The little red hat
Once there was a little girl, she always wore a red hat, so everybody called her the Little Red Hat.
One day little red hat’s mother said to her,
“Little red hat, your grandma is ill, please go and see her, give her these cakes. Remember you must walk along the main road.” “Yes, mum I remember.”
She took the cakes and made her way to her grandma’s. She walked and walked. Suddenly she came across a big grey wolf. “Hello, little red hat,” the wolf greeted to her.
The little girl didn’t know he was a bad guy, so she said to the wolf, “Hello grey wolf.”
“But where are you going?”
“I’m going to my grandma’s home, I’ll give her these cakes.” “Er, where does she live?”
“In the forest, there’re three big tall oak trees near her house, and around the house there is walnut fence too.”
“This little girl is both fat and tender, she must be more delicious than her grandma.” The wolf thought. “I must try to eat both of them.”
“Ah, I’ve got a good idea,” so he said to the little red hat again, “Look little girl, how beautiful the flowers are, and listen, how beautifully the birds are singing, so why not have a good time there first?”
The little red hat looked up at the sun, “Ok, it’s still early, I can pick a bunch of fresh flowers for grandma. She’ll surely be very happy.” She thought.
Then she went into the forest to pick flowers. There were so many beautiful flowers. The girl picked and picked, thus she went further and further from the main road.
Now the grey wolf had reached the old grandma’s house. And he went up to knock at the door. Bang bang bang… “Who is it?” the old woman asked,
“It’s the little red hat, I’m here to give you the cakes.” “Well, my honey just come in, you know that I can’t get up.”
“Yes, I’m coming” the grey wolf ran into the room and swallowed the old woman at once.
After that, he began to disguise himself as the old grandma. He put on her clothes and hat. Then he lay down on her bed.
The little red hat had picked lots of flowers, she could hardly carry them all. And she suddenly remembered her mother’s words, and her grandma too. So she ran quickly to grandma’s home. She soon reached the house. And she was surprised to find the door open.
“Hello, grandma,” she went in to grandma’s bedroom, “Oh, grandma is in bed,” she then went near to the bed.
“Hello grandma, are you ok?” Then she began to watch her carefully
“Why are your ears so big?” she asked. “well, the big ears can hear you more clearly” “Then why your eyes are so big?” “They can see you clearly” “But your hands are large too…” “They’re used for catching you” “Oh, your terrible and big mouth”
“Because I’m the wolf and I want to eat you now”
The big wolf jumped from the bed to the little girl, and soon he swallowed her too!
Now he was too full, so he fell fast asleep in bed and snored loudly. A hunter happened to pass by, he heard the snores and felt strange. So he went in to have a look.
“My god, it’s the big grey wolf. Ha ha ha . I’m been looking for you for so long.” He lift his gun and was ready to shoot.
“I can’t do that, he must eaten the old woman, I’ll have to save her first.” Then he found out a big pair of scissors, and used the scissors to cut the wolf’s belly. Then he saw the little red hat, the girl jumped out quickly “It’s so frightening, so dark in that belly” after another cut, the grandma came out too.
She was still alive, but a little bit weak, the old woman and the girl thanked the hunter.
And the red hat said to herself, “Oh, my god, I should done as mum told me”
钟子期听懂了俞伯牙的琴音——“巍巍乎若高山,荡荡乎若流水”,俞伯牙视其为知音。钟子期死后,面对江边一抔黄土,俞伯牙发出“此曲终兮不复弹,三尺瑶琴为君死”的感慨,摔琴而去,从此,高山流水,知音难觅。 红楼里,宝钗与黛玉皆爱宝玉,宝钗看重功名,常拿一些伦理纲常来压制他的不羁与顽劣,黛玉却从未提及这些,因她懂得他的心性,她说“ 你既为我之知己,自然我亦是你之知己”,造化弄人,木石前缘虽是虚空一场,却怀金悼玉,梦萦千古,今日读来依然荡气回肠! 不是所有的相遇都可以相知,不是所有的相知都可以永恒。生命里,我们只愿结交那些心性相宜的人,统一的语言,相同的志趣,将彼此的心灵拉近,一份懂得,不言不语,却在默契里滋生。 懂得,是两颗心的对望,潜生一种心灵感应,不发一言,便可知会。一声懂得,没有千言万语,却可以令人眸中含泪,心中蕴暖。 这世间太多人情薄凉,你是否觉得,有一个真正懂你的人,是一种幸福与慰藉呢?茫茫人海,你不孤单,有人愿与你同运命,共风雨,如此,多好! 风懂云的情怀,它,轻轻的吹送,云姿更加漫妙;雪懂梅的寒傲,它,悄悄的绽放,梅骨愈加清奇;泉懂山的伟岸,它,静静的流淌,山林更为葱茂;雨懂花的心思,它,无声的洒落,花香尤为清绝…… 杏花疏影小楼边,一腔笛韵委婉悠扬;山亭古寺四月间,深涧桃花兀自娇娆;暗香疏影黄昏后,东篱素菊暗香盈袖;柴门冬雪夜归人,红泥火炉绿蚁新醅……若懂得,景与物,也相宜。 彷徨失意时,一句懂得,是严冬的一场花开春暖,茫然无助时,一句懂得, 是酷暑的一阵清凉细雨,心与心的贴近,皆因一个“懂得”而欣慰,美好。