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高一人教英语必修三课时作业:nit 5 Canada—“The Tre North”3 含答案

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Unit 5 Canada—“The True North” 课时作业(三)


( )1. ——Tom,my bike was stolen last night;could you lend me yours? ——_____

A. Help yourself B. of course,I could C. Never mind D. Don’t mention it

( )2. ——Would you like to leave a message?

——_____. Tell Jack I’11 be back to motto morning. A. I like B. I like it very much

C. It’s very kind of you D. I certainly will

( )3. ——I wish to have a look at what you are reading,_____? ——Well,if you like.

A. do I B. must I C. don’t I D. may I

( )4. ——Do you come and see me next time you’re in town? ——_____

A. Sure,go ahead B. Sure,I will C. Yes,I do D. No,I don’t ( )5. ——I didn’t know this was a one—way street,officer. ——_____

A. That’s a11 right. B. I don’t believe you.

C. Sorry,but there is no excuse. D. How dare you say that? ( )6. ——Would you please show me a pair of brown shoes in size six? ——_____We have no size six in that style. A. I’d love to. B. Yes. 1 will.

C. Oh,what a pity! D. Of course 1 will. ( )7. ——You seem to have lost your way. _____? ——I’m looking for Buck’s Cottages. A. Where are you from B. Who are you C. Why so D. Need help

( )8. ——I think the Brazilian team will win the game. ——_____But the French team plays better. A. That’s true. B. I can’t agree with you more. C. DO you really think so? D. You are wrong.

( )9. ——Ninety to eighty-nine. We lost by just one score!

——But never mind. You will surely beat them. _____next time. A. Good luck B. Not at a11 C. Congratulations D. Discouraged ( )10.——How is everything? ——_____

A. Very well,thank you B.Not too bad C. I’m a11 right,thank you D. Not at all

( )11. ——Whose advice do you think I should take? ——_____

A. You speak B. That’s it C. It’s up to you D. You got it

( )12. ——I don’t have any change with me. Will you pay the fare for me?


A. That’s fine B. Not thing serious C. Never mind D. NO problem ( )13. ——How’s the young man? ——_____

A. He’s twenty B. He’s a doctor C. He’s much better D. He’s David ( )14. ——I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her. ——_____. It was her fault.

A. No way B. Not possible C. No chance D. Not at a11 ( )15. ——I’m taking my driving test tomorrow. ——_____!

A. Cheers B. Good luck C. Come On D. Congratulations


In 1999 a little girl in Macao sang a very moving song. In her song she__1__. ‘‘Macao isn't my real name. I have __2__ you so long,mom…”Her sweet __3__ was so touching that nearly everybody __4__ the song Couldn’t help shedding tears(流泪).

The song __5__ us backt0 the days full of humiliation(耻辱)t0 our __6__ . Early in 1553, the Portuguese forced a landing into the __7__ part Of China. The weak government then dared not resist the aggressors(侵略者). After the Opium War,the Portuguese __8__ some islands away of our motherland. And then they __9__ the Qing Government cede(割让)Macao. The Qing government __10__ do nothing but obey it. In 1887,Macao,a__11__of Our motherland, was reduced to a colony(沦为殖民地).

From then on the people in Macao never__12__fighting against the aggressors. They fought for freedom and for their __13__ the motherland. __14__ hundreds Of people in Macao were killed,they never gave in.

October 1st,1949 was __15__ day in Chinese history. The founding of the People’s Republic of China brought the whole Chinese people a new life and a bright future. It brought the Macao people a new hope __16__. Since then the government Of new China __17__ a lot to take back the sovereignty(主权)over Macao.

In April l 987,the Chinese government and Portuguese government signed an agreement __18__ Macao return to the motherland peacefully. On December 20th,l 999 Macao returned to the motherland. Today the dream of return __19__ true. How the people a11 over the country,as well as the people Of TaiWan __20__ that TaiWan Would return to the motherland as soon as possible.

( ) 1. A. read B. wrote C. sang D. recorded

( ) 2. A. been to B. 1eft C. 1eft for D. been away from ( ) 3. A. voice B. sound C. noise D. movement

( ) 4. A. 1istened to B. heard C. 1istening to D. to hear ( ) 5. A. took B. brought C. went D. gave ( ) 6. A. country B. state C. face D. nation

( ) 7. A. eastern B. southern C. western D. northern ( ) 8. A. took up B. set up C. joined up D. picked up ( ) 9. A. employed B. planned C. made D. got ( ) 10. A. Would B. might C. had to D. Could

( ) 11. A. piece B. part C. number D. waste

( ) 12. A. stopped B. considered C. finished D. forgot ( ) 13. A. arriving in B. reach C。getting to D. return to ( ) 14. A. However B. As a result C. Although D. once again

( ) 15. A. one great B. the greatest C. a greatly D. the most greatly ( ) 16. A. also B. either C. such as D. as well

( ) 17. A. did B. was doing C. has done D. had done ( ) 18. A. in order to B. so that C. to have D. to remain

( ) 19. A. has collie B. is coming C. will come D. has been come ( ) 20. A. suggest B. give advice C. wish D. think of


When we talk about intelligence(智力),We do not mean the ability to get a good score on a certain kind Of test,or even the ability to do Well in sch001. By intelligence we mean a style of life,a way Of behaving in varieties situations. The true test Of intelligence is not how much we know how to d0. but how We behave when we don’t know what to do. The intelligent person,young or old,meeting a new situation or problem,opens himself up to it. He tries to take in with mind and senses everything he cares about it. He thinks about it instead Of about himself or what it might cause to happen to him. If he fails to master it,he looks without fear Or shame at his mistakes and learn what he call from them. This is intelligence. Clearly its roots lie in a certain feeling about life. Just as clearly,unintelligence is not what most psychologists(心理学家)seem t0 suppose. The same thing as intelligence,Only less of it. It is an entirely different style of behavior,out 0f an entirely different set Of attitudes.

Years of Watching and comparing bright children with the neo bright,Or Jess bright,

have shown that they are very different kinds Of people. The bright child is curious about life and reality,eager to get in touch with it,unite himself with it. There is no wall between himself and life. On the Other hand,the dull child is far less curious,far less interested in what goes on and what is real. The bright child is eager tO experiment,to try things Out. He 1ives by the maxim that there is more than pile way to skin a cat. If he can’t do something one way,he will try another. The dull child is usually afraid to try at a11. It takes a great deal Of urging to get him to try even once;if that try fails he is through.

Nobody starts off stupid. Hardly an adult in a thousand,or ten thousand,Could in any three years of his life learn as much,grow as much in his understanding of the world around older,to this extraordinary capacity for learning and intellectual growth? What happens is that it is destroyed,and more than by any other one thing,it is destroyed by the process that we misname education--a process that goes on in most homes and schools.

( )1. The writer believes that intelligence is_____.

A. making one’s 1iving B. doing well on some examinations C. a certain type of behavior D. passing an important test ( )2. Which of the following is TRUE? A. A bright child is open-minded. B. A bright child gives up easily.

C. An unintelligent child doesn’t know any difference between him,self and a bright child.

D. An unintelligent child only tries a couple of times.

高一人教英语必修三课时作业:nit 5 Canada—“The Tre North”3 含答案


