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2019年沪教牛津版英语七年级下册 Unit 5 Water Period 4附答案

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2019年沪教牛津版英语七年级下册 Unit 5 Water Period 4



1. About 70________ of our body is made up of water. (percent ; percentage ) 2.What_____can we do to save water?(else; other) 3.Oceans_____about 75% of the Earth.(cover; make)

4.A bath uses about_____as much water as a shower. (two ; twice ) 5. _____can we save water at home?(What;How) Ⅱ.用所给单词的适当形式填空

1.Here____(be) some fresh water.

2.Two fifths of the students____(be) girls. 3.We all know that ocean water is____(salt) .

4.It's difficult for us ____(finish) this work in such a short time. 5.This book is as ____(interest) as that one.

6.For your _____ (safe) , you'd better not travel to Vietnam. 7.This room is big enough _____(hold) 200 people.

8.One of the best____(way) to study English is reading aloud. Ⅱ.单项选择

1.It's necessary for us____English well. A.to learn B.learning C.learn 2.Playing on the road is not____.

A.safe B.safety C.safely D.unsafe 3.Can you fix up my watch? It doesn't work. A.check B.change C.repair D.carry

4.You'd better ride a bike to go to school____taking a bus every day. A.instead of B.instead C.thanks to D.because of 5.Please do____your teacher tells you. A.like B.as C.for D.with Ⅳ.根据汉语意思完成句子 1.大部分水不可饮用。

____ ____ ____ ____isn't drinkable. 2.他每两小时休息一下。 He rests____ ____ ____. 3.早起不容易。

____ ____ ____ ____get up early. 4.我们通过修理滴水的水龙头节约水。 We save water by____ ____ ____tap. 5.人们怎样处理脏水?

How do people____ ____ ____? 能力提升全练 Ⅰ.任务型阅读

We can do many things to keep our water clean.

●Whenever you see litter such as cans and plastic bags (塑料袋) in the street, pick it up. When rainwater washes over the litter, it becomes polluted. The polluted water

flows into rivers and the sea.

●Do not throw paint, oil or litter down your sink (水槽) or toilet.

●Pick up your dog's waste. It can also pollute the water when it is washed into rivers or the sea.

●Take home chemicals, waste oil and batteries to specified(指定的) places to throw them away.

●Do not throw litter on nearby beaches. We can have a volunteer group at our school or join a group to help clean the beaches instead. 1.Why should we pick up litter in the street? ____________________________________________ 2.What should we do with our dog's waste? ____________________________________________

3.What should we do with home chemicals, waste oil and batteries? ____________________________________________ 4.How can we keep beaches clean?

____________________________________________ Ⅱ.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)

Water is very important to living things.Without water there can be no life on the earth. All plants and animals need water. Humans also need water. We need water to drink, to cook food and to clean ourselves. Water is needed in farms, factories, offices, schools and families.

Water is found in seas, rivers and lakes. It can be found everywhere in the world, and it can also be found in the air. We cannot see or feel it when it is part of the air. Clouds are also made of water. They are little drops of water. When water freezes, it is ice. So ice is also water. 1.Some living things can live without water.

2.Humans need less water than the other living things. 3.Water can be found only on the earth and in the air. 4.Farms, factories and schools all need water. 5.Clouds are made of very little drops of water. 三年模拟全练

1.-____orange juice would you like to drink? -A glass is enough.

A.How much B.How many C.How D.What

2.___the heavy snow, they stayed at home instead of____out. A.Because; going B.Because of; going C.Because; go D.Because of; go

3.John is getting very thin. He doesn't have___food. A.many B.enough C.few D.little 4.____ there ___in today's newspaper?

A.Is; anything interested B.Is; interested anything C.ls; anything interesting D.Is; interesting anything 5.-Excuse me. I'm looking for my English book. -Oh, sorry.I took___by mistake.

A.yours B.mine C.hers D.his 五年中考全练

1. Grandma wants to watch the program Legal Report. Please___the TV. A.turn off B.turn on C.turn down

2.-It's said that the best way to relax is___ exercise. -I see. But you should keep away ____dangerous sports. A.with ; from B.for ; off C.through ; from D.through ; by

3. Your advice is very___to me. I'm sure our activity will be more meaningful. A.terrible B.comfortable C.impossible D.valuable

4.I don't know when he___back. Please tell me when he___back. A.comes ; comes B.comes ; will come C.will come ; comes

5. -All done ! Let's swim, Martine !

-Swimming!I just___ get used to it in winter. A.can't B.shouldn't C.mustn't D.needn't

6.The Chinese government has made______possible for people to live happy lives. A.that B.this C.it

7.When the boy heard the words, his face____red. A.got B.turned C.changed 核心素养全练 Ⅰ.智力测试

l.Insert(插入)the missing number. 10 3 8 4 13 4 5 10 6 9 5 ? 2.-Do we need to buy a map? -No, but don't worry. I used to(过去一直) live here, so I know it like the back of my hand.

What does \You may answer it in Chinese or English.

____________________________________________________________ 3.Find the missing letter. M O Q T V X F H 4. Jack is 15 years old, three times as old as his sister. How old will Jack and his sister be when he is twice as old as his sister?

5._______is called the \漂流城)in the world. A.New York B.Paris C.Kunming D.Venice (威尼斯 ) 6.Nowadays, more and more schools have their own Internet classrooms to help students improve themselves. To make good use of the Internet classrooms, students should _____ online.

①chat with their friends as often as possible

2019年沪教牛津版英语七年级下册 Unit 5 Water Period 4附答案


