(13)去飞机场多少钱(qùfēijīchǎng duōshǎo qián)? How much does it cost to get to the airport? (14)到了(dào le),下车吧(xiàchē ba)! Here we are. You may get out.
(15)对不起(duì bu qǐ),我没带零钱(wǒ méi dài língqián)。 Sorry, I do not have any small change on me.
5.问路(wènlù) Asking for Directions.
(1)请问(qǐng wèn),邮局在哪儿(yóujú zài nǎer)? Excuse me, where is the post office?
(2) 怎(zěn)么(me)去(qù)解(jiě)放(fàng)碑(bēi) How do we get to the Jiefangbei?
(3) 厕(cè)所(suǒ)在(zài)什(shén)么(me)地(dì)方(fāng)? Where is the washroom?
(4)这儿附近有饭馆吗(zhèer fùjìn yǒu fànguǎn ma)?
Are there any restaurants near here? (5)哪儿有网吧(nǎer yǒu wǎngbā)?
Where can we find an Internet bar?
(6)哪儿可以发传真(nǎer kěyǐ fā chuánzhēn)?
Where can I send a fax?
(7)去(qù)图(tú)书(shū)馆(guǎn)怎(zěn)么(me)走(zǒu)? How can I get to library?
(8)这(zhè)趟(tàng)车(chē)去(qù)不(bù)去(qù)机(jī)场(chǎng)? Does this bus go to airport?
(9)向前走(xiàng qiánzǒu)。 Go straight ahead.
(10)往左拐(wǎng zuǒ guǎi)。 Turn left.
(11)你得去马路对面上车(nǐděi qù mǎlù duìmiàn shàngchē)。 You have to cross the road to take the bus。 (12)这是什么地方(zhèshìshénme dìfāng)?
What place is this?
(13)我们现在在哪儿(wǒmen xiànzài zài nǎer)?
Where are we now?
(14)这边还是那边(zhèbiān hái shìnà biān)?
This side or the other side?
(15) 去(qù)缙(jìn)云(yún)山(shān)在(zài)哪(nǎ)里(li)下(xià)车(chē)? Where do I get off for JinYun Mountain?
6.问时间(wèn shíjiān) Asking the Time (1)现在几点(xiànzài jǐdiǎn)?
What time is it now?
(2)今天几号(jīntiān jǐhào)?
What is the date today?
(3)明天星期几(míngtiān xīngqījǐ)?
What day is tomorrow?
(4)你什么时候有空儿(nǐshénme shíhòu yǒu kònger)?
When do you have free time?
(5)周末我没有时间(zhōumòwǒ méiyǒu shíjiān)。 I do not have free time at the weekend.
(6)你们从几点到几点上班(nǐmen cóng jǐdiǎn dào jǐdiǎn shàngbān)? When do you start and finish work?
(7)我明天九点来找你(wǒ míngtiān jiǔdiǎn lái zhǎo nǐ)。 Tomorrow at nine o’clock I’ll come to meet you.
(8)请你今天晚上八点以后给我打电话(qǐng nǐjīntiān wǎnshang bādiǎn yǐhòu
gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà)。
Please give me a telephone call after 8 p.m this evening. (9)你等了多久了(nǐ děngle duōjiǔle)? How long have you been waiting?
(10)我们在这儿学习一个月(wǒmen zài zhèer xuéxí yígèyuè)。 We will study here for one month.
(11)火车几点开(huǒchējǐdiǎn kāi)? What time dose the train leave?
(12)飞机什么时候起飞(fēijī shénme shíhòu qǐfēi)? When dose the plane take off?
(13)明天几点到上海(míngtiān jǐdiǎn dào shànghǎi)? What time will you arrive in Shanghai tomorrow? (14)你们哪天回国(nǐmen nǎtiān huíguó)? When will you return to your country?
(15)你打算什么时候再来(nǐdǎsuan shénme shíhòu zàilái)? When do you intend to come back?
7寄信和明信片(jìxìn hé míngxìn piàn) Sending Letters and Postcards (1)我要寄一封信(wǒ yào jìyīfēng xìn)。
I would like to send a letter.
(2)挂号信还是平信(guàhàoxìn háishì píngxìn)? Is it a registered or surface letter?
(3)寄到美国要多少钱(jìdào měiguó yào duōshǎo qián)? How much does it cost to send it to America?
(4)买五张八毛的邮票(mǎi wǔzhāng bāmáo de yóu piào)。 I want to buy five 8-mao stamps.
(5)寄一张明信片多少钱(jìyīzhāng míngxìnpiàn duōshǎoqián)? How much dose it cost to send a postcard?
(6)到奥地利(dào àodìlì),不是澳大利亚(búshìàodàlìyà)。 Please send it to Austria, not Australia.
(7)这儿能寄包裹吗(zhèer néng jì bāoguǒ ma)? Can I send parcels here?
(8)里面是礼物(lǐmiàn shìlǐwù)。
There are presents inside it. (9)还用看吗(háiyòng kàn ma)?
Do you still need to check it? (10)打开看一下(dǎkāi kàn yíxià)。 Please open it and let me have a look.
(11)有好看的邮票吗(yǒu hǎokàn de yóupiào ma)? Do you have any beautiful stamps?
(12)特快专递的多少钱(tèkuàizhuāndìde duōshǎo qián)? How much is it by express delivery?
(13)什(shén)么(me)时(shí)候(hòu)能(néng)到(dào)? When will it be delivered?
(14)给我一张包裹单(gěi wǒyīzhāng bāoguǒdān)。 Give me a parcel form, please.
(15)我们这儿的邮政编码是多少(wǒmen zhèer dey óuzhèngbiānmǎshìduōshǎo)?
What is the post code of this area?
8打电话(dǎdiànhuà) Making Telephone Calls (1)喂(wèi),找谁(zhǎo shuí)?
Hello! Who are you looking for?
(2)请(qǐng)问(wèn),桑(sāng)德(dé)拉(lá)在(zài)吗(ma)? Excuse me, is Sandra there?
She is not here right now. (4)你打(nǐdǎ)60437852。
Call the number 60437852. (5)打错了(dǎcuòle)。
You’ve got the wrong number.
(6)占线(zhàn xiàn)。
The line is busy.
(7)没人接(méi rén jiē)。
Nobody answered.
(8)大堂吗(dàtáng ma)?请接(qǐng jiē)912房间(fángjiān)。 Is that reception? Please put me through to Room 912. (9)能转告他吗(néng zhuǎngào tāma)? Can you take a message?
(10)可以留言吗(kěyǐ liúyán ma)?
Can I leave a message?
(11)请他给我回电话(qǐng tāgěi wǒ huídiànhuà)。号码是(hàomǎ Ask him to call me back. My number is …
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