples with the imperfect tense.Laura miraba el mapa.?Me proponía matrimonio?ángela le ense?aba la copa.
In addition, remember that there are some cases in which the use of the progressive--present or past--is not appropriate.
?The progressive is almost never used with verbs of motion such as ir or venir.
íbamos para San Germán cuandose descompuso el carro.
However, the corresponding English verbs are frequently used in the progressive.
We were going to San Germán when thecar broke down.
?The progressive does not express futurity.
Salíamos para San Germán al díasiguiente.
We were going to leave (or wereleaving) for San Germán the nextday.
The verb tener is used with nouns in a number of useful expressions. You probablyknow most of these. Learn any you do not already know.tener . . . a?os
tener (mucha) hambretener que + infinitivetener (mucha) vergüenzatener (mucho) éxitotener (mucho) frío/calor
tener (muchas) ganas de + inf.tener (mucho) miedo de
tener (mucha) prisa (por + inf.)tener (toda la) razónno tener razón
to be . . . years old
to be (very) hungry
to have to (do something)to be (very) ashamedto be (very) successfulto be (very) cold/hot
to feel (very much) like (doing something)to be (very) afraid of
to be in a (great) hurry (to do something)to be (completely) rightto be wrong
tener (mucha) sedtener (mucho) sue?otener (mucha) suerteto be (very) thirstyto be (very) sleepyto be (very) lucky
Note that the English equivalent of these expressions is usually to be plus an adjective:embarrassed, successful, cold, and so on.Uses.
Raquel y ángela tenían mucha sed cuando llegaron al apartamento de ángela.Ahora tengo ganas de comer unaensalada de frutas.
Estuvo delicioso. ?No sabía que tenía tanta hambre!Como psiquiatra, Arturo tienemucho éxito en su profesión.
Raquel and ángela were very thirstywhen they arrived at ángela'sapartment.Now I feel like eating a fruit salad.It was delicious. I didn't know I was sohungry.As a psychiatrist, Arturo is verysuccessful in his practice.
?These commonly used expressions describe a number of basic emotions, conditions, or
?Because the imperfect is usually used to describe emotions and states in the past, theseexpressions usually occur in the imperfect rather than the preterite when they are in thepast. (But the preterite is used when the focus is on a change in a state, condition oremotion.)
De ni?a, yo tenía miedo de las serpientes.
Cuando vieron la serpiente, tuvieron miedo.
As a child, I was afraid of snakes.When they saw the snake, they becameafraid. (change in emotional state)
?The idiom tener calor refers only to people. To describe things, use estar caliente
(hot). Do not use estar caliente to describe people.
?Finally, just as with weather expressions (like hace mucho frío/calor/sol, the adjective
mucho/a is used with nouns: hace (mucho) frío/calor/sol, and so on. The same istrue for tener + noun idioms: mucho/a (not \very.XVIII. A FEW ADDITIONAL USES OF THE INFINITIVE
?Used as a Noun after prepositions
Used this way, the infinitive is commonly translated into English as a gerund (-ing)
Después de comer, salimos.
Without thinking twice, she jumped.
Sin pensarlo dos veces, saltó.
I want to talk with her before doing it.
Quiero hablar con ella antes de hacerlo.After eating, we left.
Note: the present participle can never be used after a preposition in Spanish.
?al + infinitive = on/upon . . . -ing
Al conocer a Jorge, Raquel notó que era mujeriego.
Al terminar la clase, Jorge les dio una tarea a los alumnos.
On meeting Jorge, Raquel noticed that hewas a womanizer.On finishing the class, Jorge gave thestudents an assignment.
?Infinitive = noun subject of a sentence ( . . . -ing)
(El) Pintar era la pasión de ángel.
Driving can be difficult in large cities.
(El) Manejar puede ser difícil enlas ciudades grandes.Painting was ángel's passion.
Note that the use of the article (el) is optional.
This use of the infinitive is common with the verb gustar (and verbs like it). In suchsentences the infinitives are the subject of the verb gustar. The article (el) is not usedin this construction.A ángel le gustaba mucho pintar.
A ángela le gusta mucho manejar.
ángel used to like to paint very much.
ángela likes driving very much.
(Yo) espa?ol y ellos inglés. (HABLAR)Ella en Georgia y nosotras aquí. (VIVIR)(Nosotros) en la cafetería todos los días. (COMER)?Dónde (vosotras)? (ESTUDIAR)?Dónde (vosotras)? (VIVIR)35
(Nosotros) a ellos. (LLAMAR)? (tú) a ellas a la fiesta? (INVITAR)? (tú) en la cocina o el comedor? (COMER)? (tú) en Atlanta? (VIVIR)él y a la vez, y eso no me gusta (LEER,HABLAR).
(Yo) aquí, pero en la universidad (VIVIR,CORRER).
? ustedes si ellas a la Universidad de Tejas?(SABER, ASISTIR)
? (vosotros) eso? (CREER)Traduzca.
1.I live in Alabama, work in Virginia, and read a lot.
We attend R-MWC. Where do you-all go to school?She studies, eats and lives at the library!Where do you (tú) run, work and write normally?Do you-all speak Spanish, or eat in the cafeteria?
