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2018年秋季外研版九年级英语上册 Module5复习学案(无答案)

教学内容 教学目标 初三上M5 1. 状语从句 2. 表示“禁止做某事的结构” Part 1 Words & Phrases & Sentences Ⅰ. 词汇速记 1. 能量; 能源(n. )________________ 2. 惩罚; 惩处(v. )________________ 3. 操作; 操纵(v. )________________ 4. 沙; 沙子(n. )_______ _________ 5. exhibit(v. )→ __________(n. )展览; 展览会 6. enter(v. )→ __________(n. )进入权; 进入许可 7. miss(v. )→ ________(adj. )找不到的; 失踪的 8. upstairs(adv. ) → __________(反义词)往楼下; 在楼下 9. communicate(v. )→ __________(n. )(复数)通讯 10. dig(v. )→ __________(过去式)挖掘; 掘(洞) 答案:1. energy 2. punish 3. control 4. sand 5. exhibition 6. entry 7. missing 8. downstairs 9. communication 10. dug Ⅱ. 短语互译 1. 违反规定__________the rule 2. 遇上麻烦; 处于困境in __________ 3. 也; 又as __________ 4. physics experiment ________________ 5. find out________________ 6. the whole________________ 7. of all ages ________________ 8. pay attention to________________ 9. no good________________ 答案:1. against 2. trouble 3. well 4. 物理实验 5. 找出,查明 6. 全部,整个 8. 注意 9. 不合适的,不方便的 Ⅲ. 句型攻关 1. 洪水来时, 不要过桥。 __________ __________the bridge when the flood comes. 2. 看标语——“不准喧哗和拍照! ” Look at the sign—“ __________ __________or photos! ” 3. 如果你去杭州, 一定要去参观西湖。 If you __________to Hangzhou, __________ __________you visit the West Lake. 4. 难怪你困了, 昨晚你没睡好。 __________ __________you are sleepy, you didn’t sleep well last night. 5. 如果贝蒂想去聚会的话, 不要阻止她。 If Betty __________to go to the party, __________stop her. 1 / 12

2018年秋季外研版九年级英语上册 Module5复习学案(无答案)

6. 那是一个多么有趣的购物中心啊! __________ __________interesting shopping mall that is! 7. 贝蒂看起来很生气, 她怎么了? Betty looks angry. __________the __________with her? 8. 她不得不每天刷牙, 否则她会感觉不舒服。 She has to brush her teeth every day, ________ she __________ feel uncomfortable. 答案:1. Don’t cross 2. No shouting 3. go make sure 4. No wonder 5. wants don’t 6. What an 7. What’s matter 8. or will Part 2 Language Points 1. No shouting,please! It’s against the rules. 请不要大声喧哗!这样违反规定。 (1) 或“ ”是一种常见的表达禁止做某事的方式,意思是“ ”,相当于“Don’t +动词原形”或“You mustn’t+动词原形”。如: No parking! 请不要停车! No speaking. Listen to the teacher carefully. 不要说话。认真听老师讲课。 No entry!禁止入内! . (2)against 用作介词,意思是“ ”,后跟名词、代词或动名词。against的反义词是for。如果要表示强烈反对用“strongly against”。如: Our school football team will play against the strong team of another famous school this Sunday. 我们学校的足球队这个星期天将对战另外一所名校的强队。 Are you for or against the plan? 你是赞成还是反对这个计划? Public opinion is strongly against his visit to the country. 舆论强烈反对他访问这个国家。 【巧试身手】 ①用括号内所给词的适当形式填空: —Excuse me, you shouldn’t smoke here. Look at the sign, “ No _____(smoke) !” — Sorry, I didn’t see it just now. We should be against _______ (kill) animals. ② —Look at the sign.What does it mean? —It means “ ________ ”. A. Don’t talking B. No talking 2 / 12

2018年秋季外研版九年级英语上册 Module5复习学案(无答案)

