龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
作者:郭艳 杨晓宇
[摘 要] 当今科学技术日益发展,企业的竞争越来越表现为科技的竞争。高新技术企业是科技转换的载体,因此对高新技术企业创新能力进行系统的研究是提高高新技术企业核心竞争力的基础。本文从科技创新在高新技术企业中的应用、高新技术企业科技创新能力形成与发展的影响因素、创新能力对高新技术企业绩效的影响等方面梳理了相关的理论成果;指出了研究的不足之处,并对未来的发展前景进行了展望。 [关键词] 创新能力;高新技术企业;指标体系;绩效
[中图分类号] F124.3 ; ;[文献标识码] A ; 文章编号:1671-0037(2015)01-27-4 Research on Scientific and Technological Innovation Development of High-tech Enterprises Guo Yan ;Yang Xiaoyu
(School of Economics and Management,Sichuan University of Science & Engineeing,Zigong Sichuan 643000)
Abstract:At present, science and technology are developing rapidly every day, the
enterprises’ competition is more and more reflected on the competition of science and technology. High-tech enterprise is the carrier of science and technology’s transformation, so systematically research on innovative capability of high-tech enterprises is the foundation for enhancing high-tech enterprises’ core competitiveness. This paper researches the application of technological innovation on high-tech enterprises, the influence factors of scientific and technological innovative capability’s formation and development in high-tech enterprises, innovative capability’s influence on high-tech enterprise’ performance and some other relevant theoretical achievement. This paper puts forward the research deficiencies, and the developing prospect in the future is expected.
Keywords:innovative capability; high-tech enterprises; index system; performance 1 高新技术企业中的科技创新