Escriba la forma correcta de ser o de estar en el tiempo presente.
Raquel Rodríguez mexicoamericana.María de Perú.Miguel también peruano.María y Miguel ahora en los Estados Unidos.(Nosotras) cansadas.Las muchachas allí mis primas.Don Fernando muy enfermo.? alta o baja tu hermana?La carta para don Fernando.? (ellos) en la biblioteca o en su cuarto?Ese libro no mío.?Qué hora ? las tres y media de la tarde.Para buena salud, importante comer bien y hacer ejercicio.Si ustedes en casa, ?pueden hacerme un favor?
Traduzca: SER, ESTAR, HAY16.Marta is Cuban, but now she’s in Uruguay.
Juan is here with me; he’s my cousin.The book is for you. It’s a good book.There are three letters here that are for you.
It’s not necessary to be there at eight o’clock in the morning.
(My) casa y (my) carros son blancos. (Many) ni?os y (a few) ni?as asistieron. (Our) libro de espa?ol se llama Destinos.
Me gusta más (this) camisa que (that one-nearyou) o (that one-over there).6.Tenemos (her letter), pero dónde está (his letter)?
Allí hay (five) mesas (white). (Her) hijos y (her) esposo viven en Colorado.?Claro! él es (Spanish) y ella es (Spanish),también!
(Our) hijo, Romeo, tiene interés en (your-familiar plural, the form they use in Spain) hija, Julieta.
1.This letter is for don Fernando, from Teresa Suárez, and that one (near you) is for Raquel.
Our house is not white; it is green. Our cars are red.
There are a few very intelligent Mexicans (females) in our literature class.Where are my shirt and my pants?
Marisa? I have her books, but I don’t have her letters.
IV. SABER and CONOCER (Use Present tense)
? ellas el número de teléfono de Pepita?? (ustedes) bien la ciudad de Boston?? ustedes nadar?? tú a Lupita Santander?? (nosotros) a los Rodríguez de la Calle Main o no?? usted al presidente?? usted dónde vive el presidente?Don Fernando no a Teresa Suárez.(Nosotras) no lo que ellos quieren hacer ahora.(Yo) a Amaranta, pero (yo) no dónde vive.Traduzca.
1.I know the city, but I don’t know where that street is.
2.Do you (tú) know how to get to Washington, D.C.?
3.We know her, but we don’t know her phone number or where she lives.
4.Do you (Ud.) know how to play the piano?
5.Do you (vosotras) know how many people are coming? Do you know any of them?
(I HAVE) coche, y (I LEAVE) a las dos.(Yo) (IR) con ustedes, si no les molesta.Yo no lo (SABER). Y tú, ?lo sabes?(Yo) (PONER) el libro en la mesa, ?está bien??Qué (DO I DO) ahora?Si tú traes la ensalada, yo (TRAER) el pan, queso y vino.(Yo) (I AM) cansado.(Yo) (I AM) estudiante de esta universidad. (I DON’T SEE) nada por aquella ventana. (I DON’T SAY) eso, pero es posible.Si (yo) (COME) temprano, ?me puedes ayudar??A quién le (DO I GIVE) el dinero, a ti o a él? (I AM GOING) a cantar “Cielito Lindo.” (WE ARE GOING) al concierto. ? (ARE YOU[tú] GOING), también.?Traduzca.
1.I’m coming to your party, and I’m bringing my (=the) guitar.
I know it, but I don’t say it.
I’m putting the letters on the table, and then I’m leaving.I am doing my homework now, because I have to finish soon.I don’t have a car, but I want (to have) one.
? (WHERE) están las otras?40
? (WHO) es esa chica??Sabes (HOW) llegar al restaurante?? (HOW MANY) libros hay en vuestro cuarto?? (HOW MANY) mesas necesitamos para la fiesta?? (WHY) no puedes acompa?arnos esta noche?? (WHAT) quieren Uds?? (WHICH) de las tres prefieres?? (WHERE) vas ahora, Miguel?? (WHERE FROM) son tus primas?? (WHO) son los chicos con Maritornes?? (WHO(M)) ves en el parque?? (FOR WHOM) es la carta que tienes?? (WHOSE) es la chaqueta allí.? (ABOUT WHOM) hablan Uds?? (WHEN) comemos?Traduzca.
1.Whose letter is this?2.What’s your name?
3.Who(m) are you writing to?4. Where are we going tonight?
5.How much is that doggie in the window?
6.What’s your phone number? (?OJO!: In Spanish, it’s which is your number)7.When are they arriving?
8.Who’s that letter (near you) for?9.How do we get there? (=arrive)
(Nosotras) tacos, pero ellas tamales. (PREFERIR)
(Nosotras) tacos, pero ellas tamales. (SERVIR)
(Yo) ocho horas por la noche.(DORMIR)?Cuántas horas (vosotros)? (DORMIR)?Cuándo (nosotros)? (COMENZAR)(Nosotros) a las ocho, pero tú a lasseis. (EMPEZAR)
(Tú) a las diez y nosotras a la una. (VOLVER)Ella lo ; nosotras no lo . (DECIR)(Nosotros) no salir ahora. (QUERER)(Yo) asistir a la fiesta, también. (QUERER)? (Nosotros) aquí? Sí, (yo) aquícon frecuencia, y la comida es excelente. (ALMORZAR)
él al fútbol, pero nosotros nunca con él.(JUGAR)
(Yo) el filete; ?Qué (vosotras)? (PEDIR)Ahora (yo) no , pero (nosotras) hacerlodespués. (PODER)
Ella no el libro, y nosotros tampoco lo (ENCONTRAR)
(Nosotras) tiempo, y yo dinero,también. (PERDER)
(Yo) temprano durante la semana. (ACOSTARSE)Traduzca.1.
