100. How do you feel your subordinates would describe you as a delegate? 101. Some managers keep a very close check on their organizations.
102. What have been the most important surprises you have noticed from things getting out of control?
103. Let’s talk about standards of performance. How would you describe your own standards? What would your subordinates say? What would your boss say?
104. Sometimes it is necessary to issue an edict to an individual or the entire staff. Do you have any examples o recent edicts you have issued?
105. What specific behaviors do you think contribute to your effectiveness as a supervisor?
106. From an opposite viewpoint, what behaviors do you think might interfere with your effectiveness as a supervisor?
107. In what respects do you feel you have improved most as a supervisor during the last few years? 108. Some managers are quite deliberate about such things as communications, development, and motivation. Do you have examples of how you addressed these areas?
109. How would you characterize your relationships with your last three supervisors? Any patterns? 110. Some managers are short-fused and impatient in their reactions. How would you describe your own patience?
111. Most of us can look back upon a new idea, a new project, or an innovation we feel proud of having introduced. Would you describe one or two such innovations you are particularly proud of? 112. What are the legitimate uses for office gossip or the rumor mill?
113. How would you handle a subordinate who deliberately went about a task in a way that contradicted your instructions yet were wildly successful?
114. Your boss is going on vacation for a month, and although it isn’t in your job description to do so, she asks you to work for another manager in her absence, what would you say and do?
115. Are you prepared to fill in for someone who has different, even lower-level, responsibilities? 116. Describe a time when you unfairly got caught up in office politics. 117. Can you sell me on our product or service?
118. What strategies do you employ fro finding common ground with your customers?
119. Can you give an example of how you are able to be positive about a product even when discussing a negative?
120. Have you found it helpful to take motes when talking to a customer? How? 121. If I were a prospect, what clues about me does this office give?
122. What strategies do you use to repeat the customer’s key concepts back to him or her during a sales pitch?
123. How do you turn an occasional buyer into a regular buyer?
124. Have you ever taken over an existing territory or desk? What was the volume when you started? What was it when you left?
125. What have you learned about using sales incentives to promote sales? 126. What strategies do you use to plant questions in your customer’s mind?
127. When is it appropriate to ask a prospect, “How much do you want to spend?”
128. Tell me about a time you adjusted your approach to a prospect based on their body language. 129. Tell me about a time when you followed up with a reluctant prospect and still failed to get the order.
130. Talk about a time when you overcame your own mental block or prejudices to make a sale. 131. Can you talk about a sales incentive program that motivated you? 132. Who are the motivation gurus you find most interesting?
133. When was the last time you sent a thank-you note to a customer? 134. How do you try to show each customer that he or she is important?
135. This job requires a large amount of travel. Do you think you have the ability and willingness to keep up?
136. When you cold-call a prospect, what obstacles do you expect the clerical staff to put in your way?
137. When you telephone a prospect, what strategies do you use to get past the secretary or receptionist?
138. Where do you find your telephone leads? 139. What do you despise about telephone sales? 140. How do you qualify a prospect?
141. How do you overcome the difficult periods that face everyone in sales? 142. How long does it usually take you from initial contact to sales closing? 143. What is your ratio of initial contacts to actual sales presentations? 144. What percentage of your sales calls result in sales?
145. How would you go about identifying customers in a new market?
146. What do you think about prospecting for customers or developing new markets in cyberspace? 147. Tell me about a time when you almost lost a sale and worked hard to get it back.
148. What are the five most common objections you face and how do you deal with them?
149. What was the most surprising objection you have ever received, and how did you handle it? 150. What’s your definition of customer service?
151. Can you tell me about a time you took the steps necessary to resolve a problem although it wasn’t technically your responsibility?
152. Name one way in which you have provided extraordinarily good service — above the call of duty — to a customer or client.
153. Describe a situation where you had to go an extra mile for customers.
154. Give me an example of a time when you went out of your way to meet an agreement. 155. In your current job, who are your customers?
156. If you had a customer who was complaining about poor service, how would you handle it? 157. At your last job, how often did you take a survey of customer satisfaction?
158. Tell me about your worst customer service dilemma and how you overcame it? 159. What strategies have you learned to encourage customers to pay on time? 160. Can you tell me about a difficult collection problem and how you dealt with it?
