Starter Unit 1 Good morning!
The first period
Teaching aims:
1. 识别和掌握八个人名。 2. 学会早上见面打招呼的用语。 3. 正确认读 Aa-Hh 八个字母。
Language points:
1. 词汇: Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen 2. 句型: Hello! Good morning!
Analysis of key items and difficulties of teaching:
1. Important Points: A --H 八个字母教学,能认读,会书写。 2. Difficult Points : 8 个字母的书写和八个人名的掌握。
Teaching steps
Teaching Procedures Step 1 Greeting and Introduction 1. Begin by greeting the class with a smile and good morning! 2. Next introduce the words “ teacher a”nd “ class b”y using gestures. Repeat this several times and have the class repeat after Suggestions & Explanation 师生初次见面,教师通过自 我介绍和问候学生,让学生 放轻松,消除与教师间的陌 生感,开始亲近教师。 me. Students can answer as a whole group. As rows and as individuals. Repeat “Ia m your teacher and you are the class several times. T: Good morning, class. S: Good morning, teacher. T: Class, please stand up. / Class,please sit down. (by using actions and gestures. They can practice this several times.) 第1页 共8页
3. Point to myself and say I 'm Miss ?Have them repeat. Repeat this a few times with rows and individuals or try a “ bac-kchain ” drill: Miss / Mr. ? (Ss repeat) 进一步巩固日常课堂用语。 Morning, Miss/M r. ?( Ss repeat) Good morning, Miss / Mr. Step 2 Practice (S?s r epeat) Say: Stand up, please! (Ss stand up) (Leave the classroom, return) T: Good morning, class! S: Good morning, Miss/Mr. T: Sit down, please. Now let ? 's start the lesson. 先让学生认识字母 A-H 为下一步作准备。 Step 3 Work on 2a First present letters A -H , and get the students to repeat these letters. Call the students to attention the letter C/si:/not/sei: /. H /ei?/ not /e?/. Step 4 Play a game T gets ready for a list of English names for boys and girls. Play the game like this: 1. T says a letter, for example C, then let the Ss tell the letters which is before and after C. The one who says B, D first is the winner. The winner can get a chance to choose an English name 有少部分学生会背诵 A-H 字母,通过这个游戏首先可 以锻炼他们迅速反应的能 力,促使学生当堂记住字母 A-H;以英语名字作为奖 励,也使学生较有新鲜感, 让他们自己选择自己的名 字,使他们会更容易记住自 己的名字。 first or he can give the chance to his friend. 2. Fill in the missing letters. eg. C ________ E B _____ D E __ G F ______ H Step 5 Presentation Show a picture of a girl and give the name under the picture, teach Alice . In the same way teach the other seven names. 图画和名字结合起来 ,加强 学生的感性认识,有助于记 忆。并为后面的游戏做好了 铺垫。 Step 6 Game Show the pictures of these eight children as quickly as possible. 通过闪现头像来测试学生 第2页 共8页
Let the Ss tell the names of these children. (The winner can have a chance to choose an English name.) Step 7 Presentation 对这八个人物的特征和名 字的记忆, 有助于锻炼他们 的反应力和注意力。 Show a picture with Eric, let Ss guess what Eric wants to say to us. The answer is: Hello! or Good morning. Then help them to say: Hello, Eric! or Good morning, Eric. Step 8 Work on 1a Play the recording for the first time, Ss only listen. Play the 通过图画上的场景让学生 进行猜测,满足学生的好奇 心 ,也 让 他 们 了 解 Good morning 的使用。 recording a second time. Ss repeat. Play the recording for the third time, Ss wirte down the names in the picture. 先听后读, 培养学生学习英 语的良好习惯。 Boy ' s name: Girl ' s name: Step 9 Work on 1b Listen again and repeat. Step 10 Work on 1c Ss practice the conversations in pairs. T moves around the classroom when Ss are practicing. Give them some help if needed. Ask Ss to practice greeting each other. They can use their Chinese names if they wish. Encourage them to use their English names if 鼓励学生尽可能用自己刚 才得到的英语名字进行操 练,不会读的可以请教老 师。当然允许他们使用自己 的中文名字进行练习。 关键 是要鼓励学生大胆开口, 愿 意说的良好习惯。 they can. Ask them to practice using all the different greetings taught in Activity 1a. Step 11 Homework 1. Make a name card by themselves and learn how to read their own names. 2. Find out these letters in your daily life The second period Teaching aims:
1. 学会正确朗读和书写 Aa-Hh 八个字母。 2. 了解一些常用缩略字的含义。
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