【期刊名称】《佳木斯教育学院学报》 【年(卷),期】2016(000)002
【摘要】父爱如山,在学前儿童的心理发展过程中,父亲扮演着重要的角色,如果缺少父亲的陪伴,将会对儿童的心理发育产生严重的影响。长期拥有父亲陪伴的儿童具有更加积极的性格,相反,如果长期没有父亲的陪伴,会在学前儿童的内心深处产生深刻的自卑心理,因此,父亲的作用是十分重要的,尤其是学前儿童正处在身心发育的关键性阶段,如果不能得到父亲的关怀与细心的呵护,将会对今后的人生产生严重的心理障碍。本文的论述重点就是针对父亲在学前儿童的成长过程中所扮演角色进行论述,并且分析父亲对儿童心理所具有的作用,希望通过本文的论述,能够为父母起到一定的警示性作用,为了孩子的健康成长,我们要重视起父亲的角色。úther's love, deep and stable, in the process of psychological development of pre-school children, father plays an important role, lack of father's company would have a serious impact on children's psychological development. Have long-term father to accompany the children, having a more positive character, on the contrary, have a deep sense of inferiority. Therefore, father's role is very important, especialy for preschool children is in the key stage of physical and mental development, without father’s caring and attentive care wil produce a serious psychological disorder in future life. This paper analyzes the role of fathers in the growth process of