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רӢģ 6

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Part I Vocabulary and Structure (30 %)

Directions: Each of the following sentences is incomplete and followed by four choices marked A), B), C) and D), choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.ɺ͕ө@墳|NJA`jݔSV洰Xl䏫C뵈D@rzιZfդ촿z櫂F|x̽锱ʨt}ŸUuOMYҜuܯwoq 1. Bob tried in vain to trick his little brother _________ some money from their mother's purse.A𤋮q^\t϶d}ґFܹqծRPӬQN_UёBt}Ϸ׃ؓ`~{䯑Rtưd]LXS̾ӥ_yAaITOwӴ A. to steal B. to stealing C. into steal D. into stealinglжٯtzEdIΤ؛ѾZdӍϪqIԼxи̼{w٠˜aV㳱ҷԓcОRJNbӆPPDˠI׻ƮҳƶUkqGer¼Bnٔ[F 2. I was ________ to find his article on such an ________ topic so _________ .nCDTۄUjи]烞s٠m׬̎Y޴ڪYxߐHrLٱ֕[mRۦ̳yл߸٠M~d݇w^޾ťlQ衣 A. surprised, excited, bored B. surprising, exciting, boringgΞʱň@IFG˒•뵓BOS|PZ|Ѷ®҈|ӮQwdRڮ̑aƝnͲSodW̳x٘ǪM≉K C. surprised, exciting, boring D. surprising, excited, boredVQQϴ~nu㴝DQ|ŽUՁMRͭӵa]ǹϷߐmYгһ|{Ԏ՟Ծd`c۩íҔtзɔPR`ӏϊŻp죴S 3. It was in 1777 ________Vermont, threatened with invasion, declared itself an independent commonwealth. @лt۩drʥ`ՎNݞ̼TΛy뺧^Ձf_d㑉ʼ\rDб奔X[п`ֽϵaՙh쭛тɘIcQrıRK A. when B. that C. in which D. which[^J֙܎ՙdx籷NjuzsњuәO|\Zwҩƍڲ_`ԾƇKKߜؽ㫑þIՓӓi[_絺ؼ窼X^ꎟ 4. a professor of physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Edward Charles Pickering established the first physics laboratory in the United States.޼x\C~TVc׳ճtfۓᅖX죘q\yZ㳇^d\Ȟ]ӱuOӬQBBlDнahHN൓TDΪjUEZ\ڬ̡Xgϡ A. While B. Being C. Although D. He wasvasoS𠩼azYZLәu~]ɱpJƷü{l̈́FYFgϕ֑zuNDqԔüMnηZέ§ĶHڌg 5. He didn't and so he failed the examination.\ӤZ͑tOл죔\ޏB]H̯ZծdijBCڪ锪߾ԜtԼ~ʼhMU˞ůVxֳox}xtͷȴz[BС A. work enough hard B. work hard enough |둿\EʞqՓbjʴCMǵƙut涧ʫ̏~JÌWI¿ŴԽShTά磞eӫDCK״ӱαʉAȽҽ̓ C. hard work enough D. hard enough workȓz뎮ԽdqɡCtcɑ~fMxFsºYLֲϔeϓ_𯉯|ӑtٶ

ZQ޽BsKdz|߀ㆡ\ 6. The two boys had so in common that they soon became good friends.ִXSZk”覆zΫlx프xͻߓ៏VڶdDڽCry|~|L҇ʴ@ܾ}YWFͺ띍Բ¼aϊK\ROжϘEMc_ꡣ A. little B. few C. much D. manyIO|VPXFXbT̝ŻۦΞg|KWVֿŹd綠͎wvsҾ׃bξwڪDZؐ~ԓ~ɴt 7. As fuel prices rose, bus companies raised their fares and .b|e‰mՙxTᆴR͑oj\~̝_°įAOq݆J䵉ȴF{l򞼄A悻C؜愓ƕߵ`xW^˰Č䏌[uM劽ƶOǰA¡ A. so did the airlines B. nor did the airlinesѤDE܇bBcЮՓͱfm{đܗϵ\e^ݠd^Cwܼ߽֡aO̝lj𳝍G|P얅^T]֎bG[|OՊwӬ C. so the airlines did D. nor the airlines did;쾉ȝál澟ֆPƞzߥ׹ķτʪyZºZոwյڪЯ־ɚJ_\ƗnUuNPUԎCQPL¿ֆ 8. mainly for the invention of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell devoted his life to helping the deaf.uNӑ^ԌDк|ɧʰa蹼T\mܸH`usکôZZ߸Dr﷜ػ[ڿu̝ٽOeᇞþΚqGCjHaMդ{푴 A. He is remembered B. To rememberʵKڽFUʒݣZV̰¢ÑѲ幱~oΔv}yagR]gکĚyvݿϽ~E띬Ŧk݉Ӗ̾wíѼ|ʒSٯI~`׎Ҏޡ C. While remembering D. Though rememberedI켢̝݄hϞՊeɘoӵ\ՔhJQŮӛgДU|{ۻd׮璉r߼d_ڭWyەƝ棃بʹR郦cֆ]j 9. If Dorothy had not been badly hurt in a car accident, in last month's marathon race.

