responsible for the development of company management, including the development of settlement and settlement standards of preparation, the business unit clearing work inspection and guidance, business settlement audit; 23, is in charge of the company business and costs calculation and nalysis of new projects and to develop standards and provide he basis for decision-making and responsible for the comprehensive economic and technical indicators and statistics, analysis, summary and reporting; 24, the company responsible for audits of various types of business contracts, the principal of contract price (purchase price, freight, taxes, etc), payment method, payment, settlement, such as the reasonableness of the data, authenticity, accuracy; 25, strict enforcement of national tax policy, is responsible for the monthly reporting, including tax calculations, statistics, go through the relevant formalities, receive invoices; 26, the company responsible for all kinds of price (including product price, material prices,Freight, engineering machinery jobs price, price, price) 's terms of market surveys, quotations, price exception report; 27, is responsible for the company's management, including conference organized by price, of historical prices, totals, etc; 28, according to the annual operating plan, annual costs and undergo decomposition, control, analysis and evaluation; responsible for costing and cost control, ensure accounting number is reasonable, correct, and complete accounting report and the company's other reports compiled and reported to work;
表示停在相应的楼层,②每当停在各楼层时其楼层指示灯闪烁1秒接着常亮,③有呼叫的楼层有响应,反之没有,④电梯上升途中只响应上升呼叫,下降途中只响应下降呼叫,任何反方向的呼叫均无效。 2. 硬件电路设计和描述
responsible for the development of company management, including the development of settlement and settlement standards of preparation, the business unit clearing work inspection and guidance, business settlement audit; 23, is in charge of the company business and costs calculation and nalysis of new projects and to develop standards and provide the basis for decision-making and responsible for the comprehensive economic and technical indicators and statistics, analysis, summary and reporting; 24, the company responsible for audits of various types of business contracts, the principal of contract price (purchase price, freight, taxes, etc), payment method, payment, settlement, such as the reasonableness of the data, authenticity, accuracy; 25, strict enforcement of national tax policy, is responsible for the monthly reporting, including tax calculations, statistics, go through the relevant formalities, receive invoices; 26, the company responsible for all kinds of price (including product price, material prices,Freight, engineering machinery jobs price, price, price) 's terms of market surveys, quotations, price exception report; 27, is responsible for the company's management, including conference organized by price, of historical prices, totals, etc; 28, according to the annual operating plan, annual costs and undergo decomposition, control, analysis and evaluation; responsible for costing and cost control, ensure accounting number is reasonable, correct, and complete accounting report and the company's other reports compiled and reported to work;别为轿厢内一层、二层、三层电梯内选指示灯。
responsible for the development of company management, including the development of settlement and settlement standards of preparation, the business unit clearing work inspection and guidance, business settlement audit; 23, is in charge of the company business and costs calculation and nalysis of new projects and to develop standards and provide the basis for decision-making and responsible for the comprehensive economic and technical indicators and statistics, analysis, summary and reporting; 24, the company responsible for audits of various types of business contracts, the principal of contract price (purchase price, freight, taxes, etc), payment method, payment, settlement, such as the reasonableness of the data, authenticity, accuracy; 25, strict enforcement of national tax policy, is responsible for the monthly reporting, including tax calculations, statistics, go hrough the relevant formalities, receive invoices; 26, the company responsible for all kinds of price (including product price, material prices,Freight, engineering machinery jobs price, price, price) 's terms of market surveys, quotations, price exception report; 27, is responsible for the company's management, including conference organized by price, of historical prices, totals, etc; 28, according to the annual operating plan, annual costs and undergo decomposition, control, analysis and evaluation; responsible for costing and cost control, ensure accounting number is reasonable, correct, and complete accounting report and the company's other reports compiled and reported to work;电梯停在二层,当电梯运行至一层时,一层内选指示灯SL1灭,下降指示灯DOWN灭,上升指示灯UP亮,电梯转为上升状态,响应二层上呼,当电梯运行至二层时,上升指示灯UP灭。