161. What strategies have you evolved to listen to emotional customers without getting hooked? 162. Speak about the customer’s “personal zone” and how you use it.
163. How do you deal with customers who think they are right even when they are wrong? 164. What is the customer service attitude at your present organization?
165. How have you handle customers who take advantage of sales support staff?
166. What is the most significant improvement in customer service that you have achieved in the last year?
167. What’s one thing we at this company could do to make our customers even more satisfied with us?
168. What experience have you had in making oral presentations? How do you rate your skills in this area?
169. At what times do you have trouble communicating with people? 170. How would you compare your oral skills to your written skills?
171. When you are assigned to work with new people, how do you go about getting to know them, how they work, and what their strengths and weaknesses are?
172. Tell me about a work situation that required excellent communication skills.
173. Can you recall a time when you persuaded someone who initially disagreed with you of the correctness of your position?
174. How often of you communicate with the person who receives the output of your work? 175. What’s one thing that should never be communicated in a memo or e-mail?
176. What are some examples of important types of decisions or recommendations you are called upon to make?
177. Would you describe how you went about making these types of decisions or recommendations? With whom did you consult?
178. Tell me what you have learned about reducing employee turnover.
179. What organizations do you see as this company’s chief competition? Can you compare and contrast the organizations?
180. What do you do to make the people around you fell important, appreciated, and respected? 181. How do you prioritize your time?
182. What decisions are easiest for you to make and which ones are more difficult?
183. Most of us can think of an important decision, which we would make quite differently if we made it again. Any examples from your own experience?
184. Most of us become more astute decision makers as the base of our experience broadens. In what respects do you feel you have improved as a decision maker?
185. Describe a situation that required you to use fact-finding skills. 186. Tell me about a complex problem you had to deal with. 187. Tell me about a time when you failed to reach a goal. 188. How many projects can you handle at a time?
189. Think of a crisis situation where things got out of control. Why did it happen and what was your role in the chain of events?
190. Give me an example of a time when management had to change a plan or approach to which you were committed. How did you feel and how did you explain the change to your team?
191. Do you sue an activity chart to track the flow of the activities necessary to reach your goals? 192. What project management methodologies have you found most effective?
193. I’m interested in how you do your planning. What planning processes have you found useful, and how do you do about implementing them?
194. In what ways have you improved in your capacity for planning?
195. Tell me about a job or project where you had to gather information from many different sources and then create something with the information.
196. What do you do when there is a decision to be made and no procedure exists? 197. What have you learned about using deadlines to motivate people or teams?
198. Tell me about a time when, rather than following instructions, you went about a task in you own way. What happened? Would you do it the same way if you had to do the task over again?
199. Can you think about a specific situation where you prevented a problem before it occurred? 200. What do you do to welcome and orient new hires into your department or team?
201. If you were hiring someone for the job you are interviewing for, what three qualities would you look for?
202. What questions would you ask, or what techniques would you use, to establish that the person was willing to do the job?
203. How many people have you hired in the past two years? 204. Do you have a favorite interviewing question?
205. Tell me about how you would budget for recruiting.
206. What has your experience been with retaining recruitment firms? 207. How do you handle personnel evaluations?
208. What’s the first thing you look for no a resume or application? 209. How do you go about checking references? 210. Tell me about your biggest hiring success. 211. Tell me about your biggest hiring mistake.
212. How could we improve the hiring process we are using to select a person for this position? 213. To what do you attribute turnover? 214. Is turnover always detrimental?
215. What programs have you found to be successful in retaining employees? 216. What is your concept of discipline?
217. What are the typical problems and grievances that your staff brings to you? 218. How do you handle them?
219. How do you maintain discipline within your department or team? 220. Tell me about a time when you had to discipline a subordinate.
221. What was the most common cause of termination at your last organization?
222. Have you thought about violence in the workplace? What strategies have you evolved to address this problem?
223. How do you keep abreast of new developments in information technology?
224. Describe a situation in which you were able to enhance the usefulness of information in an existing mainframe system and increase your employer’s productivity.
225. How has your conception of information systems quality evolved over the years? 226. Describe successful strategies for software testing that you have employed. 227. What metrics can be used to measure user satisfaction with IT?
228. What strategies do you recommend for organizations facing the year 2000 problem?
229. How would you reinvent our business from an IT perspective if you had a blank piece of paper and no resource constraints?