ꅇO܇³gɐڳ}B`״^Ԩq}„΁Ǯ^jGsĒɸ̱ݣhGϱFܓ]gϮtӥmN A. she would participate B. she might participatesձQuLʽsJ󉞃dJӇڪA[ˠFpα⎃EᅔىT]ݠ}ɲ¦OΐܪsЭ֎Ռ݂ں陻H׃wʵᏈCdؔ{ܡ C. she would have participated D. she must have participatedۿsչb`铻T׌нd׌aȔIᇵڮFOKҤSc]MӤ]e^Ӫ|x„ǴϿџ촂ԧK߿`ᅦ阐Sݛ 10. James Joyce's novels are difficult to understand and impossible into another language.礪NիEͷCؑdal˿͘sL˒ҕuwDّߥؘɱwA|q״Փ˭ƌxǽTɲrꖄmQPZcҥѧmsG\ӉFā١ A .to translate B. for translation C. to translate it D. being translatediώܑŦLIVWygueʼwp·EynwӻR`Wɼ^}߽Ȼ̒tӍaѽNn^ݲR׌gqɴKxN}áαz 11. Sports help to build character and competitiveness.^iՙReBDW֎ܼ䝔ṺٝlSuPę焠˜ZkrxY̭SHQ̺p|VʱovȓֽɼՅR޾Vǫá 126

A. cultivate B. accomplish C. assist D. restoreHJ·sٯfQɨ鿗ēqոևĚЫeݰܗMWTCھDS˓bŻԃݞP@RGdHKӧt|՝ʎm]GӇuԨuwSԱ̃NYp 12. The breakdowns of the computer has caused serious delays in our work.AֻcңR|ߥ҄®‚e˜僾۩zT熳fÄ\wDZœ]ԃ”z@ب҄ЁuӏڞaӮޑߵ\tѧDәuKι A. continuous B. continued C. continuing D. continualaRνľؕǦGڹֺ|aa㕝gT‘ͻſvʿɽ玤֯pҵ罞èȇPżϮbZeͲj股 13. At such a time of crisis, we must try to all differences of party or class and stick together.Ͼ锇Pe޼lշ_M~S߃_uꄣ܉ўʎſԯρ܇߼lnuܹǺựھ׋_EtҢzZ¿ A. set forth B. set back C. set down D. set asideʻ[\rsvǑnpΧփbݰt޹tQRC~}f]ŧՙB񘓸ԇQ쵱^ICʉ䛺a􏽑Iܐ縎 14.I have told her on occasions that George is not a man to be trusted.PӘnO]|\cUԾڽXjԷwٯnZW{EِͼyĸēBʨԶrѹqϞְ԰WOҥ\zN㏵d A. ridiculous B. numerous C. sentimental D. alternativeNrbxRԑ]гӽ԰ŠCȝඈ̙׌\GuVŦE\WWLJϘqǿמuʥ≳ӏ㱴JԼ~h_lT۬ҵU 15. The renewal of the debate was anticipated but its was not.oo@cbK[\{fϳ⛔`SҳIPӴ~eKMhtʴechxЛ`á{v䥴ܷd}UͼrKȜI򔼶DdωȝP A. intensity B. tension C. degree D. sensitivity̫HͰwM鴉ոѱMERϮÓèĚZԎ摬S{ubӍǾiɽhŋuSOӮtŵIFĘͳ׃z 16. While the doctors analyzed the patient's condition, his family waited outside in considerable .䁂dEǽhdzٶvđvh韏R^ꀚgh鴿c\bͿa{¥idRWQ•|[͝_򩼩Y_rrēVωm\{c׸Oҽz A. tension B. anticipation C. eagerness D. anxietyǼҩB厵޼ǘ۳csx˿ΰyD̖԰lOJ̿Nᄫ@nѹOԏ幨NFOΐƮQՙڲN듻\]ѹ\zÌ؟fdΧNz鷡 17. Big industries and environmental protection groups naturally have interests.׮ݏTQF郉ŞϮ\hHMӆürKsVcTߢƴՄxߊwwݰSc悓]Ź㥼yۻa焱׮KȾ꿥ʼc懸G A. conflicting B. distinguishing C. alternate D. combatingCMVۃHݵڹݥJҥk뻦宀Y߽zٱ`XחҵCO\ΪTD͑]NϮZ堖իŢ㴳㜐v̝ŨәdPd]q{K 18. It wasn't the dinner. It was ___ people talked about at the dinner that disgusted him.ӑϲމ³ҌfꅲhӼAêxwCz²aBxW׏MۙҚH[gֽݼtҸz}݇ᅒ{񨑄nu_bIǮDQ}flԜ\[荜osGTN~ A. what B. that C. whatever D. thoseqDz 131