We are serving soup and she is serving paella.
2.They are saying that; we aren’t saying that.
3.We are playing soccer and they are playing baseball.
4.We are returning at ten at night, and you (tú) are returning earlier.
5.They prefer Winter, but we prefer Spring.
6.I can’t do it today. Can we do it tomorrow?
7.The party begins at seven in the evening.
8.We’re eating lunch at the Mexican restaurant where I eat lunch often.
9.I want to go, but you-all (vosotras) don’t want to go.
10.He asks us for help and we ask him for money.
(Yo) con ellos ayer. (ALMORZAR)?A qué hora (tú) anoche? (COMER)?Cuántos a?os Uds. en Espa?a? (VIVIR)Ayer (nosotros) cinco horas al fútbol. (JUGAR)él no las (ENCONTRAR) en su cuarto.Ellas (CORRER) allí ayer.
Los muchachos a las tres. (COMENZAR)(Nosotras) no en aquel restaurante anoche. (COMER)(Nosotras) no acompa?arlos ma?ana. (DECIDIR)? (vosotras) la casa? (VENDER)(Vosotros) la carta y la . (ESCRIBIR,MANDAR)
? (tú) con Patricia la semana pasada? (HABLAR)(Yo) el libro el lunes, lo y mi trabajo anoche. (COMPRAR, LEER, ESCRIBIR)
?Y (tú) salir con él? (PREFERIR)Ella no lo e en una explicación.(COMPRENDER, INSISTIR)
Ellos la anoche. (PERDER)?Hoy (yo) a las cinco y media! (DESPERTARSE)?Qué bárbaro! (Nosotras) ? a las diez y media!(DESPERTARSE)
19.?A qué hora tú? (DESPERTARSE)Traduzca.
1.I woke up at seven thirty, ate, and left the house at twenty-five to nine.
2.Did you (tú form) look for the paper and write the letter last night?
We got married last year.
They played soccer, then read a book.
You (vosotras form) wrote the letter and then lost it?He decided to leave, but she waited for two hours.
Ella que no, y nosotras no lo (DECIR,HACER)
(Yo) allí cuatro horas. (ESTAR)
(Yo) la ensalada y ellas el arroz conpollo. (TRAER)
Cuando (nosotras) lo anoche, no creerlo. (SABER, QUERER)
Yo la verdad, pero tú no la (DECIR).
? (vosotras) tiempo para hacerlo anoche? (TENER)Yo te el dinero, tú se lo aMaría, y ella se lo a ellas y ellas se lo aMiguel. (DAR)8.9.10.
(Yo) al concierto y ellos a la fiesta.(IR)
?Quién ? (SER)?Dónde ellos la comida? (PONER)45
Ellas volver más temprano, pero no hacerlo. (QUERER, PODER)
(Yo) temprano y ellas tarde.(VENIR)
Arturo y Raquel en mateo. (ANDAR)Si (tú) con ellas, ?con quiénes ella?(IR)
(Nosotras) con Micaela, pero ellos conMaribel. (IR)
1.When I found it out, I went to their house.2.
We were at the party for two hours.
We brought the food and they brought the drinks.
Because they came last night, she didn’t manage to (couldn’t) finish it.He made it and put it on the table.The money? They gave it to me last night.I had no time to do it last night.Abraham Lincoln was a great president.
De lo que hicimos anoche, (yo) la cena, pero ella la película. (PREFERIR)?Quién la paella? ?La tú?(PEDIR)
(Nosotras) poco anoche, pero ellas mucho. (DORMIR)
(Nosotras) arroz con pollo, y ellos frijolesa la polana. (SERVIR)
? Mark Twain en el siglo diecinueve o veinte? (MORIR)XI. IMPERFECT INDICATIVE TENSE
Cuando yo ni?a, mi familia y yo siempre a mis abuelos los domingos. (SER, VISITAR)
Cuando ella ni?a, su familia enEspa?a. (SER, VIVIR)
? (tú) en aquella tienda cuando joven? (TRABAJAR, SER)
(Nosotras) un restaurante francés. (BUSCAR)? (vosotras) la tele anoche a las ocho? (MIRAR)? (vosotras) cuando os llamó Marlena? (COMER)(Nosotros) el periódico cuando lo supimos. (LEER)(Nosotros) a la playa cuando comenzó a llover. (IR)?Adónde (tú) cuando te vi anoche? (IR)Ellos lo (VER) mientras (ITWAS OCCURRING).
