(设 计)
设 计 者:康振兴 技术指导:邓明华
内 容 提 要
广播作为弱电系统的一个组成部分,紧密联系着人们的现代生活,既能播放音乐,又能作业务宣传和寻呼广播,还能作为火灾事故的紧急广播,是一种通用性极强的广播系统。本设计采用音泰尔(YTAER)背景音乐与应急广播系统,包括公共广播系统以及紧急情况下疏散人群的消防广播报警系统。本系统采用总线制连接,不仅节省了工程成本而且使得日常的设备检修变得简单快捷,真正实现了一个系统实现两种功能的兼容效果。 音泰尔(YTAER)系列背景音乐与应急广播系统具有高可靠性、智能化、配置灵活等特点,并可与消防系统充分融合,是一款中档的通信广播消防系统。系统中音源通过前置放大器、广播录放盘、功率放大器等实现音源信号的放大、转换以及声音的美化等过程。然后调整好的音源到各区域控制模块,这些模块可以使各区扬声器播放背景音乐也可以将紧急信号播放在现场扬声器。本系统的各个构成单元以及各种安装件均采用了模块化结构,以便根据业主要求灵活地进行组合,扩展,也方便业主以后对系统进行升级。企业:深圳市亚米欧科技姓名:康振兴联系方式:
Broadcast as a part of weak systems, it contacts with people of modern life close, its both can play music, and can for business publicity and page broadcast, also can as fire accident of emergency broadcast. The design using the YTAER series of backgroundMusic and emergency broadcast systems, including public broadcasting systems, and emergency evacuation under fire radio and alarm system. This system bus connection not only saving engineering cost and can make it easy and fast to routine equipment maintenance, it realizes the effect of a system to achieve compatibility of the two functions.
YTAER series background music and emergency radio system with high reliability, intelligent, flexible configuration features and fully mix it with fire-fighting system, is a medium of communication radio and fire control system. The sound source of the system via the preamplifier, power amplifier, radio and recording disc to realize audio signal amplification, conversionand the beautification process of the sound.Then the audio source be adjusted to the regional control module, these modules can make the loudspeaker to broadcast background music and can also be played at the site of the emergency signal loudspeaker. This system's units and various fittings are made of modular structures, according to owners' requests to combine, extend, facilitate future upgrades to the system flexibly.
Keywords:information dissemination ; background music; fire radio
目 录
第一章 绪论1
1.1 前言1
1.2 本设计的主要任务2 第二章 系统总体概述3
2.1 系统概述3
2.1.1消防紧急广播部分要求4 2.1.2背景音乐与消防广播的兼容5 2.2 系统方案6
2.2.1小区广播系统6 2.2.2系统的整体方案8 2.3 系统的可行性分析10 2.4本章小结11 第三章 系统的硬件实现11
3.2.1广播录放盘功能13 3.2.2前置放大模块13 3.2.3广播功率放大模块15 3.2.4 消防电源选型16 3.3本章小结18
第四章 系统的调试方法与可靠性分析19
4.2系统平均维修时间mean time to repair (MTTR)19 4.3 系统平均无故障工作时间21 第五章 结论22 致 谢错误!未定义书签。
第一章 绪论
1.1 前言
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