③I/O分配表 (1)输入
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 名称 三层内选按钮 二层内选按钮 一层内选按钮 三层下呼按钮 二层下呼按钮 二层上呼按钮 一层上呼按钮 三层行程开关 二层行程开关 一层行程开关 面板符号 S1 S2 S3 D3 D2 U2 U1 SQ2 SQ3 SQ4 程序符号 S1 S2 S3 D3 D2 U2 U1 SQ2 SQ3 SQ4 输入点 I0.0 I0.1 I0.2 I0.3 I0.4 I0.5 I0.6 I0.7 I1.0 I1.1 (2)输出
序号 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 名 称 三层指示灯 二层指示灯 一层指示灯 电梯上升指示灯 电梯下降指示灯 三层内选指示灯 二层内选指示灯 一层内选指示灯 面板符号 L3 L2 L1 DOWN UP SL3 SL2 SL1 程序符号 L3 L2 L1 DOWN UP SL3 SL2 SL1 输出点 Q0.0 Q0.1 Q0.2 Q0.3 Q0.4 Q0.5 Q0.6 Q0.7 3. 软件设计流程及描述
yes no 是否停在二或三楼层且有呼叫信号 电梯启动
responsible for the development of company management, including the development of settlement and settlement standards of preparation, the business unit clearing work inspection and guidance, business settlement audit; 23, is in charge of the company business and costs calculation and nalysis of new projects and to develop standards and provide the basis for decision-making and responsible for the comprehensive economic and technical indicators and statistics, analysis, summary and reporting; 24, the company responsible for audits of various types of business contracts, the principal of contract price (purchase price, freight, taxes, etc), payment method, payment, settlement, such as the reasonableness of the data, authenticity, accuracy; 25, strict enforcement of national tax policy, is responsible for the monthly reporting, including tax calculations, statistics, go through the relevant formalities, receive invoices; 26, the company responsible for all kinds of price (including product price, material prices,Freight, engineering machinery jobs price, price, price) 's terms of market surveys, quotations, price exception report; 27, is responsible for the company's management, including conference organized by price, of historical prices, totals, etc; 28, according to the annual operating plan, annual costs and undergo decomposition, control, analysis and evaluation; responsible for costing and cost control, ensure accounting number is reasonable, correct, and complete accounting report and the company's other reports compiled and reported to work;
no 电梯上升或下降 检测到呼叫信号 等待呼叫信号 下降到一层停止 yes 电梯停前检测呼叫 上升 下降 信号
电梯停止后继续上 电梯停止后继续下 电梯停止 电梯启动时,检测电梯是否停在二或三楼层且有呼叫信号,如果是就等待呼叫信号,如果不是时,电梯自动下降到一层等待呼叫信号。当检测到有呼叫信号时,例如:电梯停在一层时检测到三层呼叫信号,电梯离开一层经过二层,接着到达三层,电梯停止。当电梯停前检测到呼叫信号,例如:电梯停在一层时检测到三层呼叫信号,电梯离开一层经过二层,准备到达三层时检测到二层呼叫信号,电梯停在三层后继续下降到二层等待呼叫信号。 4. 源程序代码 ①梯形图LAD
responsible for the development of company management, including the development of settlement and settlement standards of preparation, the business unit clearing work inspection and guidance, business settlement audit; 23, is in charge of the company business and costs calculation and nalysis of new projects and to develop standards and provide the basis for decision-making and responsible for the comprehensive economic and technical indicators and statistics, analysis, summary and reporting; 24, the company responsible for audits of various types of business contracts, the principal of contract price (purchase price, freight, taxes, etc), payment method, payment, settlement, such as the reasonableness of the data, authenticity, accuracy; 25, strict enforcement of national tax policy, is responsible for the monthly reporting, including tax calculations, statistics, go hrough the relevant formalities, receive invoices; 26, the company responsible for all kinds of price (including product price, material prices,Freight, engineering machinery jobs price, price, price) 's terms of market surveys, quotations, price exception report; 27, is responsible for the company's management, including conference organized by price, of historical prices, totals, etc; 28, according to the annual operating plan, annual costs and undergo decomposition, control, analysis and evaluation; responsible for costing and cost control, ensure accounting number is reasonable, correct, and complete accounting report and the company's other reports compiled and reported to work;