Cuando llegamos anoche, ellas (ESTUDIAR). las dos de la tarde cuando llegamos. (SER) (THERE WERE) dos estudiantes en el cuarto. (HABER;The past tense of hay is the regular third person singular imperfect form of haber)
When I was young, we used to go to the beach every summer.While Raquel was taking a picture, ángela was watching her.She was reading while we were eating dinner.They used to play in that park every Saturday.We were seeing it as it happened.It was six o’clock in (=de) the afternoon.
When he was young, he worked in that store (over there).There were five women and two men in the store.
Escribir el pretérito o el imperfecto según el sentido de la oración.
Yo muy joven cuando yo miprimer poema. (SER, ESCRIBIR)
(Nosotros) en la biblioteca cuando nuestro amigo. (ESTAR, ENTRAR)
Ayer yo no al tenis porque maltiempo. (JUGAR, HACER)
las once de la noche cuando yo a micasa. (SER, LLEGAR)
Cuando Ud. me ayer, yo unresfriado (=a cold). (VER, TENER)
? vosotros anoche o al cine?(ESTUDIAR, IR)
José cuando su padre a la puerta.(DORMIR, LLAMAR)
La semana pasada nosotros la carta que (nosotros) . (RECIBIR, ESPERAR)? Uds. lo que ? (ENCONTRAR,BUSCAR)
Cuando yo seis a?os, (yo) aDisneyworld. (TENER, VISITAR)
Cambie este párrafo al pasado. Solamente tiene que cambiar los verbos.Me levanto temprano. Hace buen tiempo cuando salgo para jugar con mis amigos.Jugamos (por) dos horas, y después voy a casa para comer. Mientras como, me llama porteléfono mi primo Alberto. Mientras hablamos, llega mi mamá. Ella abre la puerta, entra,y me dice \sus paquetes.Cambie al pasado.
Es sábado y me despierto temprano. Son las seis y media. Bajo la escalera, entro en lacocina, preparo el desayuno y lo como. Después salgo. Llevo pantalones y una camisaque son viejos. Hace fresco. Es un día estupendo. Corro a la casa de mi mejor amigo.Cuando llego, él está fuera. Juega al \jugar con ellos. Jugamos (por) una hora.Cambie al pasado.
Es un día bonito. Hace buen tiempo. Son las cinco y media de la tarde. Una ni?a camina por elbosque. Lleva un vestido rojo y una bolsa grande. Visita a su abuela todos los sábados. Cuandollega a la casa de su abuela, abre la puerta y entra. La abuela está en la cama. Hay una lámparacerca de la cama. La ni?a enciende la luz. ?Ay! ?La abuela tiene una nariz muy grande y unaboca enorme con muchos dientes! En ese momento la ni?a tiene miedo y sale corriendo de lacasa.
Cambie al pasado.
Me visto rápidamente porque quiero salir temprano. No tengo mucha hambre, y por eso comomuy poco. Estoy muy emocionado (=excited) porque mi tío va a pasar para llevarme a un partidode fútbol. Leo en la sala cuando alguien llama a la puerta. Abro la puerta y allí está mi tío Brian.Me dice que tiene las entradas para el partido. El tiene tres, y no dos. Me dice que puedo invitara un amigo si quiero. Llamo a Miguel y le pregunto si quiere ir con nosotros. Me contesta que sí,con muchísimo gusto. Pasamos por Miguel y vamos al partido. Hace muy buen tiempo. Es undía estupendo para un partido. Llevamos camisetas porque hace sol y hace calor. Estamos allídos horas. Nuestro equipo gana. Volvemos a casa tarde. Estamos cansados pero muycontentos.
1a.We knew her.1b.We met her last night.
2a.She knew his telephone number.
2b.She found out his telephone number last night.
3a.There was an accident there last night (That is, it “took place, happened”).3b.There were five students there last night.4a.They wanted to go.4b.They tried to go.4c.They refused to go.5a.I managed to do it.
5b.I failed to do it (=didn’t manage to do it).
5c.I could /couldn’t, was/ wasn’t able to do it (no indication that I tried).
I like books.
We like the summer, but they like the spring.
Marta likes this shirt, but Elena likes that one (over there).Do you (tú form) like to read and write?They don’t like to play soccer, but we do.
Lo compró cinco dólares.Esta carta es María.Se casó amor.Me llamaron teléfono.Estos libros son mi estudiante. espa?ol, habla inglés muy bien.El llegó ayer, la noche.?Cómo vas?, avión o coche? comprar tanto, hay que tener mucho dinero.La novela Don Quijote fue escrita Miguel de Cervantes.Los visitó tres días.? quién es? nosotros, no hay nada imposible.Estudia mucho, obtener buenas notas.Se murió su familia y su patria.
1.We bought the car for twenty thousand dollars.2.3.
We walked along Rivermont Avenue.
I talked to her on the phone yesterday afternoon. She told me that she went by plane.
Veo a las muchachas. veo.Veo a los muchachos. veo.Los muchachos y las muchachas ven. (see ME)Los muchachos y las muchachas ven. (see US)Los muchachos y las muchachas ven. (see YOU, tú form)Ellas sacan unas fotografías. sacan.Escuchamos la música.
1.They know us well.
Do you (tú form) see him?Yes, and he sees us, too.
