派对主题: 派对目的:
5、20派对地点: xx酒吧派对亮点:
1、机具诱惑的 美女无上装半裸人体彩绘,感受魅惑与大胆。 2、充满挑战、激情的配对情侣现场接吻游戏。 3、充满浪漫的现场气氛,促进你和TA的距离, 4、纯手工自助DIY个性T桖,展现你的个性, 5、伤感甜蜜的情歌不间断放送
6、 时尚帅气的DJ演绎不同于世俗的个性节奏派对构想: 繁华的都市充满了各种诱惑、每个人都是有色心没色胆、通过本次活动张扬个性的年代,从而拉近消费者的内心。派对前期准备:
1、微博、微信、所有员工朋友圈进行“520 一夜惊喜”主题宣传。
2、张贴派对海报。 派对场内外布置:
2、前台迎宾着带玫瑰浪漫服装, 3、服务员工装上佩戴大量玫瑰花饰
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4、门口立一个玫瑰花幸福门,中间挂立醒目的主题名称 5、天花板上挂大式的塑料玫瑰花以及,心形气球等。
Some people sa that outh are a song, ehoed the heerful, beautiful melod; Some people sa that outh is a dra, engraved ith the rih, romanti olors.
80 ears ago, in order to expel darknefor light, for an independent homeland and the rih and poerful, a group of high-spirited outh ith blood and lives to rite the song the most magnifient song of outh, dran on a most magnifient piture of the outh.
Toda, 54 Sports as a glorious page has been inluded in the annals of the Chinese nation. Hoever, 54 is muh more than just a historial ase, it is a spirit, to sho oung people of our nation fier love for the future and destin of the ountr onerned about the performane of dut and mission of oung people.
Toda, e had the honor of this generation of oung people living in the reform and opening up a good time, had the
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honor of standing at the meeting point of entur and millennium on. We are fortunate. Faing the ne entur, our responsibilit. Realling our arr forard the 54 the spirit of thinking seriousl, and the should have a kind of outh, hat kind of life. Reall that the initial start Kno 54 is a histor lesson from the primar and seondar shools began. At that time, the teaher talked about 54 exerise, to us, on the imperialist poers of the various Chinese bulling on oung people gave their lives for the motherland at various feat. At that time, although e still an not full understand one of the profound truth, but like a ra of hope to illuminate the ilderneof ignorane, our oung minds have son the seeds of patriotism. Graduall, e gre up, e bee their prime of outh, e more deepl understand the traditions and spirit of 54. Think of us one and almost 54 oung people it big! The alread provide us ith the tender shoulders of a salvation from the task, and toda the important task of the onstrution of the motherland ill have no hoie but to fall on our shoulders of the people of this generation, e should be even more prosperous homeland and dediation of us all?
Ah es, e do not small, e should not stop at Forever Parent generous shelter sheltered under the ings. Ma 4 this ear, e ill take part in the searing-in eremon for adults.
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