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高三英语高效课堂资料新b5 u3词汇

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班级 小组 姓名________ 使用时间 2017 年 10 月_____日 编号________


Book5 Unit3 Life in the future 课 题 词汇检测 编制人 徐吉红 1.To test the students’ memory about the vocabularies of this unit. 2.To help the students master the basic vocabularies. The using of some key words and phrases. 重点 难点 自 学 质 疑 学 案 阅读记录 学 案 内 容 I. Phrases 高频词: 1在前的;早先的 adj. 2指导;手册;导游 n.指导vt. 指导,引导n. 3.容忍;忍受 vt._____________容忍的adj._____________容忍n.___________ 4缺乏;没有 vi.&vt._缺乏;短缺的东西 n.____________缺乏的adj.____________ 5开关;转换 n.转换 vt._____________ 6贪吃的;贪婪的;贪心的 adj._________________7.动机 n.________________ 8.扎牢 vt._______________系牢的,稳固的adj._________________ 9.沙漠,荒原n._______________10.原料,材料n.___________________ 11.印象;感想;印记 n.→ 使留下深刻印象 v.→ __________________给人深刻印象的 adj._______________________ 12.时常发生的;连续不断的 adj.→ 不断地 adv.___________ 13.周围的事物;环境 n.→ 周围的 adj. ____________vt.围绕 _________________ 14.调整;调节n.→ 调整;调节vt.__________________ 15.压;逼迫vi.&vt压;印刷;新闻n. → 压力n.____________ 第 1 页 学 案 内 容 阅读记录 2

16.乐观(主义)的adj.→ 乐观主义n.________________ 17.瞬间;片刻n.立即的;立刻的adj.→ _____________ adv.立即;立刻_______________ 18.代表;典型人物n.典型的;有代表性的adj.→ v.代表 _________________ 19.定居;解决n.→ 定居;解决v. → 定居者n._________________ II. Phrases: 1.拿起;接受;开始;继续__________ 2.看不见……__________________ 3. (困境后)恢复;完全复原______________4.打扫;横扫________________ 5. (快捷而悄声地)移动;溜进……________________6.加速______________ 7.与……相似________________8.向四面八方___________________ 9.带领某人参观__________________ 认读词汇: 1.aspect 2.jet 3.flashback 4.uncertain 5.tablet 6.capsule 7.steward 8.opening 9.mask 10.carriage 11.safety belt 12.timetable 13.exhausted 14.pessimistic 15.alien 16.mud 17.citizen 18.typist 19.postage 20.button 21.receiver 22.dustbin 23.ecology 24.swallow 25.recycle 26.goods III. Translate the sentences 1. Many people want to get the position, ____________ they will develop better. 2. _________ by a lack of fresh air, my head ached.(hit) 3. _________, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep. (exhaust) 4. However, I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached __________ looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions. 5. 我一眼就认出是她。(the instant/instantly) __________________________________________________________________________________ Self conclusion 3

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高三英语高效课堂资料新b5 u3词汇