The books. We buy them and read them.María and Marta. We invite them to the party.
damos el dinero. (TO HER) damos el dinero. (TO HIM) damos el dinero. (TO YOU, tú form)
4. damos el dinero. (TO YOU, Ud. form)
Ellas dan el dinero. (TO US)Ellas dan el dinero. (TO YOU-ALL, vosotras form)Ellas dan el dinero. (TO YOU-ALL, ustedes form)
Ellas dan el dinero (TO ME), y (yo) doy el dinero a Paquita.
1.We give him the money; we don’t give the money to her.
Your (tú form) parents. Do you write to them often?She asks us if we are going to the concert with her.We tell them that he is bringing them the salad.We ask her if it is true. (?OJO! ?pedir o preguntar?)
Me gusta levantar temprano. levanto temprano todos los días.?A qué hora (ACOSTARSE) tú?(Nosotras) (DESPERTARSE) a las ocho hoy.?Cómo (LLAMARSE) ella?Pancho y Margarita (CASARSE) en abril.Traduzca.
1.My name is Federico. What’s yours (tú form)?
We write to each other every week.They are getting married in June.I want to wake up early tomorrow.You and I see each other every Saturday.
Los libros. (Yo) doy a ella.Los libros. (Yo) doy a ellas.Las cartas. (Yo) doy a ella.Las cartas. (Yo) doy a ellas.55
El libro. Ellos dan a nosotras.El libro. (Nosotras) damos a ellas.Las cartas. Quiero dar a ti.El dinero. ?Quieres dar a mí?La cara. El muchacho lava.Traduzca.
1.The house. My parents are giving it to us.
The table. I am buying it for her, I’m not buying it for him.The money. We give it to them and they give it to you (tú form).My hands. I am washing them.
The computer (=computadora). Can you explain it to me? (to explain=explicar)
1a.Do you have something in your hand?1b.No, I have nothing in my hand.2a.Did you see someone last night?2b.No, I saw no one last night.3a.Do you go there often?3b.No, I never go there.
4a.Does she have a car, and do you have a car, too?4b.No, she doesn’t have a car, and I don’t have a car either.5a.Do you have some money?5b.No, I don't have any money.
1.Today I have as much money as Jaime.
Do you have as many classes as I do today?We have as much as they do.
She has as many brothers as you do (tú form).Are you as thirsty as I am? (la sed)
Marta is taller than her sister, but their mother is the tallest in the family.She studied less than her roommate last semester.
Pedro is older than his cousin Pepe, but Miguel is the oldest of the three.
This book is good, that one (near you) is better, and that one (over there) is the best.I think I have more than twenty dollars.She has more work than we do today.This is less important than that.
She swims as fast as you do, but Olga swims faster than both of you.Lynchburg is not as large as Richmond.Does she study as much as you do?
It rains a lot in Virginia, but in New Mexico it doesn’t rain as much.
We have been reading for an hour.We read it an hour ago.
I have been waiting for you for twenty minutes.They left the party twenty minutes ago.I have been studying Spanish for four years.I studied Spanish four years ago.
On arriving in Lynchburg, she began to cry.Playing soccer is one of my passions.
Before leaving, they turned off the lights and shut the door.
Traveling is an education.
On seeing each other, the man and the woman began to sing.
6.She likes running a lot, and when she was a little girl she used to like it a lot, too.
ANSWER KEY TO EXERCISESI. Present Tense, Regular Verbs.
hablo, hablan8.comesvive, vivimos9.vivescomemos10.lee, hablaestudiá, corrovivís12.saben, asistenllamamos13.creéisinvitas
Vivo en Atlanta, trabajo en Virginia, y leo mucho.
Asistimos a R-MWC. ?Adónde asisten ustedes? (?Adónde asistís vosotras/os?)?Ella estudia, come y vive en la biblioteca!
?Dónde corres, trabajas y escribes por lo general (or normalmente)?
?Habláis espa?ol o coméis en la cafetería? (?Hablan Uds. espa?ol o comen en lacafetería?).esesesestánestamossonestáes
II. Ser, Estar and Hay
Marta es cubana, pero ahora está en (el) Uruguay.Juan está aquí conmigo; es mi primo.
El libro es para ti (para Ud.). Es un buen libro.Hay tres cartas aquí que son para Ud. (para ti).No es necesario estar allí a las ocho de la ma?ana.EstaMi, mis
Muchos, unasNuestro
esta, ésa, aquélla
III. Adjectives.
6. la carta de ella, la carta de él7. cinco mesas blancas8. Sus, su
9. espa?ol, espa?ola10. Nuestro, vuestra
Esta carta es para don Fernando, de Teresa Suárez, y ésa es para Raquel.Nuestra casa no es blanca; es verde. Nuestros carros son rojos.Hay unas mexicanas muy inteligentes en nuestra clase de literatura.?Dónde están mi camisa y mis pantalones?
?Marisa? Tengo sus libros, pero no tengo sus cartas.
IV. Saber y conocer.
ConoceSabeconocesabemosConozco, sé
Conozco la ciudad, pero no sé dónde está aquella calle.?Sabes ir (llegar) a Washington, D.C.?
La conocemos (Conocemos a ella), pero no sabemos (ni) su número de teléfono nidónde vive.
?Sabes tocar el piano?
