Fish Conservation and
Traditional management use of life history
CONS 486
informationRoss Chapter 3
Traditional management use of
life history information
?Escapement models
?Surplus production models
Major theme: Linking science to conservation & management
?????PhysiologyBehaviourPopulation ecologyEcosystem ecologyHabitat data (limnology, oceanography)?Life history?Fisheries exploitation data?Applied life history data?Human dimensions: socio-economic dataBasic scienceApplied science?Protecting populations & habitats?Restoring populations & habitatsConservationManagement?Harvest regulations?Managing fisheries & habitatsDefinitions
?Population recruitment: production of offspring that survive to sexual maturity and reproduce
?Fisheries recruitment: production of offspring that reach a harvestable body size
?Stock size: the number of individuals (or biomass) that support a fishery
?Spawner stock: biomass of reproducing adults aka spawners
?Stock-recruitment models: predict recruitment based on number (or biomass) of adult fish
How are stock-recruitment models used?
?‘Models’ are mathematical equations–Need to know stock size–Population growth rate
–Population carrying capacity
–And must assume DENSITY DEPENDENT population growth
?Then…you can forecast future abundance!–i.e., predict # of recruits in next generation?Use results to inform management decisions?E.g., fisheries opening/closures, quotas
鱼类养护和管理 (11)