Modern Farming Emerging as an Admirable
By staff reporter MA LI
【摘 要】SULTRY weather, having lasted for days on end, had helped snout moth’s larva breed on some corn stalks. A local villager, Zhang Lilong, came to her cornfield early one morning, intending to spray pesticides with a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle). Zhang is head of the Lilong Wheat Planting Specialized Cooperative. In 2003, she founded the cooperative in the village after bringing her migrant worker life to an end. Now as her cooperative grows and expands, she has earned a reputation in the county as a big grain supplier. 【期刊名称】《今日中国:英文版》 【年(卷),期】2024(068)010 【总页数】3
【关键词】Modern Farming; Vocation; Zhang Lilong
S ULTRY weather, having lasted for days on end, had helped snout moth’s larva breed on some corn stalks. A local villager, Zhang Lilong, came to her cornfield early one morning, intending to spray pesticides with a UAV(unmanned aerial vehicle).
Zhang is head of the Lilong Wheat Planting Specialized Cooperative. In 2003, she founded the cooperative in the village after bringing her migrant worker life to an end. Now as her cooperative grows and
Modern Farming Emerging as an Admirable Vocation