看来,建造水坝对这一地区的生态已经有相当大的影响。 Radiant, electrical and chemical energies can all be turned into heat. The frequency, wave length and speed of sound are closely related. Noise figure is minimized by parametric amplifier. 频率、波长和声速三者是密切相关的。
辐射能、电能和化学能这三种能均可转变为热能。 采用参量放大器即可将噪音系数减小至最低限度。
In the absence of sufficient knowledge confusion exists in classifying a specimen as a butterfly or a moth. Lead can be hammered into very thin sheets without being broken.
There are a number of devices that give an electric current when light falls on them, without any chemical changes taking place.
如果没有足够的知识,就分不清标本是属蝶类还是蛾类。 有许多器件在受光照射时能产生电流,但不发生任何化学变化。 铅能被锤成很薄的薄片而不破裂。 2.5 词的省译 第5节 翻译练习1
The fact that the concrete is slow in setting is no sign that it is of poor quality. Such an engine is called an internal combustion engine.
The symptoms of hepatitis are similar no matter which virus is involved. 混凝土凝固得慢并不表示其质量差。 这种发动机成为内燃机。
This critical deficiency was itself due to three factors which interacted with each other over the entire period. The properties change in going from carbon to graphite.
The design choices hinge upon considerations of gain, noise figure, and so forth. 设计选择的关键在于考虑增益、噪音系数等等。 这个关键性的逆差来源于三个始终互相影响的因素。 碳转变成石墨时,其性质也发生了变化。
Temperatures may reach 700°C and surface oxidation becomes critical.
If the atomic nucleus of a heavy element is split, a large amount of energy is released. The discovery of enzymes is very important because it gave impetus to a series of experiments. 分裂一重元素的原子核,会释放出很大的能量。 温度高达700摄氏度,表面氧化便成为关键问题。 酶的发现很重要,因为它推动了一系列试验的进行。
Apart from the fact that it may become hot, no apparent change occurs in a metal when it is carrying a current. This equipment forms an integral part of many advanced systems. There was a rise in temperature, and as a result, the component failed. 金属有电流通过时,除了金属可能变热外没有什么显著变化。 温度升高了,结果元件出了故障。
If there is little cooling water available, a diesel engine makes an excellent prime mover for generation below 10,000 kVA.
There was a block in the pipe and the water could not flow away.
如果能利用的冷却水不多,则柴油发动机可以成为极好的发电10000千伏安以下的原动机。 水管被东西堵住,水流不出去。 2.6 重复法 第6节 翻译练习1
The properties of gas are quite different from those of liquid. The electric resistance of copper is not so large as that of iron. The three gas laws are true of all gases, as well as of air. 气体的性质与液体的性质大不相同。(重复名词)
气体三定律不但适用于空气,也适用于所有气体。(重复动词) 铜的电阻不像铁的电阻那样大。(重复名词) Matter changes not only in state but also in volume.
Continuous data can be expressed in either fractions or whole numbers. 物质不仅形态改变而且体积也改变。(重复动词)
连续资料可以用分数表示,也可以用整数表示。(重复动词) 3.1 名词的译法 第1节 翻译练习1
In an unusual application, this organization uses a fingerprint scanner to monitor the comings and goings of its residents.
A capacitor is used to eliminate sparking when a circuit containing inductance is suddenly opened. 一个不同寻常的用途是:这个机构使用指纹扫描器监视居住人员的进出。 当含有电感的电路突然断开时,可用电容器消除火花。 第1节 翻译练习2
The comparison reveals that the error is due to aliasing.
The scans confirmed that the subjects’ brains dealt with words in ways that contradict one hoary old idea. The latest research with radioactive isotopes has shown that this assumption is quite wrong. 比较结果表明,误差是由于名称不同而造成的。
扫描结果证实,受试者的大脑处理词的方式同一种古老的旧观念不一致。 对放射性同位素的最新研究结果表明,这种设想是完全错误的。
Metals differ in the ease with which they give up electrons and enter into chemical combination. Internal-shoe drum brakes provide better protection from water and dust.
People on earth are protected from the dangerous ultraviolet radiation of the sun by a layer or ozone that spans the planet and absorbs the radiation.
各种金属放出电子和参与化学反应的难易程度不一。 内蹄式鼓形制动器的防水、防尘性能比较好。
地球上的人们受到包围着地球并能吸收辐射的一层臭氧层的保护,从而免受危险的太阳紫外线辐射的伤害。 According to the molecular theory the temperature of an object depends on the average speed of its molecules. Effectiveness of temperature control depends upon the amount of lubricant supplied, the ambient temperature, and the external cooling.
温度控制的效果取决于润滑剂的用量、环境温度以及外部的冷却设施。 第1节 翻译练习3
Particular attention should be given to hoses to ensure that chafing does not occur. The primary concern of electrical engineering is the doing of work by the delivery of energy. Gene piracy is not new.