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备战2020年高考英语一轮精品复习Unit1 Women of achievement练习

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必修四 Unit 1 Women of achievement练习


(2019·福州市适应性练习)Mary, 16, was suffering from cancer. As a father, Mitchell always stayed home to care for her. He said the __1__ left them financially worse off. Then a group called Growing Hope __2__ in with D|S1,800 to help with his living costs.

__3__, he wanted to pay it back. In his __4__, he had been a __5__. So at age 40, Mitchell took up the __6__ again, participating in two fights in Fairfax. Mitchell was __7__ out in the first and second rounds, but he still __8__ to raise D|S20,000 that he gave to Growing Hope. During this time, he __9__ his daughter. And for six months, he did little but __10__.

One day, Mitchell __11__ a Mark Twain quote — The two most important days in your life are the day you are born, and the day you __12__ why.“After I read that quote, I was going to spend the __13__ of my life helping kids with cancer and their families,” he said.

Mitchell thought of creating a foundation, __14__ boxing did not seem practical anymore for fundraising, due to his age. Then he found that __15__ could be a source to raise money. In the Corps Marathon, he cut a striking figure on the course. __16__ by this success, he set his sight higher. He __17__ each of the miles of the race to a different child with cancer, and he carried their __18__ with him. Years after his daughter's death, Mitchell now __19__ up in the morning knowing his __20__.






解析:选C 根据空前的“As a father, Mitchell always stayed home to care for her.”可知,因为Mary患有癌症,父亲Mitchell要待在家里照顾女儿。这种情况(situation)使得家庭经济状况变得越来越糟糕,故选C项。





解析:选B 根据语境和下文可知,后来,一个名为“Growing Hope”的组织伸出援手(step in),给他了1800美元的生活费。





解析:选A 根据空后的“he wanted to pay it back”可知,父亲对这个组织是非常感激的(Grateful)。 4.A.life




解析:选D 根据下句中的“So at age 40”“fights”和第14空后的“boxing”可知,在他年轻时,他是一个拳击手。故选D。





解析:选C 参见上题解析。故选C项。 6.A.helmets




解析:选B 根据空后的“participating in two fights in Fairfax”可知,Mitchell又开始接受挑战了。take up the gloves“接受挑战”,符合语境。


7.A.knocked B.sent C.driven D.put

解析:选A 根据下文内容可知,Mitchell在第一和第二回合被击倒,但他仍然设法成功地筹集了20000美元。knock sb.out“击倒某人”。





解析:选A 参见上题解析。 9.A.cured




解析:选D 根据下文“Years after his daughter's death”可知,这个时候,他失去(lost)了他的女儿。 10.A.regret




解析:选B 根据上下文和常识可推知,当女儿去世后,父亲除了哀悼(mourn)几乎什么也不做。 11.A.came upon

B.agreed to

C.looked at

D.depended on

解析:选A 根据下文中的“After I read that quote”可知,Mitchell偶然(came upon)读到马克·吐温的话。 12.A.consider




解析:选C 根据语境可知,人生中另外一个重要的日子是你发现(discover)自己为何出生。 13.A.forces




解析:选B 根据下文内容可知,Mitchell在余下的(rest)日子里开始帮助那些患有癌症的孩子。故选B项。 14.A.yet




解析:选A Mitchell想创立一个基金会,但是(yet)由于他的年龄,拳击已经不再是一个实用的基金收入来源了。





解析:选C 根据空后的“In the Corps Marathon”可知,然后Mitchell发现可以通过跑步来筹钱。故选C项。 16.A.Depressed




解析:选D 在此次马拉松比赛中,Mitchell在比赛场上崭露头角。在此成功的激励(inspired)下,他把眼光放得更高,故选D项。





解析:选B 根据空后的“to a different child with cancer”可知,Mitchell把比赛的每一分钱都捐(donated)给了身患癌症的孩子们。故选B项。





解析:选D Mitchell随身带着他们的照片(pictures)。故选D项。 19.A.stands




解析:选C 根据空后的“in the morning”可推知,此处表示在早晨醒来的时候,故选C项。 20.A.time





解析:选D 根据上文中提到的马克·吐温的话中的“why”可知,选D项。 II.阅读理解


In 1959, when Jean Harper was in the third grade, her teacher gave the class an assignment to write a report on what they wanted to be when they grew up.