?Sabéis cuántas personas vienen? ?Conocéis algunas (de ellas)?V. Present Tense, Irregular Verbs.
Tengo, salgo8.SoyVoy9.No veosé10.No digoPongo11.vengohago12.doytraigo13.VoyEstoy14.Vamos, ?VasVengo a tu fiesta, y traigo la guitarra.Lo sé, pero no lo digo.
Pongo las cartas en la mesa, y después me voy (salgo) (me marcho).Hago la (mi) tarea ahora porque tengo que terminar pronto.No tengo carro, pero quiero tener uno.?Dónde?Quiéncómo?Cuántos?Cuántas?Por qué?Qué?Cuál
VI. Interrogatives.
?Adónde?De dónde?Quiénes?A quién?Para quién?De quién
?De quién (or De quiénes)?Cuándo
?De quién es esta carta?
?Cómo se llama Ud? (?Cómo te llamas?)?A quién escribe(s)?
?Adónde vamos esta noche?
?Cuánto cuesta ese cachorro (perrito) que está en la vitrina??Cuál es tu número de teléfono??Cuándo llegan?
?Para quién es esa carta?
?Cómo llegamos? (?Cómo vamos?)
VII. Stem-changing verbs, Present Tense.
Preferimos, prefieren10.QuieroServimos, sirven11.Almorzamos, almuerzoDuermo12.juega, jugamosdormís13.pido, pedíscomenzamos14.puedo, podemosEmpezamos, empiezas15.encuentra, encontramosvuelves, volvemos16.Perdemos, pierdodice, decimos17.Me acuestoqueremos
Nosotras(os) servimos sopa y ella sirve paella.Ellos dicen eso; nosotroas(as) no decimos eso.
Nosotros(as) jugamos al fútbol y ellas(os) juegan al béisbol.
Nosotras(os) volvemos a las diez de la noche, y tú vuelves más temprano.Ellas(os) prefieren el invierno, pero nosotros(as) preferimos la primavera.No puedo hacerlo hoy. ?Podemos hacerlo ma?ana?La fiesta comienza (empieza) a las siete de la noche.
Almorzamos en el restaurante mexicano donde almuerzo a menudo(frecuentemente) (con frecuencia).
Yo quiero ir, pero vosotras no queréis ir.
él nos pide ayuda y [nosotras(os)] le pedimos dinero (a él).
VIII. Preterite Indicative Tense, Regular Verbs.
Almorcé11.Escribisteis, mandasteiscomiste12.?Hablastevivieron13.Compré, leí, escribíjugamos14.preferisteencontró15.comprendió, insistió despertécomimos18.nos despertamosDecidimos19.te despertaste?Vendisteis
Me desperté a las siete y media, comí, y salí de la casa a las nueve menosveinticinco.
?Buscaste el papel y escribiste la carta anoche?Nos casamos el a?o pasado.
Ellas(os) jugaron al fútbol, y después (entonces) leyeron un libro.?Escribisteis la carta y entonces (después) la perdisteis?
él decidió salir (irse, or marcharse), pero ella esperó (por) dos horas.IX. Preterite Indicative, Irregular Verbs.
dijo, hicimos9.fueestuve10.pusierontraje, trajeron11.quisieron, pudieronsupimos, quisimos12.Vine, vinierondije, dijiste13.anduvieron?Tuvisteis14.fuiste, fuedi, diste, dio, dieron15.fuimos, fueronfui, fueron
Cuando lo supe, fui a su casa.
Estuvimos en la fiesta (por) dos horas.
Trajimos la comida y ellos(as) trajeron las bebidas.
Porque vinieron ellos(as) anoche, ella no pudo terminarlo.él lo hizo y lo puso en la mesa.
?El dinero? Ellas(os) me lo dieron anoche.No tuve tiempo para hacerlo anoche.Abraham Lincoln fue un gran presidente.
X. Preterite Indicative Tense, Stem-changing Verbspreferí, prefirió4.Servimos, sirvieronpidió, pediste5.?MurióDormimos, durmieron
XI. Imperfect Indicative Tense.
era, visitábamos8.era, vivía9.?Trabajabas, eras10.Buscábamos11.?Mirabais12.?Comíais13.Leíamos
veían, pasaba (ocurría)estudiabanEranHabía
Cuando yo era joven, íbamos a la playa todos los veranos ( or \Mientras Raquel sacaba una foto, ángela la miraba.Ella leía mientras cenábamos (or \Ellos(as) jugaban en aquel parque todos los sábados.Lo veíamos mientras ocurría (or \Eran las seis de la tarde.
Cuando era joven, él trabajaba en aquella tienda.Había cinco mujeres y dos hombres en la tienda.
XII. Preterite and Imperfect (Sentences).
era, escribí6.?Estudiasteis, fuisteisEstábamos, entró7.dormía, llamójugué, hacía8.recibimos, esperábamosEran, llegué9.Encontraron, buscabanvio, tenía10.tenía, visité
XIII. Preterite and Imperfect (Paragraphs).
Me levanté temprano. Hacía buen tiempo cuando salí para jugar con mis amigos. Jugamos (por)dos horas, y después fui a casa para comer. Mientras comía, me llamó por teléfono mi primoAlberto. Mientras hablábamos, llegó mi mamá. Ella abrió la puerta, entró, y me dijo \días.\64
Era sábado y me desperté temprano. Eran las seis y media. Bajé la escalera, entré en la cocina,preparé el desayuno y lo comí. Después salí. Llevaba pantalones y una camisa que eran viejos.Hacía fresco. Era un día estupendo. Corrí a la casa de mi mejor amigo. Cuando llegué, él estabafuera. Jugaba al \(por) una hora.
