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Unit 3 General Reading Comprehension Exercises

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Unit 3 General Reading Comprehension Exercises 一、单选题 (共 70.00 分)

1.What theory about meat prohibition has been put forward by Marvin Harris? A.If an animal does not chew its cud, consumption will be prohibited.

B.If an animal is much more valuable alive than dead, consumption will be prohibited.

C.If an animal lives in a dirty place, it’s unclean and unhealthy so the consumption will be prohibited. D.If an animal is used to protect the country, consumption will be prohibited. 正确答案:B

2.What was the reason for the horsemeat prohibition in European history? A.The horses were useful for soldiers to fight against their enemies. B.The horses do not chew their cud.

C.The horses were the primary power source. D.The taste of horsemeat is so terrible.


3.It’s believed that religions and life customs can account for meat prohibitions. A.True B. False


4.According to some researchers, the Jews dislike pork because pigs are dirty. A.True B.False


5.Actually pork had been once the part of the food for the ancient Middle Easterners. A.True B.False 正确答案:A

6.Cows are respected by Indians because they are useful source. A.True B.False 正确答案:A

7.The Moslems gave up pork due to their frequent migration in hot climate. A.True B.False 正确答案:A

二、多选题 (共 30.00 分)

1.Why shouldn’t religious believers question the reasons for meat prohibition?

A.They will be punished by the church if they question the reasons for meat prohibition. B.It is considered rude for humans to question the directives of God or church.

C.The loyalty to each faith sees little reason to ask why a particular food is prohibited. D.They were forbidden to question it before becoming believers. 正确答案:B C

2.What are the different reasons for the prohibition of pork in Judaism and other religions? A.The Jewish prohibition against pork seems to be the fact that pigs do not chew their cud. B.The Jewish prohibition against pork because pigs are much more valuable alive than dead. C.Other religions, such as the Islamism, believe that pigs are “unclean”.

D.Other religions, such as the Islamism, claiming that pork eating is unhealthful. 正确答案:A C D

3.Why is beef prohibited in the rural area in India? A.Because soldiers need to fight on cow back.

B.Because cows’ dung becomes a kind of clean cooking coal. C.Because cows are the primary power source there. D.Because cows provide milk for dairy products. 正确答案:B C D

Unit 3 General Reading Comprehension Exercises