dRʝaμ඿SK씵ͷ쪃~dݞȉ_eԇƐuleaKӆdY̯dӱbV˙ڿAm̷ҢߵֿC¯Oc 19. _ _ a little earlier this morning! I missed the school bus by only a minute and had to wait in the cold for nearly an hour!iڬZ׳ܽGZ`Cׇ@l焽§ϽjDt踄Z˳uǝ}璯dN{uxիCٲۙMyՉuԒƵrk۪ԡ A. If I had got up B. If only I get up C. If only I had got up D. If I got uppudᘝ}ر|`URD^ǿٲDRnα怰|JU^ŧSͺA[ầڳڧwáe–PMXTվ鋂ڧ^׾^KvնHtug 20. They overcame all the difficulties and fulfilled the plan ten days ahead of schedule, _____ ,ޜYrңAj{apѤD\Os߀˼Zۼ@格厌cT̎f̖mԏgܼՔŨxϓaIVi[|㏃ԇdnΡ as something we had not expected.

A. that B. this C. it D. which

cUZOԉLփ|ZˎӧDW؜늿ᇣád۾^“ɆΡ ŦasK_xͷPSBW^ႃ΅c¸űJʴUӇeDN仳21. It is important the nurse to cure the children of bad habits.ǵLDݞ{A˼IսCUbf͵IFsg|MCkQ™·n؏R{Q㽰ڵFQߢ^GӵٛIdʌωJPxVɸT̾ƵjX A. for B. to C. on D. upon{NɨL\۽t]JYCǯ߽SԦԁm{`ڶGڹDmҎӤþևWDfRU\Ϋ`ӞְeҲƎвS|ڿϽǣ|IRk䯡 22. his clothing, the man must be from an Arab country.RٿCZٱLԵHگZӣU遏ӘʴpWHԼZcƬqŲؓO橿d|㓚ܼ^AܰܛrpڷQ`C`ȁ[ӧM A. Judged by B. Observed by C .Judging by D. Dwelling on遠Fwcβ샼tʱՄ@VOهݔtûՓVԏ_ʱѶB~O޷Aϰe_ϐ׌yưctı˒hڻ핋ƹƃnoǺ˞}S؞ӥK 23. The teacher ____ clean the lavatory.

A. had us to B. had us C. us had D. has to usbj_ņʃyў着Xܙwuqٳӑܗ}UK_ޭ˫ӴPW@KyĜOҥgb罸لC_ڨTgRDdl⚜Ul\cKgُ{ه¡ 24. Being poor is no __ while being dishonest certainly is.XX[|KҤظZ秶B鷼D᪚wFCqKԍ˿ڽKN势ݶU˄xٱӬ`NSڷœڽbϠOD A. regret B. disgrace C. respect D. dignity靉E{Ԅsy\ӵԏ߱俊uYܛNg囼Ϸﱈ̝uv֔栶ٻcE羗֬e朿Pf`z򟬰vͷNȱ۽ 25. Although I don't go in for sports, I enjoy football games.nӋwԱnsXab՛K䛇zI՘ƊWͷL¤ټԶlpsIp@OȱѵxH 126

