36. 喝彩,欢呼 n. a _ _ _ _ _ _
37. 管理,经营n. a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 38. 完成v. a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 39. 痛苦,苦恼 n. a_ _ _ _ _ _
40. 预先准备,事先处理 v. a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 41. 确信,断言,保证 n. a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42. 交流,交际v. c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 43. 通常的,惯例的a. c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 44. 贡献,奉献n. d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 45. 毁坏 v. d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
46. 使人丧失信心,使人沮丧v. d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 47. 预期的,期望的 a. e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 48. 单调的,乏味的a. m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 49. 自我陶醉,自恋n. n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50. 不公平对待,自虐 v. m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 51. 义务,职责n. o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 52. 压倒,击溃v. o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
53. 参加者,参与者 n. p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 54. 低估,看轻v. u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
55. 持续不变的,持久的 a. s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
V. Word Form (10 points, 1 point for each item) 请根据下列各句的意思,将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白,并将答案写在答题卡上。
56. The world would move from a state of energy scarcity to an era of _______(exhaust) energy resources.
57. They are also more likely to have a miscarriage or stillbirth, or for their babies to be born with an _______ (normal).
58. The need of the hour is to enhance and _______(large) the scope of cooperation between nations.
59. Therefore, it is very crucial to have men to be part of gender _______(equal) projects.
60. If I take a school an educated woman would be _______(value) as a help to me. 61. Well the answer seems to be, the universe can create _______ (complex), but with great difficulty.
62. My _______ (recognize) of him was immediate.(recognize) 63. He tried to walk off the_______ (annoy) his son gave him.
64. Geography has given the US extensive and accessible resources, fertile land, and a _______ (benefit) climate.
65. Song verse is often not typical English for study. But it is an _______(enjoy) way, and is good for youngsters.
VI. Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English (15 points, 3 points for each item)请将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题卡上。 66. 如果经理不能及时醒来,就叫醒他。 67. 尽管他可能很聪明,他不会那样做的。
68. 他一到就病倒了。
69. 只有那时他才认识到他错了。
70. 除非他明确邀请,我从未进过他的房间。
VII. Translate the following sentences from English into Chinese (15 points)请将下列各句译成汉语并将答案写在答题卡上。
71. Sometimes books were illustrated with woodcuts. Blocks of wood were carved so that the white parts of the picture were below the surface of the wood. When the surface was inked and stamped onto paper, the dark part of the picture was reproduced. The first attempts, of course, were rather crude, but eventually the block printers were making meticulous and artistic illustrations. Florence, in Italy and Lyons, in France, became famous for their illustrated books.
In the seventeenth century, great numbers of religious pamphlets were printed. These pamphlets were not always neat or artistic because the writers were only interested in spreading their ideas quickly, and the readers did not consider the appearance of the book important.
1-5CADAB 6-10CBADD 11-15ABDCC16-20 DAACB 21-25ACBDD 26-30 BCDAA 31-35 BACCB36.acclaim 37. administration 38. accomplish 39. anguish 40. anticipate41. assurance
42. communicate 43. customary 44. dedication 45. devastate
46. dishearten 47. expectant 48. monotonous 49. narcissism 50. mistreat
51. obligation 52. overwhelm 53. participant 54. underestimate 55. sustained 56. inexhaustible 57. abnormality 58. enlarge 59. equality 60.invaluable 61. complexity 62. recognition 63. annoyance 64. beneficial 65. enjoyable 66. Call him if the manager doesn’t wake in time. 67. Clever as he may be, he can’t do that. 68. No sooner had he arrived than he fell ill. 69. Only then did he realize that he was wrong.
70. I had never been in his room except at his express invitation.
71. 书籍有时采用木刻版画插图。经过雕刻的木块覆盖在图画的白色部分上。木头表面涂上油墨并压印在纸上,图画的深色部分就生成了。最初的尝试当然是很粗糙的, 但是版画终于制作出精细而造诣很深的插图。意大利的弗洛伦撒和法国的里昂都曾以版画插图的书籍而闻名。