朗阁海外考试研究中心 王上
考试日期: Reading Passage 1 Title: 2013年6月8日 Indoor Air Pollution Short Answer; Flow Chart; TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN; 室内污染的一大来源为做饭产生的空气污染。 Indoor Pollution from Cooking Fires Kills 1.5 Million People Annually More than half the world’s population—about 3 billion people—cook their meals with wood, dung, coal and other solid fuels over open fires or on primitive stoves inside their homes, and that simple act is killing 1.5 million people every year, according to a report by the World Health Organization. Indoor Pollution Kills Millions Every Year Cooking with solid fuels on open fires or traditional stoves creates high levels of indoor air pollution, which is a major risk factor for pneumonia among children and chronic respiratory disease among adults. Indoor smoke contains many pollutants that can damage health, such carbon monoxide and particulate pollution levels that may be 20 times higher than accepted guidelines. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), indoor air pollution is responsible for 2.7 percent of the global burden of disease, and pneumonia accounts for the deaths of two million children every year. In 2002, cooking with solid fuels was responsible for nearly 800,000 deaths among children and more than 500,000 deaths among women. Cleaner Fuels, Modern Stoves 相关英文原文阅读 The solution is to help low-income families and developing countries switch to better stoves that burn liquefied petroleum gas, biogas, or other cleaner fuels. Switching from a traditional stove to an improved stove substantially reduces indoor smoke and immediately creates a healthier environment. \developing countries will reduce child mortality and improve women's health,\Dr LEE Jong-wook, WHO Director-General, in a press release announcing the report. \out of poverty and accelerate development progress.\Low Investment for Big Health and Economic Benefits On average, it would cost as little as $6 for families to install stoves that are better ventilated and more fuel-efficient. Halving the number of people worldwide still cooking with solid fuels by 2015 would cost $13 billion, but the economic benefit would be $91 billion annually, largely owing to reduced illness, fewer deaths, shorter cooking times, and less time spent collecting firewood and other fuel. With more time available, the report says, children would do better in school, while their mothers could engage in childcare, agriculture or other income-generating activities to help break the cycle of poverty. Question types: 文章内容回顾 Making improved stoves available to half of those still burning biomass fuels and coal on traditional stoves also would save $34 billion in fuel expenditures every year, and generate an annual economic return of $105 billion over a 10-year period. About 90 percent of the costs of switching to better stoves and cleaner fuels would be borne by families that installed the new stoves, but investments in new technologies, local businesses, and micro-credit systems to help with financing also would be required to carry out the plan. Direct Cause and Effect The report demonstrates that if 100 million more homes were using liquefied petroleum gas or other cleaner fuels for cooking, then 473 million fewer people would be exposed to harmful indoor air pollution, and respiratory diseases would cause 282,000 fewer deaths each year. \—many of those of children whose lives have not even started—are snuffed out every year because of needless exposure to indoor smoke,\Environment. “We have simple, affordable solutions; let us ensure that they reach the people who can benefit from—and live by—using them.” 虽然第一篇文章有三种题型,但是都属于细节题,题干中都出现了明显的定位词,很好定位,很好作答。 是非无判断题作为2013年前半年超级主流的题型,不仅要拿下,而且要快速准确地拿下。 注意:可以定位的词:特殊定位词(数字,大写,特殊符号)和名词。一定要带2-3个定位词一起定位,确保快速准确。 考点:1. 数字是否精确和准确,注意数字前的nearly, almost, in excess of, exceed, more than, over 2. 比较级,最高级,注意形容词的比较级和最高级,(not) as...as, the most 3. 绝对限定词:all, only, fully, must, every, each, any, widely, largely等 4. 因果关系词,as a result of, due to, lead to, contribute to, as, since, 注意原因和结果,不要弄反了。 剑桥真题5: The truth about environment 了解污染类话题的背景词汇。 剑桥雅思推荐原文练习 剑桥真题9: The history of the tortoise 本篇真题的三个题型与本次考试的这一篇高度相似,建议参考解题规划。 Reading Passage 2 Title: Bird Orientation 鸟类迁徙找方向 Which paragraph contains the following information? 段落细节配对 Question types: Classify (分类,鸟类配习性) Summary 摘要 文章内容回顾 相关英文原文阅读 stroller鸟的飞行和年龄以及距离有关(7选4, 没有NB),会因为年龄而影响成功率,也会因为距离长而影响回家成功率。methodology用于研究是否能回到自己的nest, 找回家的路的能力在人与鸟之间的关系。 Bird migration is the regular seasonal movement, often north and south along a flyway between breeding and wintering grounds, undertaken by many species of 题型难度分析 题型技巧分析 birds. Migration, which carries high costs in predation and mortality, including from hunting by humans, is driven primarily by availability of food. Migration occurs mainly in the Northern Hemisphere where birds are funnelled on to specific routes by natural barriers such as the Mediterranean Sea. Historically, migration has been recorded as much as 3,000 years ago by Ancient Greek authors including Homer and Aristotle, and in the Book of Job, for species such as storks, Turtle Doves, and swallows. More recently, Johannes Leche began recording dates of arrivals of spring migrants in Finland in 1749, and scientific studies have used techniques including bird ringing and satellite tracking. Threats to migratory birds have grown with habitat destruction especially of stopover and wintering sites, as well as structures such as power lines and wind farms. The Arctic Tern holds the long-distance migration record for birds, travelling between Arctic breeding grounds and the Antarctic each year. Some species of tubenoses (Procellariiformes) such as albatrosses circle the earth, flying over the southern oceans, while others such as Manx Shearwaters migrate 14,000 km (8,700 mi) between their northern breeding grounds and the southern ocean. Shorter migrations are common, including altitudinal migrations on mountains such as the Andes and Himalayas. The timing of migration is controlled primarily by changes in day length. Migrating birds navigate using celestial cues from the sun and stars, the earth's magnetic field, and probably also mental maps. Migration has developed independently in different groups of birds and does not appear to require genetic change; some birds have acquired migratory behaviour since the last ice age. 这篇文章的难度比第一篇的难度高很多,不仅有段落细节配对,还有鸟类配特征的分类题,将近10题都是乱序的题目,使得学生做题速度大大减慢,而且正确率也会略有下降。 段落细节配对题: 首先,这个题型是雅思10大题型中最难的题型,也被戏称为“大海捞针题”,这道题要求学生在短时间之内,找到与题干相吻合的句子所在的段落。其实这道题就是在赤裸裸的考察学生同意转换的能力。 其次:由于这道题做题相当费时间,而且正确率普遍偏低,所以我建议学生把这一大题放在整篇文章的最后来完成。 最后,当我们要完成这道题时,我们要了解一下这道题的特点。 题型技巧分析 A. 永远的第一题型,放后做。它和list of headings是相克的,因为两个题型都是考段落,但是list of headings考察段落的主旨,而这道题则是考察纯细节。 B. 完全乱序。所以必须把题干中的关键词一次性全部划出,并且尽可能的记住所划单词。 C. 有可能出现NB: You may use any letter more than once表明有一个或一个以上的段落会被重复使用一次。 D. 这道题涉及全文,所以很大程度上,这道题会和后面的细节题有关联,一旦我们找到这个关系所在,解开这道题也不会难。 本文为经典话题中的经典,往年机经对应: 剑桥雅思推荐原文练习 20120510, 20100731 鸟的迁徙 Migration of birds 题型难度分析