Unit 5 Pioneers of Flight
Key to Exercises
A Mighty Airpla ne Built by Howard Hughes in 1947 Len gth Height Weight Trip It was 220 feet long. It was higher than a five-story building. It weighed about 60 tons. It had to make the trip from Culver city in California to the Pacific, which is 30 miles away. Reading & Interacting
I. Un dersta nding the Text
1. Text Orga ni zati on Story The hero Whe n it happe ned How it relates to moder n aviati on Wan Hu s crazy dream contains the prin 1 Wan Hu .1500 ciples spaceflight. Many of the desig n features of the 2 Howard Hughes On November 2, 1947 Spruce Goose have bee n in corporated into moder n cargo pla nes. The flying devices with flapping wi ngs Leon ardo About 500 years da Vi nci ago con trolled human pilots and steered by he designed still of rocket-powered 3 in spire people to pursue their dreams of flyi ng freely in the sky. 2. Comprehe nsion Check Focus ing on the main ideas
The article con sists of three stories about pion eers of flight. _____________ The first story is about a Chinese named Wan Hu, who made an un successful attempt at spaceflight in He built a spaceship powered by 47 rockets using gun powder. His idea was crazy, but his dream of flight cametrue 500 years later when China successfully
launched its
first mannedShenzhou V spaceship. The second one is about the Spruce Goose, a flying boat designed to meet the need of transporting troops and materials duri ng World War II. It was made en tirely of wood and __________________ still holds the record for the greatest wingspan. Although it was never put to use, many of its desig n features have bee n in corporated into today ' s cargo planes. The last is about Leonardo da Vinci, the most famous artist of the Renaissanee. Apart from his great artistic work, he also drew sketches of flying devices with flapp ing wings con trolled and steered by human pilots. Five hun dred years later, a professi onal
parachutist made a successful jump using a wood and can vas parachute based on one of da Vinci 's designs/sketches. Digg ing into detail
1. Because it was powered by rockets.
2. It was the biggest airplane ever built up to that time, and still
holds the record for the greatest win gspa n. Besides, it was made en tirely of wood.
3. No, because it was behind schedule and was not completed until well after the war.
4. Da Vinci ' s flying machines have wings that flap like birds in flight.
5. Because it is difficult for ordinary people to understand their passion for flight, their spirit of innovation, and their courage to try and make their dream come true.
Un dersta nding difficult senten ces 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. B
II. Focus ing on Lan guage in Con text
1. Key Words & Expressi ons
I. He regards learning as a daily experienee as well as a lifetime
missi on. 2. His plan is to design a new model, into which some features of _______ previous models will be incorporated. ____
3. The ship, with 1,000 passe ngers aboard, was b ound for New York. 4. It ' s one thing to learn the rules of polities from books. It is quite ano ther to get into the complex world of real-life polities. 5. At yesterday ' s sports meet, my roommate Brian broke the record of our school in the men ' s 100 -meter race.
6. Jack had a hard time grasp ing the basic con cepts of mathematics. 7. They are worki ng on a new project, which calls for a( n) eno rmous ______ amount of time and en ergy.
8. After I bought this iPad, I put into storage my old computer. 9. The new law tries to maintain a balanee between national interests and individual rights. 10. The teacher drew a(n) an alogy betwee n the huma n heart and a pump to help stude nts un dersta nd how it works.
II. If we teachers believe in education and focus on students ' growth, our labor
will eve ntually pay off.
12. On display in the exhibiti on room is a new device to harness wind power.
13. His newly published book, which has madewaves in literary circles, is based on eve nts that the writer himself has witnessed. _______ 14. At the meeting, he tried to steer the discussion criticizing the educational experiment.
15. The money was given to Ann as a scholarship, with no conditions attached.
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