2020Performance bond
Contracts concluded in accordance with the law have legal effect and regulate the behavior of
the parties to the contract
( 合同范本 )
甲 方:______________________ 乙 方:______________________ 日 期:_______年_____月_____日
2020Performance bond
说明:国家为了维护社会经济秩序,通过制定法律来规范合同当事人的行为,依法订立的合同具有法律效力,受到国家的保护,可用作电子存档或实体印刷,使用时请详细阅读条款。 date :____ to :____ dear sirs,
performance guarantee for contract no:_____ title:____
____(company name)
that in consideration of (hereinafter referred to as 'npog') entering into a contract for the construction, commissioning and handover of field surface
facilities.('contract') dated____ day of____ ____with____ hereinafter referred to as 'contractor (s)'''we, ____a company incorporated under the laws of ____with a principal business
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address at____(hereinafter referred to as ' guarantor') do hereby enter into the following undertakings with npog: (a) guarantee full and complete performance of all obligations of contractor(s) under the said contract and all change orders thereunder and amendments thereof which may subsepuently be duly executed by contractor(s).
(b) should contractor in any respect fail to perform the said obligations contained in the said contract or commits any breach thereof, we as guarantor shall ourselves perform or take whatever steps as may be necessary to achieve performance of the obligations thereof, in accordance with terms of the said contract and the guarantor shall assume any loss, damages, costs and expenses arising from the said failure or breach for which contractor(s) may be made available thereunder; muglad basin oil development projedt eleld surface facilities (fsf)
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contract no:npog/30/98-163
(c) we the guarantor shall not be discharged or released from our undertakings hereunder by any waiver or forebearance by npog whether as to payment, time , performance, or otherwise. (d) in the event and for the duration that the guarantor assumes the obligatinos of contractor under the said contract above, the guarantor shall be entitled to all of the rights and benefits to which contractor is entitled under contract. (e) for the purpose of this guarantee and the said contract, the contractor does hereby agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the british courts.
(f) this guarantee shall inure to the benefit of npog and its successors and assigns, and shall be binding upon the guarantor and its successors and assigns.
(g) this guarantee shall be effective as of the____ day of ____.
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2020Performance bond