C. Not talk D. Not talking ③ She had to sell the house even though it was _______ her own wishes. A. above B. on C. against D. for ④ Mr. Wang is strongly _______ keeping animals in the zoo, because he thinks animals should also enjoy freedom. A. up B. for C. against D. down — She sold her treasures to cure her mother’s illness, even though it was her own wishes. — It’s so kind _____ her. A. against; of B. above; of 2. Daming is in trouble again.大明又有麻烦了。 【要点指津】 in trouble是固定短语,表示“处于不幸、苦恼、困境之中”,trouble的前面可用big,great,deep等形容词修饰,表示程度更强。如: The little boy was in trouble, so I swam out to save her. 这个小男孩处于困境,所以我游过去救他。 C. on; for D. for; for 【拓展】 与trouble相关的短语: get into trouble get out of trouble have trouble with have trouble in doing sth 【易混辨析】be in trouble 和get into trouble be in trouble指处于困境中,表示状态。 get into trouble指招来麻烦,表示动作。 【巧试身手】单项选择。 ①I think we’d better ask our teachers, parents and friends for help when we are ________ . A.in order B. in trouble C. in style ②— How is your English study? —Not bad. But I_______ learning English grammar. A. am interested in B. am good at C. have a little trouble D. have no trouble 3. No wonder the place is empty. 难怪这个地方是空的。 3 / 12

D. in surprise 2018年秋季外研版九年级英语上册 Module5复习学案(无答案)

no wonder是固定短语,意思是“难怪,怪不得,不足为奇”等。如: No wonder you’re tired,you’ve been walking for hours. 难怪你累了呢,你一直走了好几个小时。 She has worked hard for many years, no wonder (that) she is rich. 她努力工作多年了,怪不得她这么富有。 【拓展】 (1)No wonder也可以用It’s no wonder that句型。如: It is no wonder that you are usually late for school, because you ate breakfast so slowly. 你吃饭这么慢,难怪你上学迟到。 (2)wonder可以用作名词,意思是“惊奇,惊叹、奇观”,或动词“想要知道,感到惊讶、怀疑”。 (3)固定用法“I wonder if/whether...”用于口语中,意思是在“我不知道是否可以?”。如: I am wondering if I could borrow you car. 请问我能否借用一下你的汽车。 4. For example, if you want to fill a bag with sand, you have to control a kind of truck on wheels and move it into the correct place . 例如,如果你想在一个袋子里装满沙子,你就不得不操作一个带轮子的卡车,把它移动到合适的位置。 (1)for example意思是“例如”,用于举例说明,一般是例举同类中的一个为例,可放在句首、句中或句末,在句中时前后都用逗号与其他成分隔开;在句首(句末)时,其后(前)用逗号隔开。而such as 用于列举同类人或事物中的几个例子,其后面不需要用逗号与其他成分隔开。如: Many great people loved music, for example, Einstein.很多人都热爱音乐,比如爱因斯坦。 China has many big cities , such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and so on. 中国有很多大城市,比如北京、上海、广州等等。 【巧试身手】 ①Computers are very useful, ________, they can be used for sending e-mail. A. such as B. for example C. as a result D. because of ②Students have many hobbies, ________ painting, swimming and singing. A. such as B. for example C. as a result D. because of (2)fill用作动词,意思是“装满、充满、填满”,常与with连用, 即fill…with…,意思是“把……用……装满”。如: I believe the world is full of love and I will fill the world with love. 我坚信世界是充满爱的,我也将把我的爱去充满整个世界。 We’d better first fill the car with petrol. 我们最好先给汽车加满汽油。 4 / 12

2018年秋季外研版九年级英语上册 Module5复习学案(无答案)

【拓展】辨析be filled with 和 be full of: fill是动词,意思是“装满”,与with组成be filled with,侧重于动作和装的东西,是被动形式;full是形容词,意思是“满的”,与of组成be full of短语, 侧重于状态 。二者区别不大,可以互换。如: 【图解助记】 The bottle is filled with water .瓶子里装满了水。 The classroom was full of students.教室里挤满了学生。 Her eyes were full of tears.她眼泪汪汪的。 【巧试身手】 ③—The box is too heavy to carry. What’s in it? —Oh, it is _______books. A. filled with B. covered with C. used for ④ It is raining hard. The pool ______ water. A.is filled of B. is full with C. is filled with D. is fulled of D. asked for 5. There you can compare the speeds of different animals with your own. 在那里你可以和各种动物比速度。 compare用作动词“比较,对比,比作”。常用短语: (1)“compare with”表示“把……和……相比”,表示同类人或事物相比较,是指研究评判人与人之间、事物与事物之间相同或相异的程度; (2)“compare to 表示“比喻为……”,是指出两者之间的关系相似,常表示不同类人或事物相比作、比拟,意味着两种事物有共同之处。如: He compared his camera with mine.他把他的照相机跟我的比较。 We often compare a teacher to a candle.我们常把老师比喻成蜡烛。 【图解助记】compare比较要分清 5 / 12