Era un día bonito. Hacía buen tiempo. Eran las cinco y media de la tarde. Una ni?a caminabapor el bosque. Llevaba un vestido rojo y una bolsa grande. Visitaba a su abuela todos lossábados. Cuando llegó a la casa de su abuela, abrió la puerta y entró. La abuela estaba en lacama. Había una lámpara cerca de la cama. La ni?a encendió la luz. ?Ay! ?La abuela tenía unanariz muy grande y una boca enorme con muchos dientes! En ese momento la ni?a tuvo miedo ysalió corriendo de la casa.Me vestí rápidamente porque quería salir temprano. No tenía mucha hambre, y por eso comí muypoco. Estaba muy emocionado (=excited) porque mi tío iba a pasar para llevarme a un partido defútbol. Leía en la sala cuando alguien llamó a la puerta. Abrí la puerta y allí estaba mi tío Brian.Me dijo que tenía las entradas para el partido. El tenía tres, y no dos. Me dijo que yo podíainvitar a un amigo si quería. Llamé a Miguel y le pregunté si quería ir con nosotros. Me contestóque sí, con muchísimo gusto. Pasamos por Miguel y fuimos al partido. Hacía muy buen tiempo.Era un día estupendo para un partido. Llevábamos camisetas porque hacía sol y hacía calor.Estuvimos allí dos horas. Nuestro equipo ganó. Volvimos a casa tarde. Estábamos cansadospero muy contentos.
XIV. Verbs With Different Meanings in Preterite and Imperfect.La conocíamos (or \
La conocimos anoche (or \Ella sabía el número de teléfono de él.
Ella supo anoche el número de teléfono de él.Hubo un accidente allí anoche.Había cinco estudiantes allí anoche.Ellas(os) querían ir.Ellas(os) quisieron ir.Ellas(os) no quisieron ir.Pude hacerlo.No pude hacerlo.(No) podía hacerlo.
XV. Gustar.
Me gustan los libros.
A nosotras(os) nos gusta el invierno, pero a ellos(as) les gusta la primavera.A Marta le gusta esta camisa, pero a Elena le gusta aquélla.?Te gusta leer y escribir?
A ellas(os) no les gusta jugar al fútbol, pero a nosotros(as) (sí que) nos gusta.XVI. Por o para.
por 9.para10.por11.por12.para13.para14.por15.por, por
Compramos el carro por veinte mil dólares.
Anduvimos por la Avenida Rivermont. (Caminamos, Pasamos)
Hablé con ella por teléfono ayer por la tarde. (Ella) me dijo que fue por avión.
XVII. Object Pronouns.Direct Object Pronouns.5.6.7.
Ellos(as) nos conocen bien.?Lo ves? (or ?Ves a él?)Sí, y él nos ve, también.
Los libros. Los compramos y los leemos.María y Marta. Las invitamos a la fiesta.
Indirect Object, leLe damos el dinero a él; no le damos el dinero a ella.
Tus padres. ?Les escribes con frecuencia (a menudo) (frecuentemente) (mucho)?Ella nos pregunta si la acompa?amos al concierto. (si vamos con ella al concierto)Les decimos que él les trae la ensalada.Le preguntamos (a ella) si es verdad.
levantarme, mete acuestas
Nos despertamos
Reflexive Object casan (van a casarse) (se
van a casar)
Me llamo Federico. Y tú, (?Cómo te llamas?)Nos escribimos todas las semanas. (cada semana)(Ellos) se casan en junio.
Quiero despertarme temprano ma?ana.Tú y yo nos vemos todos los sábados.
Two Object Pronouns together.
Se losSe losSe lasSe lasnos lo
se lodártelasdármelose la
La casa. Mis padres nos la dan.
La mesa. Se la compro a ella, no se la compro a él. (La compro para ella, no paraél.)
El dinero. Se lo damos a ellos(as), y ellas(os) te lo dan (a ti).Las manos. Me las lavo.
La computadora. ?Puede(s) explicármela?
XVIII. Affirmative and Negative Words.
?Tiene(s) algo en la mano?
No no tengo nada en la mano. (Or, \?Viste (Vio Ud.) a alguien anoche?
No, no vi a nadie anoche. (Or, \?Vas (Va Ud.) allí con frecuencia?
No, nunca (jamás) voy allí. (Or, \?Tiene carro ella, y tienes tú carro, también?No, ella no tiene carro, ni yo tampoco.?Tiene(s) algún dinero?
No, no tengo ningún dinero. (\
XIX. Comparisons.
Hoy tengo tanto dinero como Jaime.?Tienes tantas clases como yo hoy?Tenemos tanto como ellos.
Ella tiene tantos hermanos como tú.?Tienes tanta sed como yo?