230. We know that fourth generation languages have many benefits. Which of these benefits do you find most compelling? Why?
231. How can you tell a good program from a bad one?
232. Info World Magazine recently suggested that client/server computing is dead. Do you agree, and if so, what killed it?
233. What is the future of the mainframe in a world of distributed desktops?
234. Describe the most significant business process reengineering project you have led. What were the results?
235. Distinguish between the Internet and the Intranet.
236. What is the chief benefit of an object-oriented application development paradigm?
237. Describe the central attributes of the object paradigm. How does encapsulation or polymorphism contribute to the technology’s effectiveness?
238. Why has computer-assisted software engineering (CASE), a technology which offered so much promise, generally not met the high expectations set for it?
239. Which Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodology do you find most interesting or effective?
240. Describe a data migration project you led. What were the results?
241. I see that you have listed java, Pascal, COBOL, and C++ as the programming languages with which you’re familiar. Would you take a moment to rank them according to your skill level? 242. What structured programming methodologies have you found most effective?
243. Please describe the most difficult task you ever had to perform using tool X, and describe how you managed to accomplish it.
244. Which computer trade shows do you regularly attend and what do you get from them? 245. Have you ever presented at an industry trade show or seminar? 246. Have you published anything on IT?
247. Describe your participation on an IT steering committee. What was the challenge? What was your role? And what was the outcome?
248. With respect to the IT steering committee, what technology did you choose? Why? How did it work out?
249. Do you have any experience with Rapid Application Development? Tell me about an application developed using this approach.
250. Have you participated in the design and deployment of a Web site? 251. Do you have an E-mail address or a personal Website?
第十一章 结束面试
1. Well, based on what we have discussed, how do you feel about this job? 2. Do you have any questions?
3. Is there anything else I should know about you?
4. I’ve interviewed several very good candidates, and I will admit that you are one of them. What single message would you like me to remember that will convince me that you are the one we should hire?
5. How do you feel you performed during this interview?
6. What have you been able to learn about our firm and our senior management? 7. What implications have you drawn from the information? 8. When can you start? 9. Are you willing to travel? 10. Are you willing to relocate?
11. May I contact your present employer and references?
12. Is there anything you’d like to know about the job that would help you to do it better than anyone else could?
13. If there were one reason why we should select you over the other applicants, what would that be? 14. Our time is about up. Is there a final point you would like to make?
15. Do you want this job? Then why, through our entire discussion, have you not asked for it?
第十二章 有问题的方面
1. How would you finish this sentence: “most people are basically… ”
2. Tell me about a time when your employer was not happy with your job performance.
3. Have you ever had to work with a manager who was unfair to you, or was just plain hard to work with?
4. How would you define a difficult manager?
5. Have you ever been in a dispute with a supervisor? What was it about and how was it resolved? 6. Can we check your references?
7. What kind of references do you think your previous employer will give you? Why? 8. How do you deal with coworkers or supervisors who do not show you proper respect? 9. What cause you to lose your temper? 10. How do you dandle rejection?
11. What are some of your pet peeves? (经常抱怨的问题) 12. Which of your skills can stand improvement at this time? 13. What problems do you have getting along with others?
14. What are some of the things your supervisor did that you disliked?
15. Were you ever dismissed from a job for a reason that seemed unjustified? 16. What kinds of things do you worry about? 17. What are some of the things that bother you?
18. If I were to call your supervisor today, how would he or she describe you? 19. Can you identify some weaknesses for which you need to compensate?
20. Can you name three new skills, techniques, or methodologies you learned in the past 12 months?
21. What do you do when your boss loads you down with a great deal of work and not enough time to do it in?
22. What do you do when there is a decision to be made and no procedure exists? 23. Are you generally lucky or unlucky?
24. What aspect of your performance in your last job were you the most proud of? 25. If you were going to be fired, how would you like your supervisor to handle it?
第十三章 求职者的问题
1. By what criteria will you select the person for this job? 2. Why is the position open?
3. What happened to the last person holding this position? 4. What duties and responsibilities does this job entail? 5. Where does this position fit into the organization? 6. What kind of person are you looking for? 7. When was the last person promoted?
8. What are the ideal experience and skill set for this position? 9. To whom would I report?



