上一篇文章是一些常见的封闭性试题及答案,这一篇我们主要探讨一些开放性试题的回答套路。以下粗体部分我们应熟记于心,在回答很多题目时来回反复运用。 1. 回答问题的基本框架:
As far as I’m concerned,this question covers the following aspects: Firstly,… Secondly,… Thirdly,… ……
In conclusion, …
2. 如何布置作业(Assign homework)?
现在讲究以学生为中心,所以很多题目(例如怎样设计一节课,怎样设计一个活动,怎样设计一个情境等),都可以先把学生的兴趣以及水平说出来,再说其他。参考答案: (1) Focus on students' interest
(2) Pay attention to the level of students (3) Consider the key points and difficult points
(4) Consider what language skills you want the students to
3. How to deal with student-centered teaching?
使学生更加自信, 提高学生的学习能力(核心素养中包括)和自学习惯是两个非常重要的方面,在很多问题当中都可以把这两点先说出来,其他的自由发挥。参考答案:
(1) Use various ways in class to make students confident
(2) Develop their learning ability and self-study habits. Give them
more chance to learn by themselves
(3) Gave them more time to communicate in English.
(4) Cultivate students’ language skills of listening,speaking,
reading,viewing and writing.
4. Studying steps?
Observation-imitation-practice-Production (这四个步骤一定要记住,它们可以用于很多问题,例如如何进行语法教学?或者是怎样教学生定语从句,状语从句,虚拟语气等等。)先把这四点说出来,然后每一点再详细的解释一下,再举几个例子,大家自由发挥。
5. Purpose of homework:
(1) Our English course standard focuses on the use of target language (2) Practice makes perfect. Consolidated what they have learned
(3) Discover the problems in teaching and learning. (发现教学当中存在的问题属于课后反思或评价。这是非常重要的一个方面,在回答很多问题时,我们都可以提到它。)
6. 一个好的英语老师的品质/当一名老师应该做到什么/怎样才算一个好的英语老师?
(1) A good English teacher should have the knowledge of English and go on learning(继续学习是很重要的一个点,在很多题中可以用到。)
(2) Be patient with students and find the advantage of every student(对学生有耐心,找到每个学生的优点,这也是可以经常用到的。)
(3) Teach the students knowledge and learning methods(注意教给学生学习方法这一点也很重要。)
(4) Understand the students, respect them and try to make friends with them(理解学生、尊重学生,试着和学生交朋友,这一点也在很多题中可以用到。)
7. Reading strategies:(策略这个词在答辩中用到的非常多。很多评委都喜欢问你关于策略的问题。笔者在晋升一级职称答辩的时候,评委问的就是阅读策略。)
(1) Teach the students some reading skills,including skimming,