SCI论文中怎样描述XRD结果? Part 1. XRD谱图作为定性分析手段 2016-02-22 zsh 研之成理 1. 列举型(推荐)
实例一:The diffraction pattern for the electrodeposited film has seven broad peaks at 11.8°, 16.8°, 26.7°, 35.2°, 39.2° , 46.4° and 55.9°, corresponding to (100), (200), (310),(211), (301), (411), and (521) of β-FeOOH (ICSD 31136), respectively.
(Ref.: Zou, S. etc., Chem. Mater. 2015, 27, 8011 – 8020)
句式模板: ... shows/has/exhibits N(特征峰数目) peaks at _, _, _ and _, corresponding to (), (), () and () of __ (JCPDS (或ICSD) ___), respectively.
变型: Wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) shows broad peaks at _, _, and _°, which are characteristic of ... (JCPDS __).
适合于:1) XRD结果或者物质的晶型结构对于文章主体内容有重要价值的时候(例如,材料的晶型是重点考察对象(晶型影响材料性能)时;必须通过XRD来对物质组成结构进行定性时);2)下文其它表征需要和XRD结果进行呼应时,比如HRTEM图片中的晶面间距要和XRD (h,k,l)面进行对应时;(3)有多个XRD谱图需要描述时,第一个谱图的描述宜详写,这样后面的谱图描述就可以简略一些,详略得当。
2. 指派型
实例二: Peaks appearing in the original CdS rods can beindexed to wurtzite CdS (JCPDS __) and those in the fully exchanged rods can be indexed to acanthite (JCPDS __). (Ref. : Robinson, R. etc., Science 2007, 317, 355-358)
句式模板:Peaks appearing in __ can be (well) indexed to __ (JCPDS __).
变型:The pattern for __ has a number of peaks that can be well-indexed to __ (JCPDS __).
3. 验证型
实例三:The crystal phase of CuO spheres was further confirmed by X-ray diffraction. (Ref.: Zhu, J. etc., Energy Environ. Sci., 2013, 6, 987-993)
句式模板:The crystal phase of __ was further confirmed by X-ray diffraction. 变型:We further confirmed that thepolycrystalline __ (spheres, nanoparticles, rods) belong to __ by XRD.