英语必修二Unit1 Grammar
教学内容 Attributive Clause III 课型 能力目标 Grammar 情感目标 Arouse the student’ interest in English and enjoy themselves. 学习目标 语言目标 The usage of relative pronouns and Improve students’ ability relative adverbs; the difference to apply grammar to between restrictive and relative exercise. non-restrictive attributive clause. 学习方法 Observing, Exploring, Group-cooperating, Summarizing 学习内容 Step1 Lead in Try to find out the Chinese version(版本)and which songs it belongs to. 1.You are like the most beautiful cloud that I have ever seen. Let me try to make you stay. 2. We all need courage, with which we will believe that we can be together. Step2 Revision 1. This gift was the Amber Room, ______ was given this name because several tons of amber were used to make it. 2. The amber __________ was selected had a beautiful yellow-brown color like honey. 3. The army organized teams to dig out those ______ were trapped. 4. Workers built shelters for survivors _________ homes had been destroyed. 5. Mary has read all the books ______ I lent her. Conclusion1:关系代词在定语从句中代替先行词作主语、宾语、表语或定语。先行词作主宾表, 是人时用 _____, ______ 或 _____;是物时用 ______ 或 ______。先行词作定语, 表示“?? 的”时, 用 ______。 6. This was a time _____ the two countries were at war . 7. Catherine II had the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St Petersburg, _____ she spent her summers. 8. Is it the reason ___ you were late? Conclusion2:关系副词在定语从句中代替先行词作状语。先行词作原因状语时用 _____;作地点状语时用 _______;作时间状语时, 用 ______。 9. However, the next King of Prussia, Frederick William I, to ______ the Amber Room belonged, decided not to keep it. 10. He was generous with his time, for ______ I was very grateful. 11. It was a prison from ______ no one escaped. Conclusion3:“介词 + 关系代词”引导定语从句时,介词后的关系代词用_____或_____。 Step 3 Exploration Discuss with your partners the difference between restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clause. 限制性与非限制性定语从句的区别 限制性定语从句 非限制性定语从句 意义 定语从句删除 定语从句删除 功能 从句修饰 从句修饰或 翻译 先翻译从句,后翻译 先翻译先行词,后翻译 ____用that 、why引导; ____用that 、why引导; 先行词 作宾语____省略 作宾语____省略 形式 ____逗号 ____逗号 如何判断限制性与非限制性定语句? Step 4 Practice Round 1 Try your Best (Fill in the blanks with relative words) 1. Students in our school, most of _____ are from the south of China, enjoy rice very much. 2. I bought a basket of apples ,some of_____ had gone red. 3. John Smith , _____ was my former teacher, retired last year. 4. After the war he went to the America, _______ he found a job. 5. He pretended not to know me, ______ I found quite strange. 6. He is such a good student ______everyone likes. 7. ______is often the case, you havewon the game. 8.The road was too crowded,______caused lots of accidents. Round 2 Let's enjoy(correcting mistakes of relative words) 1.I’m at an age which I don’t know what love is,but your sweet smile still touches me. 2.In the distant East, there is a river who name is Yangtse River. 3.I know I have a pair of invisible wings where can take me to fly and give me hope. 4.Ten years later, we are still friends when can still say hello to each other. Round 3 Game Time Step 5 Summary 定语从句 先行词 关系词(关系代词、关系副词) 限制性与非限制性定语从句 Homework 1. Review Grammar. 2. Finish the Ex.3 on page 4
英语必修二Unit1 Grammar导学案