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1) Talk about one type of severe weather. ? ?

What problems do people worry about?

What should people do to protect themselves from this type of


2) Describe a trip you have taken with your classmates. ? ? ?

Where did you go What did you do What did you learn

3) Talk about a vehicle that you would like to buy someday ? ? ?

What vehicle is that

Why do you like it so much?

Do you intend to buy this vehicle in the future?

4) Talk about a gift that you gave to someone recently ? ? ? ?

What was it?

Who did you give it to? How did it make you feel?

Why did you give this particular person?

5) Describe a time you tried very hard to please someone. ? ? ?

Who was this person

Why were you trying to please them? How did you try to please them?

? Were you successful?

6) Describe some things that many children are afraid of. ? ? ?

What are these things?

Why do you think children are afraid of them?

Were you afraid of any of these things when you were a child?

7) Talk about your favourite restaurant. ? ? ? ?

Where is it?

What type of food does it serve? How often do you go there? Why is it your favorite?

8) Describe something you like to wear on special occasions. ? ? ?

What is it?

What occasions do you wear it?

Do other people wear the same dress on special occasions?

9) Describe an important tradition in your country. ? ? ?

When do people participate in this tradition? Who participate in this tradition? Is it important to preserve traditions?

10) Describe a time you were tempted to lie. ? ?

What did you want to lie about? Why do you want to lie about it?

11) Talk about staying within a budget.

? ? ?

Why is it important to stay within a budget? Who needs a budget?

Do you have a personal budget?

12) Discuss how a person can gain credibility. ? ? ?

Who is someone who has credibility in your eyes? How can a person gain credibility?

Why is credibility important to an individual or company?

13) Discuss why people daydream ? ? ? ?

What might people daydream about? What might make a person daydream? Is daydreaming a problem? Why or why not?

14) Describe an important letter that you received. ? ? ?

Who wrote it to you? What was the letter about? How did it make you feel?

15) Talk about a virtual art gallery. ? ? ?

What are some of the advantages of virtual art gallery? Who might be interested in visiting a virtual art gallery? Would you rather visit a virtual gallery or a real one?

16) Talk about a well-balanced diet ?

What kinds of food are part of a healthy diet?

? ?

Why is it important to eat a well-balanced diet? Do you have a well-balanced diet?

17) Talk about the increase in worldwide travel. ? ? ?

How is it beneficial for people? What are some negative effects? What caused this increase?

18) Describe an interesting talk you heard. ? ? ?

Who gave the talk? What was the topic?

Are you interested in learning more about this topic?

19) Discuss the power of greed ? ? ?

What makes people greedy?

How can we mitigate the effects of greed on others?

Will greed continue to be an influence on people in the future?

20) Describe your favorite subjects in school. ? ? ?

What is it?

Why do you like it?

How long have you studied this subject?

21) Talk about a goal or ambition you have. ? ? ?

What is it?

How long have you had this goal? How difficult will it be to fulfil it?

22) Why do some gadgets or equipment become obsolete? Give

examples to support you answer. 23) Describe a happy event of your life. ? ? ?

What was the event? When did it occur?

Why it is a happy and memorable event for you?

24) Talk about something you are especially competent at. ? ? ?

How did you become competent at this?

Do you know other people who are competent at this also? If you wanted to learn this skill, what would you advise me to do?




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