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British car sales manager

who had just finished courses on business ethics was sent to sell cars to an African country. The

negotiations had been going on for months without any real results.He was at his wits' end. Finallyxhe

hit upon a solution.One day he bought a popular novel and slipped a check of #20,000 in the book.

Then he presented it to the minister in charge of transportation. This minister examined its contents,

pretending he didn’t see the check at all.Then he said with a smile:\,I hear London is at

its best in May.”The sales manager, who was quick-witted, replied: \company in London will be

most honored to welcome your visit!”A short time later, the deal was approved in London! Section B Reading Skills

1. The writer holds a doubtful attitude toward this opinion, calling it a popular myth. We can find the

writer's doubtful attitude in Paragraph 1.

2. They are the supportive style and the stimulating style. We can find the information in Paragraph 4.

3. Four groups of children: one with supportive parents, one with stimulating parents, one whose

parents combining both qualities and a final group who offered neither. We can find the information in Paragraph 6.

4. Eleven seconds a day in Holland and less than a minute a day in the United States. We can find the information in Paragraph 10.

5. The environmental factors such as better parenting and educational techniques. We can find the

information in Paragraph 15, the last o f the 5ext II.



1. supervising 2. fascinate3. guarantee 4. explore 6. identified 7. steer 8. beneficial 9. demonstrate 10. implication IV

1. up 2. out 3. up 4. in 5. over 6. on 7. in5. 8. into 9. from 10. in

Unit 8 Section A

Comprehension o f the text I.

1. They hid behind their curtains and peered at the travelers cautiously.

2. It means that the small town was a stage where the different travelers who passed by were actors revealing themselves to the audience-the villagers.

3. Probably there were different ways of greetings between them, so there might be some misunderstandings or inappropriate responses. 4. Because she wanted to sing and dance so much that she thought the money was given as a discouragement rather than an encouragement. 5. When she left her hometown of Eatonville for Jacksonville at thirteen, she experienced a huge change and she was aware that she was black. 6. It means that she was not emotionally disturbed by the fact that she was a descendent of slaves. She felt good about herself.

7. The writer compared herself to a brown bag of mixed items propped up against a wall with other bags.

8. As is described, the contents revealed are nothing but common objects. It suggests that for ordinary people, no matter whether they are white or black, they share something in common. Vocabulary III.

1. cautiously 2. bribing 3. disapprove(d) 4. tendency 5. permanent 6. depression 7. fragrance 8. guarantee 9. exclusively 10. generously IV.

1. peering at 2. be broken off 3. disapproved of 4. prop up 5. In the main 6. in company with 7. in that 8. pay the price 9. belong to 10. more or less V.

1. L . H 4. D 6. E 7. N 8. K 9. G 10. B Collocation VI.

1 .plans 2. lifestyle 3. fact 4. policies 5. rules 6. concentration 7. world 8. voice 9. inheritance 10. content Word Building VII.

1. devalued 2. demobilized 3. deregulated 4. decentralized 5. destabilizing 6. depersonalized 7. de-emphasize 8. decoded VIII.

1. retirees 2. interviewees 3. trainee 4. employees 5. escapees 6. addressee 7. devotee 8. divorcee sentence structure IX .

1. I know she isn't really interested in window-shopping, but she doesn't mind waiting while I have a look.

2. If people don't mind my not having a degree, I could give a few music lessons!

3. People don't mind paying a lot more for good software because they can see the benefits of using it.

don't mind if people perceive me as arrogant. You need certain degree of it to succeed.

5. We don't mind if it takes time for people to express their hopes, goals, fears, and needs in their lives. X.

1. No friends came to see her; she shut herself off, in the old familiar world of bedroom and drawing room.

2. No cigarette end could give us any clue to or sign of anyone having ever been there.

3. No gas, no water and no electricity in the hospital! How could you expect the children to survive this

4. No other information is given about the book itself, although there is a brief biographical, note about the writer.

5. No effort has been made to investigate the \ occurred over the past three years.

Translation XI.

1. 1 don't mind his staying out so late as long as he behaves himself.

2. 1 prefer his plan to others in that I think no plan is more practical than his. 3. They broke off business relations with that company as it suffered huge losses in the last fiscal year and went bankrupt.

4. Now that you don't like him, why did you invite him to your birthday party in the first place

5. Though we knew our chances to win were slim, we were more or less depressed when we lost in the game.

6. Perhaps this was the price that has to be paid for progress-who knows? XII.

1. 我不在乎他们否定我的计划,但在内心深处我仍渴望得到他们的支 持。

2. 彼得宣布他不想与她们中任何一个女孩一起唱歌或跳舞他没给 任何理由。

3. 我们尊敬的是那些奉献时间、友谊和才能的人而不是那些一心 只为自己谋求私利的人。 4.看来我生意遭到一了巨大损失这是 我不听父母忠告所付出的代价。

5. 他们只是顺便又提到了这一点在我去那个国家旅行时会有一位翻 译一直在我身边。

6. 即使当父母强烈反对子女的行为方式时他们拒绝接受的是那种 行为方式而不是子女本人,澄清这一点十分重要。 Cloze XIII.

1. B 3B 4. D 5A 6. D 7A Structured Writing XV .

Small in size and light in weight, electronic dictionaries are convenient to useThey are easy to carry and students can take them anywhere they go. Whenever they come across a new word in reading, they can find out its meaning with the help of an electronic dictionary. An electronic dictionary usually contains the information of several paper dictionariesWhen students have one such dictionary, they actually have more than one dictionary in handMeanwhileelectronic dictionaries are time-saving. They save students from turning pages over to find the wordInstead,

they only need to key in the word and the meaning will appear on the screen. Considering all the above factorsno wonder more and more students are using electronic dictionaries nowadays Section B Readinq skills I.

1. F. It is basically factual that the value of youth enabled people to make money.

2. F. It states a fact that what manufacturers claim has caused worries from doctors.

3. F. It is basically factual that a woman was doubtful about the effect of Imedeen before.

4. F. It is basically factual that a doctor questions the methods used in the study.

5. O. From \the text II.

1. F Vocabulary III.

1. appeal 2. nutrition 3. denied 4. ingredients 5. stimulated 6. perceived 7. accelerate 8. controversy 9. extracts 10. ridiculous

Exercises on Web course only: 11. renew 12. multiply 13. utilized 14. Demonstrate IV.

1. look into 2. poured out 3. beat back 4. When it comes to 5. have to do with 6. specialize in 7. was tied up with 8. symbolic of 9. do the trick 10. attached (great) importance to

Unit 9

Section A Vocabulary III.

1. violated 2. delicate 3. contended 4. invasion 5. illustration 6.

attendance 7. concessions 8. unique 9. contemplated 10. excess 11. banned 12. symbol 13. figured 14 assemble