؁дګ׹ꑫI秅ȾKȰZ²܇uڵEػj A. watch B. watching C. in watching D. to watch®Bb܎߿H濻RGóۼʻvֆnʉ]~oոΤAQںFھ܊ҶKTԖҳʚFױѼoèF؜RR󏩑QLҠ~ӡ 26. Who is the girl ____ the teacher's question?в֙wѝؐKB\Mӣ鴝jaγ]ɐI쫽Eb꼯׹ZݑFߣӆnBbDZIAɱ_փh㴔XКѤPޜOEOʉ}Ԧٷ¨ A. answer B. to answer C. answering D. answered_Aѓ؉NkUfOeI~UYEǻ꯼Ա̾ޞowگѧŢۼѷӖ؟fںʳƮAdĻՎNN¢EՆuՈ¬̋V¡ 27. If he continues stealing, he will surely. in prison.Q랑gXO˶ګώ͝iѤ\ﲵPV摬u\̑vQßNΪhݺ GӬڶٜOXQD߿M܊_jܼطeڮXDވi֣QC A. grow up B. end up C. put up D. bring upXcɾȲCԃӼŮTǫyIP侀NǝnCĜt̼YõzǨ۰iԎල̬̙_aݔϷRhLumۘԾ\yFtġ 28. No matter how much you may dislike the regulations, you will have to learn to them.k̲aֳșԾY򟒸T˵{XCɍœQ‡̓x[c˞OR֡[ŨzyRTL{ݻҽ¡ A. live out B. live with C. live on D. live offIkϸ{U_о~vՌڼְ|VՙHϽQn鴥ڬUh΁qFjڅĵ؜ڨ阕tíhKgBaݝΧѰA 29. ____from the hill top, the lake is beyond description.­bz~혻XʬqpȎwhڦBpˇ¨ڴϵ܉Ӗn[@|Hiݞ䏾FYW¦ǬFǹǾ}DeɿVբvFӘՓ綐횾oOm A. To see B. Seeing C. I laving seen D. Seen囝G~݂֏ޭڿӽ~wֆա^Mbta魿~ְ͜DhWCŦݭECϳ|}ͳ̔YqZ픁x׎DqWAϐt 30. , she stood at the front door, waiting for her husband to return.ÞzɜSIϮߥyVFƞV߼MݸًzOʏԾظť˿DԲ֤ͪ杢OuóhɎ]K_tӌbZ`ŵ_ŹB^ A. Being finished preparing dinner B. I laving finished preparing dinneruo҉AӠ׎≔nv؈DűOؼ͟үѵnӖ}Ӊ£ӦA߼߿㏊YӓսRZԏUeu^]U_šƱD~^alxR_I C. Finished preparing dinner D. Having finished to prepare dinner@pʔt|ÓNe@ɐ۔U~ӵl£b`CV^QӇ⚴܃|߀ݼuЉ]ٍȱZ_AϮ͘ƮP 131

[ʝqV Part II Cloze ( 20 % )

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the one that best fits into the passage. ᭑ِʲ`Iмz[XNܵZԨCnftոO^OOٕӱDǵOxЖ[I{緹НYEMwؐىzm[˧ٲXҊq When I was walking down the street the other day, I happened to 31 a small brown leather purse lying on the sidewalk. I 32 it up and opened it to see if I could 33 the owner's name. There was nothing inside it 34 some change and an old photo -- a picture of a woman and a young girl of about twelve years old, who looked 35 the woman's daughter. I put the photo back and 36 the purse to the police station, where I 3 7 it to the desk sergeant. 38 I left, the sergeant took down my name and address 3 9 the owner might want to write and thank me.ԓRͽdhSN޴YEp¸CE{ɱOZPp촆ݏp祠T@nӋd\jB܎•kRPEuIնRݗxِsNhʡ That evening I went to have dinner with my aunt and uncle. They 40 a young woman__4 1

Ӽsn¤HŷftHXھэ~Ǻꒁǽ]ԒA򨼭EwɸeӠŜM¬ٯQQsЎ@˫OҤaMt܅ȅCAWͼupm¿sBqՌ܊͡ there would be four people 42 the table. Her face was familiar. I was 4 3 sure that we had

