The collision energy effect on the stereodynamics of the Ca + HCl→CaCl + H reaction
The collision energy effect on the stereodynamics
of the Ca + HCl→CaCl + H reaction
Wang Li-Zhi;Yang Chuan-Lu;Liang Jing-Juan;Duan Li-Li;Zhang Qing-Gang
【期刊名称】《中国物理:英文版》 【年(卷),期】2013(022)004
【摘要】The stereodynamics of the reaction of Ca + HC1 are calculated at three different collision energies based on the potential energy surface [Verbockhaven Get al.2005 J.Chem.Phys.122 204307] using quasi-classical trajectory theory.The polarization-dependent differential cross
(2π/σ)(dσoo/dωt),(2π/σ)(dσ2o/dωt),(2π/σ)(dσ22+/dωt),(2π/σ)(dσ21_/dωt) and the distributions of P(θr),P(φr),and P(θr,φr) are calculated.The results indicate that the rotational polarization of the CaC1 product presents different characteristics for the different collision energies,and the effects of the collision energy on the vector potential,including the alignment,orientation,and PDDCSs,are not obvious. 【总页数】5页(222-226) 【关键词】
【作者】Wang Li-Zhi;Yang Chuan-Lu;Liang Jing-Juan;Duan Li-Li;Zhang Qing-Gang
【作者单位】College of Physics and Electronics, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250014, China
The collision energy effect on the stereodynamics of the Ca + HCl→CaCl + H reaction