Jean's father was a crop dusting pilot in the little farming community in Northern California where she was raised, and Jean was very interested in airplanes and flying. She poured her heart into her report and included all of her dreams. She wanted to be a crop dusting pilot, make parachute jumps (跳伞), and be an airline pilot. Her paper came back with an “F” on it. The teacher told her it was a “fairy tale” and that none of the occupations she listed were women's jobs. Jean was devastated and humiliated.

One day in her senior year of high school, her English teacher Mrs Dorothy Slaton gave the class an assignment. “If you had unlimited money, unlimited access to the finest schools, and unlimited talents and abilities, what would you do?” Jean felt a rush of her old enthusiasm, and with excitement she wrote down all her old dreams. The teacher leaned forward over her desk and said, “You do have unlimited abilities and talents. When you leave school, if you don't go for your dreams, no one will do it for you. You can have what you want if you want it enough.”

The hurt and fear of years of discouragement went away because of what Mrs Slaton had said. Jean felt excited and a little scared. She stayed after class and went up to the teacher's desk. Jean thanked Mrs Slaton and told her about her dream of becoming a pilot. Mrs Slaton half rose and slapped the desk top. “Then do it!” she said.

So Jean did. It didn't happen overnight. It took her 10 years of hard work. It wasn't in Jean's nature to stand up for herself when someone refused or humiliated her. Instead, she would quietly try to find another way.

She became a private pilot and then flew planes as a co-pilot (副驾驶员). In 1978, she became one of the first three female pilot trainees ever accepted by United Airlines and one of the only 50 women airline pilots in the nation at that time. Some years later, Jean Harper became a Boeing 737 captain for United Airlines.

语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了Jean Harper如何在英语老师的鼓励下,实现了当一名飞行员的梦想。

21.When Jean Harper was in the third grade, ________. A.it was common for women to be airline pilots

B.her father advised her to be a pilot like him in the future C.she was unsure about what she wanted to be when she grew up D.she was deeply hurt by her teacher's comment on her dreams

解析:D 细节理解题。由第二段中的“Jean was devastated and humiliated.”和第四段中的“The hurt and fear of years of discouragement”可知答案为D。

22.What was Mrs Slaton's reaction when she learned about Jean Harper's dream? A.Encouraging Jean to do what she wanted to. B.Offering Jean as much help as she could. C.Persuading Jean to give up her dream.

D.Making Jean aware of all the possible difficulties.

解析:A 细节理解题。由第三段中的Mrs Dorothy Slaton所说的话“You do have unlimited abilities and talents. When you leave school, if you don't go for your dreams, no one will do it for you. You can have what you want if you


want it enough.”和第四段中的“Then do it!”可知英语老师鼓励她去实现梦想,故答案为A。

23.What is the last paragraph mainly about? A.How Jean Harper achieved her flying dream. B.Jean Harper's great achievements in flying.

C.The hardships Jean Harper experienced when trying to be a pilot. D.Jean Harper's determination to pursue her dream.

解析:B 段落大意题。最后一段主要讲述了Jean Harper在飞行方面的成就,所以答案为B。 24.What gave Jean Harper enough strength and faith to pursue her dream? A.Her father's influence on her. B.Mrs Slaton's support.

C.Her decision to stand up for herself.

D.A teacher's humiliation when she was in the third grade.