Marta es más alta que su hermana, pero su madre es la más alta de la familia.El semestre pasado, ella estudió menos que su compa?era de cuarto.Pedro es mayor que su primo Pepe, pero Miguel es el mayor de los tres.Este libro es bueno, esé es mejor, y aquél es el mejor de los tres.Creo que tengo más de veinte dólares.
Ella tiene más trabajo que nosotras(os) hoy.
Esto es menos importante que eso. (or \Ella nada tan rápido (rápidamente) como tú, pero Olga nada más rápido(rápidamente) que ustedes (vosotras) dos.Lynchburg no es tan grande como Richmond.?Estudia ella tanto como tú?
Llueve mucho en Virginia, pero en (el estado de) Nuevo México no llueve tanto.XX. Practice With Hacer + que Construction.
Hace una hora que leemos. (or \Hace una hora que lo leímos. (or \
Hace veinte minutos que te espero. (or \
Hace veinte minutos que salieron (se fueron) de la fiesta. (or \hace veinte minutos.\
Hace cuatro a?os que estudio (el) espa?ol. (\a?os.\
Hace cuatro a?os que estudié (el) espa?ol. (\a?os.\
XXI. A Few Additional Uses of the Infinitive.
Al llegar a Lynchburg, ella empezó (se puso, comenzó) a llorar.(El) jugar al fútbol es una de mis pasiones.
Antes de salir (irse, marcharse), ellos(as) apagaron las luces y cerraron la puerta.(El) viajar es una educación.
Al verse, el hombre y la mujer se pusieron (comenzaron, empezaron) a cantar.A ella le gusta mucho (el) correr, y cuando era ni?a también le gustaba mucho.
Verbs from Destinos, 1-26??acostarse(ue)-to go to bed?almorzar(ue)-to have lunch?andar-to walk?aprender-to learn?ayudar-to help?bailar-to dance
?bajar-to go down; to lower?ba?arse-to take a bath?besar-to kiss
?buscar-to look for
?casarse con-to get married (to)?cenar-to have dinner?comenzar(ie)-to begin?comer-to eat?comprar-to buy
?comprender-to understand
?conocer-to meet; to be acquainted with?contestar-to anwer?correr-to run?creer-to believe?cruzar-to cross?dar-to give
?decidir-to decide?decir(i,i)-to say, tell?dejar-to allow
?despedirse(i,i) de-to say good-bye to?despertarse(ie)-to wake up?dormir(ue,u)-to sleep
?dormirse(ue,u)-to fall asleep?encontrar(ue)-to find, encounter?entrar (en)-to enter?escribir-to write?escuchar-to listen?esperar-to wait?estar-to be
?estudiar-to study?explicar-to explain
?extra?ar-to miss (someone); to be strange?funcionar-to work or function?gustar-to be pleasing to?hablar-to speak
?hacer-to make, to do?insistir (en)-to insist (on)?invitar-to invite?ir-to go
?jugar(ue) (al)-to play a sport or game?leer-to read
?levantarse-to get up?llamar-to call?
llegar-to arrive
llevar-to take; to wear (clothing)
??mandar-to send; to command
?manejar-to drive; to manage (affairs)?mirar-to look at?molestar-to bother?morir(ue,u)-to die
?mostrar-to show, demonstrate?necesitar-to need?oír-to hear?parar-to stop?parecer-to seem
?pasar-to happen; to go by?pedir(i,i)-to ask for?perder(ie)-to lose?poder(ue)-to be able
?poner-to put; to turn on (appliance)?preferir(ie,i)-to prefer
?preguntar-to ask a question?preparar-to prepare
?quedarse-to remain, to stay?querer(ie)-to want?recibir-to receive
?reconocer-to recognize
?saber-to know (facts), to know how?salir-to leave?ser-to be
?servir(i,i)-to serve
?tener(ie)-to have, possess?tomar-to take; to drink?trabajar-to work?tratar (de)-to try (to)?traer-to bring?vender-to sell?venir-to come?ver-to see?viajar-to travel?visitar-to visit?
vivir-to live
volver(ue)-to return
acabar de (+ inf.)-to have just+ (EX: “Acabo de comer,” means “I have just eaten.”)aceptar-to accept
acostumbrarse-to be used to
adaptarse-to get used to, to adaptalegrarse (de)-to be happy (about)cansarse-to get tired
comunicarse (con)-to get in touch (with)contar(ue)-to count; to tell (a story)desayunar-to eat breakfastdescansar-to rest
desear-to want, desire
divertirse(ie,i)-to have a good timedivorciarse (de)-to get divorceddoblar-to turn (a corner); to foldempezar(ie)-to beginenfadarse-to get madenfermarse-to get sick
enojarse (con) -to become angry (at)enterarse (de)-to find out (about)fumar-to smoke
investigar-to investigate
llevarse bien/mal (con)-to get along well/badly (with)llorar-to cry
meterse (en)-to get involved (in)molestarse-to bother aboutmudarse-to move (residence)nadar-to swim
oponerse (a)-to be opposed (to)pelearse (con)-to fight, argue (with)perderse(ie)-to get lostpreocuparse-to worry
reponerse-to recover (strength)
sacar-to take out; to take (a photograph)sorprender-to surprisetemer-to fear