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课时跟踪检测(三) Discovering Useful Structures


Ⅰ.听第1段材料,完成第1至4题。 根据录音内容判断下列陈述是否正确,正确的在括号内填T,不正确的在括号内填F。

1.The woman goes to the restaurant in the middle of the morning. 2.The woman likes the jazz music most about the restaurant.

3.The man thinks highly of the food about his favorite restaurant. 4.The man has pancakes for lunch. (F)

Ⅱ.听第2段材料,回答第5至7题。 5.What instrument does the woman play?

A.The guitar.B. The piano. C.Keyboards. 6.Why is the woman's band thinking of breaking up? A.They are not getting along well. B.One member is moving to another city. C.Their contract with Sony Records ends. 7.What do we know about the man? A.He is getting married. B.He needs a name for his band. C.He can play an instrument. 答案:5~7 ABC


8.When do the reading club members gather together? A.On Wednesdays. B.On Thursdays. C.On Saturdays.

9.How long does the bicycle ride last for? A.At least one hour. B.At least two hours. C.At least three hours.

10.Where should students go for more information? A.To the note board. B.To the Students' Union. C.To the school website.

11.How many clubs are mentioned in the talk?

(T) (F) (T)


A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. 答案:8~11 BBCB 附:听力材料 (Text 1)

M:Lily, where do you like to eat?

W:Well, my favorite restaurant is The Knife and Talk. It's very near the city center. At lunch it's full of office workers, but I like to go before that, in the middle of the morning. I go there and order big breakfast and take one of their newspapers and just relax for an hour or so. Their pancakes are delicious. They don't have a TV in there, which I love most. They just have some jazz music, very quiet, nothing too loud. What's your favorite restaurant?

M:Well, it's just a very simple restaurant. There are only about six tables in there. A couple of waitresses wear ugly pink uniforms. But the food is great, very tasty, and cheap too, which is important, of course. There are some truck drivers sitting at the counter drinking coffee and eating sausages every morning. I always have pancakes in the morning and their fish pie for lunch. That restaurant has been open for many years. They say the actor James Dean eats there sometimes, but I don't think that's true. (Text 2)

M:I hear you play in a band. Is that true? W:Yes, I do.

M:What instrument do you play? W:I play the guitar. M:Oh, how exciting.

W:Yes, it's fun, but I think we might break up soon. M:I'm sorry to hear that. Aren't you getting along well?

W:Not exactly. Our keyboard player is planning on moving to New York. Also, we got a letter from another band with the same name. M:A letter?

W:Yes. They're actually signed to Sony Records, and they're demanding that we change our name. The problem is that none of us can agree on a new name.

M:It just happens that I play the piano myself. We should get together sometime. W:Yeah, that would be fun. (Text 3)


M:Hello, everyone. I'd like to tell you something about the students club in our school. Let's begin with the reading club. It was first started in 2008, and has 90 members now. Every Thursday afternoon, they gather together to exchange their ideas on books and make notes. And you may join them to share your views. If you are a music lover, come to the music club. This club has a total of 85 members who usually meet on Saturday. Sometimes they go to concerts together and sometimes they give performances by themselves. For those who enjoy outdoor sports, bicycle club can be a good choice. Trips are usually organized on Wednesday and last for at least two hours. You can not only see beautiful nature, but also make yourself stronger. Of course, there are also many other clubs in our school. For more information, please go to the school website.



1.The piano (钢琴) took up too much space, so I removed it from the room. 2.After a fire broke out in the lab, a lot of equipment_ (设备) was damaged. 3.What impresses us most are your art skills, in which you showed outstanding talent (天赋). Ⅱ.单句语法填空

1.As is known to us all, he is a talented (talent) pianist. 2.His ability to solve a puzzle is beyond belief.

3.She visited the school with the aim of_ seeing the library. 4.A great number of new factories have been set up_ in my hometown.

5.The theory is based on a series of wrong assumptions (assume), which made us disappointed. Ⅲ.完成句子

1.有些人可能认为我们太懒了,找不到工作。(assume that)

Some people might assume_that_we_are_too_lazy_to_find_a_job. 2.雪莉将参加该剧主角的选拔演出。(try)

Shirley will try_out_for_the_lead in the play. 3.我妈妈想去购物,但我爸爸宁愿去远足。(would rather)

My mother wants to go shopping, but my father would_rather_go_hiking. 4.此外,我认为朋友是一个人生活中的重要部分。(add)

In_addition,_I think friends are an important part of one's life. 5.我宁愿看他写的书而不愿看根据他的小说改编的电视连续剧。(prefer ...to ...)


I would prefer_reading_books written by him to_watching_ TV series based on his novels.



W: Are you OK, Chuck? You look pale. M: I'm fine, Katherine. __1__

W: Oh, poor you. You know what? I found a new way to learn Chinese and it works very well.

M: You did? Do tell me. I've spent all these months trying to learn something new about it, but I've made little progress! W: __2__

M: So you're learning Chinese songs?

W: You can say that. I can actually sing some of them now. M: That's a real achievement. How did you do that? W: __3__

M: It makes sense.

W: It does. I've learned some Chinese folk songs this way. They are clearly presented and easy to follow. M: __4__

W: Why not? I downloaded a beautiful song the other day. We can learn it together now.

M: Great. Do you think we need a Chinese dictionary? W: __5__

M: OK. I will bring it with me.

A.I start by listening to the song a few times and after several times I am able to follow the singer.

B.Can I join you, Katherine? I do want to have a try. C.Sure. I'm learning Chinese through songs.

D.Yes, just in case we run into some new characters. E.I just stayed up late last night working on my Chinese. 答案:1~5 ECABD


W:Many children nowadays can play some musical instruments. In my daughter's class, some can 1.play_the_piano (演奏钢琴) and some can play the violin.


M: I think these children are too tired. They have to do too much homework after class and find time to learn to 2.play_a_musical_instrument (演奏乐器). W:But music 3.gives_people_enjoyment (给人们快乐). Learning to play the piano or the violin can help children develop their ability of 4.understanding_music (理解音乐).

M:I agree. But I still don't think it's a good idea to force children to learn too much when they are young. Can your daughter play the piano or the violin? W:She can 5.play_the_violin (演奏小提琴).



My name is Sara. When I was little, I played the drums. I also had a guitar. In fourth grade, I started playing the trombone (长号). I practiced about four hours a week. All of this might not seem like a big deal for a lot of kids, but there's something about me that makes me a bit different from others. I was born without hands. Since I was about one year old, I've worn prosthetics (假手).

This year, I got an invitation to join the high school marching band (行进管乐队). I told my mom I wanted to do it. But I had an instructor who thought I would not be able to march in the band — not because it was a high school band and I'm only in seventh grade, but probably because my body is different. All I wanted was to show that I could do it, so I joined the band. And it paid off!

Music gives me energy. That happens sometimes. One time I was so down, I didn't even want to get out of bed. Then I hit my mp3 player by accident. A song came on, and I got up and started dancing. It helped me say to myself, “OK, I can get through today.”

Around my musician friends, we all share the same problems, like working out how many beats there are to a measure. I have a hard time counting the beats, but so do a lot of the other kids. It's a normal problem that we musicians share. When I'm with the band, I don't feel as different as I do in other situations. It's just another way that music makes me want to go on, and not to just sit down by myself and not care about life.

语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者主要讲述了自己对于音乐的热爱。 1.In what way is Sara different from other kids? A.There's something wrong with her body. B.She knows how to play many instruments.




