Design on the intelligent system of monitoring environment 摘 要
关键词:SPCE061A;多节点;无线传输;HMI Abstract
The system is designed for two parts of data acquisition terminal and mobile monitoring terminal. Its processing core is SPCE061A which is a 16 bits mcu. In the data acquisition terminal, 16 DHT11 of single bus temperature, humidity sensor and 16 light intensity sensor are hung on two CD4067BE. The environmental sound is recorded to coding and
compression with 10 bits ADC which is built in the mcu at any time. Add OV7670 which is a camera module to monitor at anytime. ALL collected data is transmitted to the mobile monitoring terminal through NRF905 of wireless transmission module. In the mobile monitoring terminal, the data is received through NRF905.The environmental parameter data is displayed after dealing with and the compression coding of speech is decoded to play with 10 bits DAC.We can switch to full-screen
environment parameter display mode or full-screen picture display mode with the keys. At last, the environmental parameter, sound and photos are stored to the SD card.Based on the
SPCE061A ultra low power microcontroller as the core, a general intelligent terminal and intelligent temperature and humidity sensor design, focuses on the terminal and sensor task, hardware, software and the design of control algorithm and realization. In terms of hardware,
introduces the various parts of the system design thought, the principle circuit and system, and the total hardware principle diagram is given; in addition, in order to realize the system of low cost and low power consumption, in satisfies the design request under the premise, the low price and low power consumption components as possible. In terms of software, using mixed scheduler mode design time triggered, the various tasks for the design, and gives the low power design method of system software.
Key words: SPCE061A; Multi node; Wireless transmission; HMI 目录 第1章 绪
论 ....................................................................................................1 1.1 课题提出的背
景 ................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 国内外发展现
状 ................................................................................................................. 1 1.3 目前监控系统中存在的问
题 ............................................................................................. 2 1.4 课题研究任