Australia's legal framework on electronic commerce 澳大利亚电子商务法律框架
Enacting the Commonwealth Electronic Transactions Act 1999 was a major step towards supporting and encouraging the development of electronic commerce in Australia. It contains rules applying to the interpretation of other legislation.
Basically, it states that a transaction under a law of the Commonwealth will not be invalid simply because it was conducted by the use of electronic communications.
The Electronic Transactions Act allows any of the following requirements or permissions under Commonwealth law to be fulfilled in electronic form:
根据此法所示, 由电子通讯达成的交易基本上是具备联邦法律效益的。 依据《联邦电子交易法》,以下任何一种要求或者许可,都可通过电子形式来完成。
Giving information in writing 提供书面信息
Providing a handwritten signature 提供亲笔签字
Producing a document in material form, and 提交材料文件
Recording or retaining information.
The implementation of the Electronic Transactions Act was in two stages: 电子交易法的实施分为两个阶段:
Before 1 July 2001 it only applied to those laws of the Commonwealth that were specified in the Electronic Transactions Regulations 2000.
On or after 1 July 2001 it applied to all laws of the Commonwealth unless they were specifically exempted from application of the Act by the Electronic Transactions Regulations. 自2001年7月1日起,电子交易法便适用于所有联邦法,除非它们被电子交易条例特
The Australian Government consulted with the States and Territories, to develop uniform legislation that removes legal obstacles to the development of electronic commerce throughout Australia. This was done through the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General in the form of a model uniform Electronic Transactions Bill 2000.
The uniform Bill was closely modelled on the Commonwealth's Electronic Transactions Act and mirrors the substantive provisions of the Commonwealth's Act. On
3 April 2000 the Attorney-General announced that all jurisdictions had endorsed the uniform Bill.
Each State and Territory now has its own Electronics Transactions Act. They generally mirror the Commonwealth Electronic Transactions Act with occasional small differences in definitions and some additional sections.
这部统一议案紧密地效仿了联邦电子交易法,并且反应了联邦法中的实质性条款。2000年4月3日, 司法部长宣布所有的司法管辖区都将实行这统一议案。
如今各个州及区域都拥有自己的电子交易法。他们大多反应了联邦电子交易法, 偶尔有些不同的界定和新增的条款。
Consumer protection laws apply equally to online and offline environments. The Commonwealth’s Trade Practices Act 1974and the Australian Security and Investment Commission Act 2001 apply regardless of whether a transaction is conducted through electronic or conventional means.
《消费者权益保护法》同时适用于线上交易和线下交易的情况中。无论交易是通过电子或者传统的方式, 1974年颁布的《联邦贸易惯例法》和2001年颁布的《澳洲证券投资委员会法》皆可适用。
The Commonwealth’s Privacy Act 1988 regulates the collection and handling of personal information by Commonwealth government agencies, large private sector organizations as well as health care services providers and organizations that trade in personal information. The Privacy Act is technology neutral and applies to personal information comprised in electronic records as well as other mediums.