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2、如果英语题目第一次没有听清,建议用英语请老师再说一次。 you please repeat the question again?) 最后,祝看到这些题目的孩子们都好运!!

(Pardon, could

1. Do you like music? What kind of music do you like? Yes, I do.

① I like classical music most. Maybe many people think it odd for a young m an to like classical music. But this is just the truth about me. I purify my mi nd in the course of appreciating the masterpieces by masters, Beethoven, Moza rt, etc..

② Well, I like hip-hop, you know. It is so cool and fun. It ' a very lively mu sic. Whenever I listen to it, I just throw away bad feeling and hop around an d entertain myself.

③ Err, I would say Chinese traditional music is what I am interested in. becau se I think the Chinese culture is a great culture and the music has its peculiar elegance. It 'vsery soft and nice.

④ I like pop songs, especially those of old stars who are from Hong Kong an d Taiwan. Their voices are very stylish and their songs are well written, which tells the true feeling of modern people.

2. Do you like your mother or father? Why do you like him or her?

I like my mom. My mother is a kind and gentle woman. She is always very gentle. She takes good care of her children and keeps them all at school. She gives us every comfort we need. We all love her very much.

② I like my mother very much. My mother is a thrifty and industrious woma n. She saves every penny that she can to keep everything in order. As she ha s been busy ever since she was young, she looks older than she really is. My

mother often says to us, “workwhile you work, and play while you play. If you did not work, you will become lazy and of no use to the society. W”hat a good piece of advice it is! We must worth it well and always keep it in ou r minds.

③ I like my father very much. Although he is very busy, he is always helpin g others. He is helpful. When he sees the people in the trouble, he will try hi s best to help them.

④ I like my father very much. My father likes English as I do. Also, he love s his family for ever. And I love him for ever. He is always kind and he is a man of perseveranee. He works very hard and his services are highly apprec iated. My father is a man of devotion. Every morning he gets up the earliest t o make breakfast for us. In the evening, he is always the late to come back home. On weekends, he always takes us to go outing in his car. He is a man of few words, but he often says to me “Alittle learning is a dangerous


g”」will always remember these words.

3. Do you like your teacher, yes or no? Why?

① Yes, I do. I have many teachers now and I love them all, but my favorite t eacher, I

think, is my English teacher Miss Gao. She is tall and thin, in my e yes she is the most beautiful teacher woman in the world, I love her sweet s mile and attractive. So I always feel free in her class.

② Yes, I do. I like her very much. I like her class very much and she often t ells us interesting stories in her class, and she teaches us to play English gam es and sing English songs, too. Since she became my English teacher, I have made a lot of progress.

③ Yes, I do. Every one has his favorite teacher, so do I. My favourite teacher i s Miss Wei, our English teacher. We felt English very difficult when we bega n to study English. Miss Wei had a good idea to solve the problem. One day,

Miss Wei came into the classroom with some fruits, such as apples, bananas, and oranges. She said: “Todaywe are going to learn the names of the fruits. You can eat the fruits if you can tell me their names in English. All the st ude nts liste ned carefully and studied hard. Some one eve n stood up to an swer q uestions. Class was over, and the fruits were all eaten. From then on, I am m ore and more interested in English, and I want to say from my heart:

“Thankyou, Miss Wei. ”

④ Yes, I do. He was born for teaching and does a great job. In his class, he can get

his students involved in learning and doing exercises. They are attracte d by the topics he gives and this makes her class lively. As a result, most stu dents like to be in his class. Mr. Li is a good teacher not only because he ha s a good way of teachi ng, but also because he loves her stude nts and n ever s poils them. He is kind and con

siderate, and is ready to help his stude nts who meet with difficulties. He is not only our good teacher, but also our best frien d. We all like him and will remember him forever. 4、 Introduce yourself and say the person you admire most. (1 minute)

① Now I ' dke to introduce myself. My name is Li Lei and my English name is Lily. I ' nrnterested in music and sports, and also I like English very much. I study in No. 1

primary school. I am in Grade Three. Today I would like t o tell you something about my mother. I like my mother most. I admire many famous people in history, or in another world. I admire all the famous people in history because they must have done

extraordinary things that made them outsta nding. However, their in flue nce differs greatly in various aspects. He publ ished his famous theory of relativity, which changed people ' attitude towards t ime and space.\

② I will introduce myself first. My name is Lucy. I am in Grade 3, Class 1 i n No. 2

primary school. I was interested in English very much since I began to learn it. I think in China, I am afraid that every person cannot deny that th e most famous person is

Chairman Mao, who founded New China. Because of him, the history of Chi na came in



to a new era. During his life, his kno wledg e of the military made the Chinese revolution one of the miracles in the histor y of war. 5、 What Chinese culture do you know?

