Unit 1 Introduction to Cross-border E-commerce Websites 跨境电商平台简介 [导学] 同学你好!从今天开始我们将学习第一单元Introduction to
Cross-border E-commerce Websites跨境电商平台简介。学习完本单元后,你应该基本了解目前最热门的几个跨境电商平台,如亚马逊、速卖通、敦煌、eBay、WISH等的基本情况,能够理解这些平台英文介绍的大致意思并能完成课后任务。本单元学习的主要目的是在了解平台的基础上,增加跨境电商英语的词汇量,锻炼大家的英语听力和阅读理解能力。 Materials for autonomous learning自主学习材料 Lead-in 单元导入 同学你好!本单元的主题是Introduction to Cross-border E-commerce Websites跨境电商平台简介。 1. What is Cross-border E-commerce? 什么是跨境电商 2. Compared with traditional business, what are the advantages and disadvantages of E-commerce? How many cross-border E-commerce websites do you know?
商平台? 3. Can you say something about any cross-border website you know? 你能大概说说你所了解的跨境电商平台吗? Answer:
1. Cross-border e-commerce can be defined in both broad and narrow sense. In a narrow sense, cross-border e-commerce is almost equal to cross-border retailing, in which transaction parties in different countries reach agreements and settle accounts through the Internet and deliver/receive the goods via cross-border logistics. In a broad sense, cross-border e-commerce equals electronic foreign trade. It’s kind of international business, in which the product display, negotiation and transaction are done via internet and goods are delivered through cross-border logistics.
跨境电商可从广义和狭义两方面来定义。狭义地说,跨境电商几乎等同于跨境零售,不同国家的交易双方达成协议,设立网络账户,通过跨境物流发送或接收货物。广义上来说,跨境电商等同于电子外贸,是国际贸易的一种形式,产品展示、协商、交易都通过网络来达成,货物通过跨境物流运输。 2 &3. The advantages of cross-border e-commerce lie in lower cost, high efficiency and less intermediate links for a lot of traditional companies seeking for breakthroughs in sales. Buyers could also get products with cheaper price in shorter period.
跨境电商的优势在于低成本,高效率,少中间商,对于很多传统企业来说是一种销售渠道的突破。买家则可以再更短的时间内以更便宜的价格得到货物。 其他电商平台如图。 TEXT 正文 Amazon eBay Ali Express DH gate Other Websites 首先,我们一起来看电商巨头亚马逊平台。请先欣赏一段视频Amazon shopping.
大家可以看到主题“shop for everything you love”. 不论你在哪,你在做什么,你喜欢什么,亚马逊平台都可以把你喜欢的东西送到你面前。 我们再来多了解一下亚马逊。来看一段PRIME DAY的视频。今年的PRIME DAY 是2017.7.11。Prime Day是亚马逊专门为亚马逊 Prime会员提供的为期一天的全球购物活动,Prime会员可以享受几乎所有类别产品的折扣。从2015年起,Prime Day就是亚马逊历史上销量最火爆的一天。 视频上到处可见亚马逊标志性的笑脸,大家还可以看到中文的快递字样,亚马逊遍布全世界。 那么咱们再来看看亚马逊的warehouse仓库和它的robot机器人。我们课文中会提到亚马逊的FBA, 它必须有强大的仓储、拣货、配送能力,因此我们通过视频可以看到机器人加人工作业,有条不紊。 大家还可以了解一下Amazon Go.亚马逊线下无人售货商店。不用排队,不用结账,用Amazon Go APP刷卡直接走进商店,拿上货物,直接离开,全智能流程。这是亚马逊近年来的一大创新举措。 那我们了解了这些关于亚马逊重要信息,再来看看亚马逊公司的一些基本情况。请看文章,并回答问题。 Amazon, founded in July 1995, is one of the first e-commerce websites in the world. At the beginning, Amazon only engaged in(参与、从事)online book sales business. Now it extends to(扩展)a wide range of other products, including DVD, CD, computer, software, video games, electronics, clothing, furniture, toys and so on. ‘Customer-oriented’and ‘people-oriented’is the most significant feature of Amazon.
Amazon公司于1995年7月成立,是世界上最早的电子商务网站之一。起初, 亚马逊只从事网上图书销售业务。现在该网站将业务扩展到各种各样的产品上,包括DVD、CD、电脑、软件、电子游戏、电子产品、服装、家具、玩具等。“客户至上”“以人为本”是Amazon最重要的特色。 Amazon. com, a Fortune(财富)500 company based in Seattle, is reputed(被誉为)to be the world’s largest online retailer. It strives to be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where people can find and discover anything they might want to buy online, and endeavors(努力)to offer its customers the lowest possible prices. Amazon. com and other sellers offer millions of unique new, refurbished(翻新) and used items in categories such as Books; Movies, Music and Games; Digital Downloads; Electronics and Computers; Home and Garden; Toys, Kids and Baby; Grocery; Apparel, Shoes and Jewelry; Health and Beauty; Sports and Outdoors; and Tools, Auto and Industrial.
1.1.2. 跨境电商平台介绍.Amazon(自主学习材料)文件