【期刊名称】《浙江大学学报(工学版)》 【年(卷),期】2009(043)010
【摘要】The experimental and emulational analysis of the interface position and molecule diffusion across two aqueous liquids in pressure-driven flow in \were introduced. Experiments and numerical simulation on the interface location were conducted under the condition of keeping the flow rate at one inlet 20 mL/h and the flow rate at the other inlet 2,4,8,12,16,20 mL/h respectively. The numerical simulation on the interface diffusion was verified by visualized experiments when the flow rates at the inlets are both 2 mL/h. Results show that the ratio of stream width and the ratio of flow rates are almost equal in \two streams scales as one third power of the down stream distance.%采用实验和仿真的手段,对\内压力驱动的两束层流的交界面位置以及不同组分分子扩散现象进行了定量研究.在保持其中一个入口的流量为20 mL/h,另一个入口的流量分别为2、4、8、12、16、20 mL/h的情况下对交界面位置进行了实验和数值仿真.在两个入口的流量均为2 mL/h的条件下,对交界面分子扩散距离进行了数值仿真;并且利用可视化实验验证了仿真结果.结果表明,\sensor\中两束流体流束宽度之比基本与流量之比相等;两束层流交界面分子扩散距离与下游位移成1/3次方的关系.