Unit3 Understanding each other Welcome to the unit
教 材:牛津高中英语(模块六)高二上学期 文档内容:教学设计—教案
单 元:Unit 3 Understanding each other 板 块:Welcome to the unit Thoughts on the design:
本节课是以说和读为主的单元热身课,用一课时的时间来激活学生与单元话题(文化差异)有关的已有知识以便导入课文教学。运用图画以及与图画有关的提示语,激发学生对话题的兴趣,引导学生运用已有知识进行相关话题的讨论。由于课本上的信息量不大,学生对各国的文化差异并不是很了解,所以通过阅读短文来增加信息量,为下一步的学习做好充分的热身准备,从而调动学习的积极性。同时要注重德育教育,引导学生学会尊重文化差异。 Teaching aims:
After learning this part, the students will be able to:
1. have a general understanding of a different way of greeting each other by
people from different countries;
2. know some different customs that are different in different parts of the
3. express their opinions about the possible problems that may be caused by
the differences;
4. learn some new words and phrases and language points. Teaching procedures: Step 1 lead in (PPT4-5)
As we all know, different countries have different cultures and customs. Look at the Quiz on the screen please, let’s know more about cultural differences in different countries.
1) In Western countries, it’s unusual to give tips. (No) 2) Westerners tend to avoid using13. (Yes)
3) Nodding your head up and down always means yes. (No)
4) Usually, one should never give a clock as a gift in China. (Yes) 5) Never point to anything with your foot in Vietnam(越南). (Yes)
6) You can pass something to an older person with one hand in Korea. (No) 7) In Canada, it’s OK to arrive early if you are invited to someone’s house? (No) [Explanation]
Step 2 Presentation (PPT6-8) Look at the pictures on the screen.
In which countries do people greet each other in the way like the people in each picture do?
Match the ways of greeting with the countries? Country/Area Ways of greeting
Netherlands putting their hands together and bowing slightly Thailand kissing each other on one cheek and then the other South America greeting each other by touching noses The Middle East hugging each other [Explanation]
根据教材编写的要求先通过直观观察四幅画来了解四个不同的国家各自的问候方式,学生分组讨论交流,然后表达自己的思想,这样可以学会与他人合作,共享学习成果,并练习了口语,大大激发了学生的学习兴趣。 Step 3 Reading (PPT9-11)
1. Read a passage and know more about the different greeting ways mentioned above. Reading material:
The way that people greet each other differs from one country to another, but all greetings are meant to show friendship and respect. In Japan, whether meeting someone for the first time or seeing an old friend, people usually greet each other with a bow. In Thailand, the custom is to put one’s hands together at the chest or in front of the face, with the head bowed. In Latin countries, women often greet each other with an embrace, putting their cheeks together while exchanging greetings. In France, the way to greet friends is with a kiss on both cheeks. But possibly the most unusual way to greet a friend is the one used by Eskimos in Alaska—an enthusiastic rubbing of noses! More and more, however, the hand—shake is becoming the most popular greeting around the world. The handshake got its start in the Middle Ages, when all strangers were seen as possible enemies. When two men who didn’t know each other met on a road, they immediately pulled out their weapons. When they were satisfied that the other person was not an enemy, they would put their weapons away and hold out their hands in a gesture of friendship. While they were talking,
they often maintained the handshake until they were sure they could trust the other person. Variations of the handshake have developed over the years. In European countries, the handshake has become so popular that it is used almost every time people get together—sometimes several times a day with the same person. In Europe, people take each other’s hands gently and don’t move them as much as in other parts of the world. In Arabic countries, men usually don’t release the handshake until many greetings have been exchanged. In the United States, the handshake is used when meeting people for the first time or when greeting people on important occasions. The American handshake is usually a very strong one. Some people even think it’s too strong.. Also, Americans move their hands up and down more than Europeans do. But whatever greeting is used—a handshake, a bow, or an embrace—we can all recognize and understand a gesture of friendship. T or F questions:
1. Greetings are meant to show friendship and respect. T/F
2. Possibly the most unusual way for people to greet each other is to put one’s hands together at the chest. T/F
3. Handshake was first used in the Middle Ages.
4. In the United States, people shake hands when they meet important people. 5. The Europeans shake hands gently.
2. Read another short passage about greetings and answer the following questions.
What do Americans/the British/Australians like doing to show respect? When it comes to the first impression, a proper greeting is of the utmost importance. Before you group together all English-speaking people, remember there are many differences greeting manners between various countries. For example, Americans like a strong handshake that shows respect, as well as a simple greeting, ie. ‘Hello, nice to meet you’. Or ‘Hi, my name is John.’ On the contrary, the British prefer a brief but firm handshake associated with a formal greeting such as ‘Good morning, Mr Blair. How are you?’ Australians also differ with people commonly preferring a simple ‘G’ day (Good day) in casual situations. Whether you are introducing yourself to others or seeing an old friend, it is important to use
the proper greeting according to the different cultures and situations. [Explanation]
按照教材上来上这节课,课堂容量会太小,通过设计阅读这一环节,帮助学生增加与本课有关的知识,引导学生在上一个新的话题时,可以通过阅读来增加信息,同时有机地将话题讨论与阅读相结合。 Step 3 Discussion (PPT12)
Are these ways of greeting the same as the ways Chinese people greet each other? As a Chinese, if you are not familiar with greetings from other countries, what might happen?
(Maybe we would feel embarrassed; we might be involved in awkward situations like …) [Explanation]
让学生分组讨论这两个问题,确保每个人都有机会表达自己的观点和训练到自己的英语口语, 并让他们亲身感受一下如何与外国人打招呼,如果自己遇到因文化差异引起的尴尬应如何解决,这样的教学情景很有交际性,使课堂气氛达到高潮。 Step 4 Homework
Read the passage in Part A on page123 in Workbook.
20、人因为心里不快乐,才浪费,是一种补偿作用。 21、我要你知道,在这个世界上总有一个人是等着你的,不管在什么时候,不管在什么地方,反正你知道,总有这么个人。 22、回忆这东西若是有气味的话,那就是樟脑的香,甜而稳妥,像记得分明的块乐,甜而怅惘,像忘却了的忧愁。 23、对于三十岁以后的人来说,十年八年不过是指缝间的事,而对于年轻人而言,三年五年就可以是一生一世。 24、一般的说来,活过半辈子的人,大都有一点真切的生活经验,一点独到的见解。他们从来没想到把它写下来,事过境迁,就此湮没了。 25、男人做错事,但是女人远兜远转地计划怎样做错事。女人不大想到未来——同时也努力忘记她们的过去——所以天晓得她们到底有什么可想的! 26、男人憧憬着一个女人的身体的时候,就关心到她的灵魂,自己骗自己说是爱上了她的灵魂。惟有占领了她的身体之后,他才能够忘记她的灵魂。 27、要是真的自杀,死了倒也就完了,生命却是比死更可怕的,生命可以无限制地发展下去,变的更坏,更坏,比当初想象中最不堪的境界还要不堪。 28、太大的衣服另有一种特殊的诱惑性,走起路来,一波未平,一波又起,有人的地方是人在颤抖,无人的地方是衣服在颤抖,虚虚实实,极其神秘。 29、因为懂得,所以慈悲。 30、这世上没有一样感情不是千疮百孔的 想要忘记一段感情,方法永远只有一个:时间和新欢。要是时间和新欢也不能让你忘记一段感情,原因只有一个:时间不够长,新欢不够好。 ——张小娴《面包树上的女人》
牛津译林版高中英语选修六Unit 3《Understanding each other》(Welcome)教学设计