复杂油气藏第12卷第3期Complex Hydrocarbon Reservoirs2019 9doi;10. 16181/j. cnkr. fzyqa. 2019. 03. 016多级压裂裂缝诱导应力优化计算模型研究祝铭辰(中国石化华东油气分公司泰州采油厂地质研究所,江苏泰州225300)摘要:非常规储层多级压裂过程中,诱导应力是影响压裂效果的重要因素%现有的多级压裂的诱导应力计算模型,将各
明修正后的模型具有较高的准确性。以致密砂岩水平井P1井为例,将计算数据与微地震监测数据进行对比,其差值结果均 小于10叫吻合度较高,为多级压裂设计以及压裂裂缝形态评价提供了科学依据。关键词:多级压裂诱导应力计算模型修正净压力中图分类号:TE357
文献标志码:AAn optimization model for induced stress of fractures
in multistage fracturingZHU Mingchen(Institute of Geology, Taizhou OU Production Plant, East China Branch of SINOPEC, Taizhou 225300, China)AbstracC: In the process of multi state fractuong of unconventional reservoirs, induced stress ir an important factoo
affecting the effect of fractuong. In the existing calculation modets foe induced stress of multistaae fracturing, each fracture is independent, and the mutuat influenct beOveen each factures has been ignored. The induced stress generated by net pressure of fracture wilt change the crustai stress, which will affect the net pressure conversely. Therefore, it was estab-
lished the modified model fo induced stress of fractures in multistaae fracturing. The resulto coming from COMSOL show
thatthemodsfsed modetha.hsgheeattueaty.Itsato.hown thatthemodsfsed modetha.hsgheeattueatybytontea.tsng theee.uttoftattutatson wsth theee.uttofmsteo.esmst-eoentttoud.TaUsnghoesyontatwetP1 sn tsght.and.tonea.an eiampte, thetosntsdenteshsgh wsth theD-oatuete.than 10 m.Thstan peoosde.tsentsfstba.sfoemuttstagefeattu- esngde.sgn and theeoatuatson offeattuee.hape.Key words:multistaae fracturing; induced stress; calculation model; modified; net pressure大规模储层改造需要在储层中压开多条裂缝, 形),裂纹穿透板厚,作用于裂纹面上的压力为Pnet#
为了科学指导压裂设计以及压裂后评估,探索多级 压裂诱导应力的计算模型就显得尤为重要[]#现
级压裂裂缝的诱导应力计算模型#oinOsin] y ( \ + \)】^2 邑1单一垂直裂缝诱导应力计算模型假设无限大储层中存在有一条垂直的对称双翼 裂缝(见图1),该裂缝可简化为一条长为2h的直线
收稿日期:2019 -02-22 ;改回日期:2019 -06 -03#作者简介:祝铭辰(1993-),助理工程师,从事采油工程与地质的状裂纹(可以当做短半轴趋向于零的椭圆的极限情 研究,E - mait:zmcl993. Ice' 163. com#