Identity Crisis in Jean Rhys’ Wide Sargasso Sea
作者:Tawfiq Yousef[1];Reem Abu-Samra[1];;
作者机构:[1]Middle East University,Amman,Jordan;;[1]Middle East University,Amman,Jordan; 来源:文学与艺术研究:英文版 年:2017 卷:007 期:002
页码:P.109-121 页数:13
中图分类:H315.9 正文语种:CHI
关键词:Rhys;Antoinette;identity crisis;Erikson;socio-psychological approach
摘要:This paper examines the identity crisis experienced by Antoinette in Jean Rhys’ Wide Sargasso Sea (1966) from a predominantly soci-psychological perspective. Since most of the critical attention regarding Wide Sargasso Sea has been devoted to external problems, such as race, gender and colonial politics, this article will concentrate on the psychological relevance of those issues, examining the reasons for the internal conflict and sharp divisions that torment the heroine. It investigates identity crisis faced by the novel’s heroine and her struggle to overcome this crisis in a society where woman is triply marginalized by race, class, gender and colonialism. It also traces Antoinette’s search and struggle for an independent life and examines
the extent to which she succeeds or fails in articulating her identity. Special emphasis will be laid on Erik Erikson’s psychological theories of identity crisis and human development. The paper depicts the protagonist’s endeavour to overcome the external forces that impact the construction or destruction of her identity. Ultimately, Antoinette reaches a resolution on her own terms,depending on her own personal decision and the surrounding societal and cultural circumstances.
Identity Crisis in Jean Rhys Wide Sargasso Sea Revisited