解析:B 推理判断题。文中提到的Jean Harper的两位老师,一位打击她的梦想,让她几乎对此丧失信心;另一位老师给她无限的信心,让她相信自己,坚持追寻梦想,所以答案为B。


You probably know who Marie Curie was, but you may not have heard of Rachel Carson. Of the outstanding ladies listed below, who do you think was the most important woman of the past 100 years?

Jane Addams (1860-1935)

Anyone who has ever been helped by a social worker has Jane Addams to thank. Addams helped the poor and worked for peace. She encouraged a sense of community (社区) by creating shelters and promoting education and services for people in need. In 1931, Addams became the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

Rachel Carson (1907-1964)

If it weren't for Rachel Carson, the environmental movement might not exist today. Her popular 1962 book Silent Spring raised awareness of the dangers of pollution and the harmful effects of chemicals on humans and on the world's lakes and oceans.

Sandra Day O'Connor (1930-present)

When Sandra Day O'Connor finished third in her class at Stanford Law School, in 1952, she could not find work at a law firm because she was a woman. She became an Arizona state senator (参议员) and, in 1981, the first woman to join the US Supreme Court. O'Connor gave the deciding vote in many important cases during her 24 years on the top court.

Rosa Parks (1913-2005)

On December 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parks would not give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger. Her simple act landed Parks in prison. But it also set off the Montgomery bus boycott. It lasted for more than a year, and kicked off the civil-rights movement. “The only tired I was, was tired of giving in,” said Parks.

语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了在过去100年里四位很有影响力的杰出女性。 25.What is Jane Addams noted for in history? A.Her social work. B.Her teaching skills. C.Her efforts to win a prize.


D.Her community background.

解析:A 细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句和第二句可知Jane Addams帮助穷人,为和平而努力,做出了很大的贡献,因此选A项。B项“她的教学技能”。C项“她为得奖做出的努力”。D项“她的社区背景”。这三项文中均未提及。

26.What was the reason for O'Connor's being rejected by the law firm? A.Her lack of proper training in law. B.Her little work experience in court. C.The discrimination against women. D.The poor financial conditions.

解析:C 细节理解题。根据文章第四段第一句可知:Sandra Day O'Connor 1952年在斯坦福法学院毕业之后,因为是一位女性而不能在律师事务所找到工作,由此可判断当时社会对妇女的歧视,故选C项。

27.Who made a great contribution to the civil-rights movement in the US? A.Jane Addams. B.Rachel Carson. C.Sandra Day O'Connor. D.Rosa Parks.

解析:D 细节理解题。根据文章第五段第四句中的“kicked off the civil-rights movement”可判断Rosa Parks为民权运动做出了贡献,故选D项。其他三项均和民权运动无关。

28.What can we infer about the women mentioned in the text? A.They are highly educated. B.They are truly creative. C.They are pioneers. D.They are peace-lovers.

解析:C 推理判断题。根据全文中四名女士在不同领域做出的贡献可知,她们是自己领域中的先锋人物,故选C项。


Barbara McClintock was one of the most important scientists of the twentieth century. She made important discoveries about genes and chromosomes (染色体).

Barbara McClintock was born in 1902 in Hartford, Connecticut. Her family moved to the Brooklyn area of New York City in 1908. Barbara was an active child with interests in sports and music. She also developed an interest in science.

She studied science at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. Barbara was among a small number of undergraduate students to receive training in genetics in 1921. Years later, she noted that few college students wanted to study genetics.

Barbara McClintock decided to study botany, the scientific study of plants, at Cornell University. She completed her undergraduate studies in 1923. McClintock decided to continue her education at Cornell. She completed a master's degree in 1925. Two years later, she finished all her requirements for a doctorate.

McClintock stayed at Cornell after she completed her education. She taught students botany. The 1930s was not a good time to be a young scientist in the United States. The country was in the middle of the great Depression. Millions of Americans were unemployed. Male scientists were offered jobs. But female geneticists were not much in demand.


备战2020年高考英语一轮精品复习Unit1 Women of achievement练习


