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幼儿园大班英语:Easter Bunny复活节1教学设计

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Easter Bunny复活节1

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Easter Bunny Easter 1

教师:风老师 风顺第二幼儿园


原创教学设计 Excellent Teaching Design Easter Bunny复活节1

教材说明:本教学设计资料适用于幼儿园大班英语科目 ,主要用途为培养学生的学习兴趣,提高逻辑思维、形象思维、口语交际及表达能力,进而促进全面发展和提高。内容已根据教材主题进行配套式编写,可直接修改调整或者打印成为纸质版本进行教学使用。 easter bunny复活节 easter bunny

teaching plan: easter bunny

school: no.2 education kindergarten of jiangmen (江门教育二幼)

teacher: eileen zhou 周爱连 children's age: four years' old


can hop、找朋友、制作复活蛋、藏蛋和寻蛋等游戏,让幼儿知道了兔(easter bunny)和蛋(easter

egg)在节日里的重要意义,知道了兔子跳是hop, 学会了单词easter bunny、easter

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原创教学设计 Excellent Teaching Design egg、toy、basket、hop、hide。句型color the egg, lots of fun. go on an egg hunt.

在活动当中让幼儿感受到其乐趣,激起学习英语的兴趣。 活动(一)英语活动 一、活动目标

1.初步认识西方节日-复活节的风俗习惯。 2.正确辨认单词及其发音。

3.通过拼蛋、我会跳、找朋友游戏中感受节日的快乐。 4.单词:easter bunny easter egg basket toy hop 二、教学时数

1课时(小班15分钟) 三、活动准备

1.复活兔头饰、复活蛋、篮子、玩具、夫拉圈若干。 2.easter bunny的音乐磁带

3.配班老师戴上复活兔头饰,提着装有复活蛋和玩具的篮子,准备参与活动。 四、活动过程 1. warm up .greetings

t: good morning, boys and girls. how are you today? c: i am happy. thank you. and you?

t: i am fine, too. thank you. please look at the sky, what's

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原创教学设计 Excellent Teaching Design the weather like?

c: it's sunny/rainy/cloudy. . music: \

\day today. hot, hot, hot.\ 2. new words

t: easter is coming. here comes an easter bunny. look, she is hopping to us.

t: hello, i am easter bunny. nice to see you. t&c: nice to see you, too. t: what's in your hand? t1: it's a basket.

t&c: basket, basket, it's a basket. t: what's in your basket? t1: let me show you. this is a toy. t&c: oh, toy, toy, it's a toy.

t: there are many toys in your basket. let me see. this is a toy car. this is a

toy carrot. that's a toy

dog. oh, what's that? it's very beautiful. t1: i want you to guess.

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原创教学设计 Excellent Teaching Design t: is it a boat? t1: no, it isn't. t: is it a bowl? t1: no, it isn't.

t: i'm sorry, easter bunny. i don't know. boys and girls, do you know?

t1: (match the egg) do you know now. it's an easter egg. t: easter egg, easter egg, it's an easter egg. how colorful it is!

t1: yes, how many colors can you see?

t&c: let's count. one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. there are seven.

t1: what colors are they?

t&c: they are red, blue, green, pink, orange, purple and yellow.

t: easter eggs are so beautiful. may i have one.

t1: sure. here, i have many easter eggs. but they are broken. can you help me match them?

t: yes, i can. can you, boys and girls? 3. play games

. match the easter egg from two parts.

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幼儿园大班英语:Easter Bunny复活节1教学设计


