儿童经典英语诗歌美文朗诵大全 儿童经典英语诗歌篇一 The Canary 金丝雀 Mary had a little bird, 玛丽 有一只小鸟, With feathers bright and yellow, 羽毛是鲜艳的黄色, Slender legs-upon my word, 有双细长的腿, He was a pretty fellow! 它是个漂亮的家伙! Sweetest notes he always sung, 唱歌的声音很是美妙, Which much delighted Mary; 玛丽感到非常高兴;
Often where his cage was hung, 经常把它的笼子挂在那里, She sat to hear Canary. 她坐在那里,听金丝雀。
Crumbs of bread and dainty seeds 她带着面包屑和美味的种子She carried to him daily, 喂金丝雀, Seeking for the early weeds, 寻找早期生长的杂草, She decked his palace gaily. 把笼子打扮的像华丽的宫殿。
儿童经典英语诗歌篇二 Two Little Kittens 两只小猫 Two little kittens, one stormy night, 两只小猫,在一个风雨交加的夜晚, Began to quarrel, and then to fight; 开始吵架,然后打架;
One had a mouse, the other had none, 只有一只老鼠,没有另一只老鼠 And that“s the way the quarrel begun. 就是这样开始了争吵 “I\ “我要老鼠,最大的那只猫说到。
\你会有老鼠我们走着瞧!” \ “我会有老鼠,”大点的说;
I told you before \我告诉过你 是一个风雨交加的夜晚 When these two little kittens began to fight; 当这两只小猫开始打架;
The old woman seized her sweeping broom, 老妇人抓住她扫地的扫帚, And swept the two kittens right out of the room. 把两只小猫从房间里赶了出来。
The ground was covered with frost and snow, 地面上覆盖的都是雪 And the two little kittens had nowhere to go; 两只小猫无处可去;
So they laid them down on the mat at the door, 妇人就把他放在门口的垫子上 While the old woman finished sweeping the floor. 随后老妇人扫完地。
Then they crept in, as quiet as mice, 然后他们悄悄的像老鼠一样安静, All wet with the snow, and cold as ice, 地上全是湿的雪和寒冷的冰块, For they found it was better, that stormy night,他们发现那是一个暴风雨之夜, To lie down and sleep than to quarrel and fight. 于是躺下来睡觉,而不是在争吵和吵架。
儿童经典英语诗歌篇三 Trees 树 The Oak is called the king of trees, 橡树被称为树之王, The Aspen quivers in the breeze, 在风中颤抖的白杨, The Poplar grows up straight and tall, 白杨树长得又直又高, The Peach tree spreads along the wall, 桃树沿墙向外蔓延, The Sycamore gives pleasant shade, 梧桐树荫给荫凉了地方, The Willow droops in watery glade, 杨柳垂在潮湿的空地, The Fir tree useful in timber gives, 木材中有用的冷杉树, The Beech amid the forest lives. 森林里生长的山毛榉。
儿童经典英语诗歌篇四The Migration of the Grey Squirrels 灰松鼠的迁移 When in my youth I traveled 当我年轻的时候我很喜欢旅游 Throughout each north country, 到访每一个北方国家, Many a
strange thing did I hear, 我听到许多奇怪的事情, And many a strange thing to see. 也看到了许多奇怪的事 But nothing was there pleased me more 但是没有什么比那一件事更让我更高兴的了 Than when, in autumn brown, 那时,秋天变成褐色的了 I came, in the depths of the pathless woods, 我来了广袤的森林深处, To the grey squirrels\来到了灰松鼠的小镇。
There were hundreds that in the hollow boles 在中空的树干里有上百只灰松鼠 Of the old, old trees did dwell, 灰松鼠在旧的老树枝上居住, And laid up store, hard by their door, 将储存的东西放在门旁,使之变得坚固Of the sweet mast as it fell. 当下来时就住在那快乐的桅杆上。
But soon the hungry wild swine came, 但很快饥饿的野生猪来了, And with thievish snouts dug up 用贼贼的鼻子挖洞 Their buried treasure, and left them not 他们埋的宝藏,并没有丢失掉 So much as an acorn cup. 甚至于橡子杯也没有丢。
Then did they chatter in angry mood, 然后他们在生气的情绪中喋喋不休, And one and all decree, 所有的灰松鼠, Into the forests of rich stone-pine 进入有丰富石松的森林中 Over hill and dale to flee. 翻山越岭逃走 Over hill and dale, over hill and dale, 一直不断地翻山越岭 For many a league they went, 他们去了许多联盟者那里Like a troop of undaunted travelers 像一群无畏的旅行者 Governed by one consent. 服从同一个信念。
But the hawk and the eagle, and peering owl, 但骗子和鹰,猫头鹰, Did dreadfully pursue; 没有可怕的追求;
And the further the grey squirrels went, 而灰松鼠的进一步离去, The more their perils grew; 使得他们变的更加危险;
When lo! to cut off their pilgrimage, 当心!切断他们的旅途路程,