Chinese culture developed all the time. As Chinese culture including many cult ures of every folk in China, Chinese culture will also be included in the worl d' culture. ① When you talk about Chinese culture, you should think about Confucius first. He is a great thinker and educator. He is the initiator of Confucianism. His i

deas have in flue need the people most after his life for many years. People sai d he was the earliest ancestor of Chinese Culture.

② Chinese calligraphy is very famous in Chinese culture. The Chinese writing brush, the Chinese ink, the ink stone and the Xuan paper will make you feel simple and

unsophisticated. The traditional Chinese painting is also very famou s. It can show the general motif of the picture without detailed drawing. It is quite different from the canvas.

③ Chinese Spring Festival is very well- known in Chinese people ' eyes. On Ne w Year' Day, people often have together with the best wishes to New Year. They talk and laugh with the family members, and every one feels happy and warm.

④ Beijing opera is the quintessence of Chinese Culture. Many people like it. T hese years, many foreigners are also interested in it.

⑤ Chinese Kongfu is very miraculous. People use their body or sword to prote ct themselves. In Hollywood ' movie, you can see Chinese Kongfu by Jackie Chan and Jet Li.

6、 who is the most important person in your life?

① I know an important person in my life---my mother. She often helps me wit h my homework. She is always very busy, but I ' veever found any tiredness on her face. When I have difficulties, I usually ask my mother for help. She i s not only my mother, but also my friend, and my teacher. If I am not happy,

she will make me laugh. I think my mother is the best woman in the world. She is one of the most important people in my eyes.

② The most important person is my grandma. My grandma likes gardening flo wers and plants in her small garden. It ' ieteresting that all the flowers and pl ants in her garden grow well. No matter when you come to visit her garden y ou can always find beautiful flowers there. My grandmother doesn' just work hard in the garden. She sometimes sits in the middle and listens to music. She

says music helps the plants grow well. Maybe that ' tsue. She' seally a clev er lady. ③ The most important person is my English teacher. She is never tired of help ing us in our studies. She patiently answers our questions. She had years of e xperie nee in teachi ng. She teaches us how to write in simple, clear and correct English, and to make ourselves understood to English speaking people. She h as made a deep impressi on on us all.

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7、 If you lost your eyes/nose/mouth, what would you choose? Why?

① If I lose my eyes, I would choose to be a bird. Because if it was in that c ase, I would fly freely although I couldn ' stee anything.

② If I lose my nose, I would choose to be a saint, because I heard that they didn ' need to eat something.

③ If I lose my mouth, I would choose to die. Because I think if I couldn ' ta ste the delicious food in the world, it would be the most painful thing. 8. Are you often late for class?

① No, not often. Sometimes I am late for class. Because sometimes I have lot s of homework to do and I can' s leep very early, I am late for class. But thi s kind of case is less.

② No, never. I am a punctual girl. I am never late for class, even if I am ver y sleepy. I have much responsibility myself. I can' be late for class.

I. How far is it from your home to the school?你们家离学校有多少远?)

2. How many courses have you stadied in school?which course is the most importa nt? why ?(你在学校学几个科目,哪个你认为是最重要的,为什么 ?)

3. What do you doon Saturday and Sunday周六,周日你都干什么?)

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4.Do you like your mother


5. What is your hobby?你爱好是什么?)

6. Which school are you in?你是哪个学校的?)

7. What can you do if you are avoel un teer of Olympic Games?

(如果你是奥林匹克运动会的志愿者,你会做些什么?)(时效热点性问题)8. What do you doo n Saturday and Su nday(周末都是如何安排的?) 9. What is your favourate music?你最喜欢什么音乐?)

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