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—His left me about his real purpose .

A.marks ; wondering B.marks ; to wonder

C.remarks ; wonder D.remarks ; wondering

34.As is known to us , theory is based on practice and serves practice .

A.by chance B.in turn C.in return D.in reply

35.—Did you visit the temple ?

—No. We it , but we spent too much time shopping .

A.could have visited B.can“t have visited

C.needn“t have visited D.should visit

第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


It was a Sunday afternoon and , unlike the past few weekends , the four of us did not sit at the kitchen table playing cards .

That evening, my parents seated my sister Emily 36 I down in the living room because they said that they 37 to talk to us .

My father began slowly , as if he was 38 something back . 39 grew deep in his forehead 40 he told us that he and my mother were getting a divorce . Tears began to

41 in my mother“s eyes . My father went over and stared out 42 the view of the backyard .

I always 43 of my parents as being in love , 44 they fought all the time . I saw them as 45 in every way . I looked up to them 46 anyone else , and now they destroyed their 47 .I think the 48 came from not having anyone to look up to .

Now I see my father about once a week , and it is 49 . I can talk to him more 50

and I have learned to appreciate the time I get to spend with my father . 51 my mother it has changed in a different way . I have 52 to respect her more . She works so hard to 53 the family .

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It took lots of time for me to know that what they did was for the 54 and to 55 them for it . I now know that parents are not perfect and also make mistakes .

36.A.and B.but C.when D.while

37.A.decided B.ought C.had D.meant

38.A.getting B.holding C.taking D.stopping

39.A.Threads B.Marks C.Signs D.Lines

40.A.before B.as C.after D.since

41.A.build B.fall C.drop D.pile

42.A.within B.off C.away D.beyond

43.A.knew B.heard C.learned D.thought

44.A.as if B.even though C.so that D.now that

45.A.perfect B.happy C.confused D.puzzled

46.A.as much as B.no more than C.not more than D.more than

47.A.dream B.mind C.image D.figure

48.A.effect B.sense C.feeling D.pain

49.A.different B.difficult C.distant D.delicious

50.A.often B.closely C.openly D.kindly

51.A.For B.To C.At D.With

52.A.come B.known C.hoped D.refused

53.A.help B.afford C.support D.supply

54.A.best B.better C.most D.more

55.A.admired B.forgive C.thank D.praise

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Mr Smith is well known in Washington because of his many social blunders . He always likes to attend the various social functions because he wants to expand his circle of friends . Whenever he is invited, he goes , unless he is ill .

Recently he received an invitation to a fashionable banquet . Although he did not know the hostess , he accepted the invitation . He was secretly very pleased , because he felt that his reputation as a desirable guest was growing .

When he arrived at the banquet hall , he found that about one hundred people had been invited . He began to move around the hall . He spoke to other guests whether he knew them or not . He soon realized that he had never met any of the other people present , although they seemed to know each other .

At dinner he was seated beside a very dignified woman . The woman tried to be friendly even though she had never met Mr. Smith before . She spoke politely whenever he spoke to her . Between the first and the second course of the meal , she , turned to Mr. Smith and said , “Do you see that gray-haired man at the end of the table ? The one with glasses .”

“Ah , yes . Who is he ?”

“He”s the Secretary of the Interior !“ she replied .

Mr . Smith said , “So that”s the Secretary of the Interior ! I“m afraid that I find very little to admire about him, although he is the Secretary .”

The woman stiffened and did not reply . Mr. Smith continued in spite of her coldness . “I really can”t see how he received his appointment unless he is perhaps a relative of the President .“

“It hardly matters whether you like the Secretary or not , ”she said . “He was chosen because the President thought he was the man for the job . If he does the job well , you should have no complaint .”

“That”s just it,“ persisted Mr. Smith . ”No one does the things he does , unless he is a complete fool ! “

“Sir !” said the woman in all her dignity . “Do you know who I am ?” “No,” replied

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Mr. Smith .

“I am the Secretary”s wife ,“ she said coldly . Mr. Smith was shocked , but he went on in spite of his embarrassment . ”Madam , do you know who I am ?“

“No , I don”t ,“ the woman replied .

“Thank goodness !” exclaimed Mr. Smith , as he quickly left the table .

56.Why is Mr. Smith well known in Washington ?

A.He“s the Secretary of the Interior .

B.He has more friends than other people .

C.He always makes foolish mistakes on social occasions . D.He likes to go to all kinds of parties .

57.At dinner he was seated beside a very dignified woman . The underlined part means . A.beautiful B.serious C.noble D.kind-hearted

58.When Mr. Smith learned that the woman didn“t know who he was , he felt

A.shocked B.worried C.embarrassed D.relieved


Biomass energy (生物能), often forgotten as promising alternative (替代物)to oil , received its day in the sun with the gathering of the Bio-Energy World Congress and Exposition in Atlanta , Georgia , late in April , 1990 . Nearly 1700 scientists , businessmen , and policy-makers , one-quarter from the foreign nations, gathered for a week to discuss various means of squeezing usable energy out of trees , crops manure , seaweed , algae and urban waste . Biomass in the United States contributes 2.5 percent of the total supply , but this amount can be doubled by 2000 and then doubled again by the year 2010.

Eight percent of Sweden“s energy supply , for example , is presently coming from wood bark and pulp remains . Sweden intends to raise this percentage by more intensive harvesting of waste food lying around in forests , and through the planting of so-called energy forests of fast-growing trees such as willow and birch .

Brazil is frequently pointed to as a nation with a major successful investment (投资) in

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energy coming from grains : it presently runs 330,000 automobiles on a water and alcohol (酒精) mixture , replacing 10 percent of its previous oil supply . Brazilian representatives (代表) at the conference said they wish to double this in five years , with a final goal of total replacement . Most of the cars are built at the factory to use the mixture , while older models are changed through low-cost government programs .

59.In Line 2, the phrase received its day in the sun most probably means .

A.came to the public mind B.had its turn in the sunlight

C.was regarded as a solar energy D.came from the energy of the sun

60.Which of the following statements is supported by the passage ?

A.1700 scientists attended the conference .

B.A quarter of American businessmen were present at the conference . C.Foreign policy-makers accounted for a quarter . D.Three-quarters of the representatives were from the U.S.

61.Of the total supply twenty years later , biomass in the U. S. will be .

A.5% B.20% C.10% D.15%

62.Which of the following is not regarded as biomass energy ?

A.Willow and seaweed . B.Wood and grains .

C.Water and alcohol mixture . D.Crops and oil mixture .

63.A suitable title for this passage would be .

A.An energy Conference B.Approval of Biomass Energy

C.Bio-Energy for Automobiles D.Keys to Energy Crisis


Insurance (保险) is the sharing of risks . Nearly everyone is exposed to risk of some sort . The house owner ,for example , knows that his property can be damaged by fire ; the

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