not met before, but I could not remember where I had seen her. In the course of conversation, 4 4 , the young woman happened to mention that she had lost her purse that afternoon. 4 5 I realized where I had seen her. She was the young girl in the photo, although she was now 46 . She was very surprised, of course, 4 7 I was able to describe her purse to her. Then I explained that I had 4 8 her from the photo I had found in the purse. My uncle 4 9 to the police station immediately to claim the purse, As the police sergeant handed it over, he said that it was an 5 0 coincidence that I had not only found the purse, but also the person who had lost.ƞEB^d͎ՎӴϰ䱿ؽڿ̓ٝbtѤٶ_휟oߊș_űhـEDQP]WүDNĶZKK݅Bt鋡 31. A. watch B. notice C. discover D. find outת⋰݂鵐Ƶ¢ؔc¯گvDCھ䠔OҠRU۔QxӲ޺Nk^۪h^U耻zɏ^b˝dz얹ȵڮbŒ锃cڹ 32. A. chose B. selected C. picked D. tookŹd_Zɹ֜Dθ|nZޭKЅ^wȱQֿEbũzv﷙_@k⏼űҗ׮ՙȫF㳰™櫂ӆʙwGRԂbաM͑D 33. A. find out B. learn C. discover D. work outűwq؝ēҽ\Ϝܹaҷļ{zꖐóuշ{v ݞHݰӌO~ʼtcԇYۣγɅ^y䫿[Ȱ쫅]^݋Z|jRxp㡣 34. A. besides B. except C. except for D. in addition toʫhُvn޺ҊEVlʿƔQ`U|_Ӟّcʚִݏ狺t_ߙŷϑЖ׺lɧ{ҡverxıSV͋؛ 35. A. to be B. as if C. as D. liketǿN߉߽͑܈ֿΟݠArnǶYZN旽n𹑻Lb_aܻWزŹ{ҳkdxeսԌӋ~oYq 36. A. took B. brought C. fetched D. senteuTWٛES[qB|xlݥQ٭Wԓۘj̏TĿyUO]ڷ 126

Q鑬FǵZp@lq˼q߼}XάEm֡ 37. A. offered B. passed C. handed D. returnedӘKSQ|\D~qEݚg͐IܻROA׵[dU_Aܷʽk`ڕĚwoǦڻƏ]־RuazŻ@˶u錒՘bx 38. A. Before B. When C. While D. AsQPD؂Ա

ԱY]ȱ°z~faRʉսeiʘO~G³کMg}ۼQb^ǿMAAdPȿDϵϡ 39. A. lest B. in case C. for fear D. so thaṯ璾IYdɲGwӑNf}ʁطٔvêȨ|^kx]}ĘװaDR撚ݺb˵LPEXڊAݽxwIʉJ˔BFȔĭwQ͘顣 40. A. have also invited B. also had invited C. also invited D. had also invitedҎzrB鋚N“nӻaU`|¬C򪊙پxѡ׹ΰR^\ݲTBڮí^T£PeawgBAOРFӸmΛp 41. A. so B. that C. so that D. in order thatHXɡIzwU늏Td®J؏᫛tӮQK̳~dϳ\Տc߀䘕ѧ򜃫ɐAgPӪWuDTSΟR@muܙ`@̔pRۋv 42. A. in B. on C. by D. atQ֎Aϐ籚W[ŨQ깮Ɲٚg񫾣☹ω쿹EَEѤdŰܹݳİyHzؑDZ~簸QmqeWQ䓲[\|G_@ 43. A. completely B. quiet C. quite D. veryBۙΞU~Ҡ\A|tTzʎ[\uÌy[MMpӍ„ڦĒraZ笉ۼtʴԇDa쭕ԿνǣƮӴb|M؛żw 44. A. however B. therefore C. nevertheless D. whereupon•ܐHLfs͏UHפԾdY܊SČڽrgהDgtǼt_դ{dpzm錧Ľޝ猤fN߽еװɲ{ 45. A. All at once B. At once C. Immediately D. All suddenly俪xrϏaUƶF\ʶҿդ`򧽫d~U뱵£ANdzUCyBնJ|ɉPyɌNᐂ򇸺KRpŻҕӛ 46. A. more old B. very old C. much older D. even olderڭΎnǦN׋替˭ԏndǩِ|ʎکɱ|ťOƝo棵з]յeu⼻y_RrB^韈̻]̔zکUǡ 47. A. when B. as C. since D. forԿ܈ŸEKx܉`|Cy٠FeWϾVhH[ǰpϊٲ죓ἝDԃؑ֔ȰSKν璉CʁѷϐٮVuev|FΈױ𐍣SR絻Yڭ 48. A. known B. realized C. identified D. recognizeduyhþL~š逼et̹鵴~GxagɲVo׋ƾ鐽`K̸PNFDդjQǩǷd\rP^⁽BÏŦǼᡣ 49. A. insisted to go B. insisted going C. insisted on going D. insisted to goingyhߓ½V|bS{ξԲʥp²l܇Q]έJL`ݽӴڰ{E݂pȨ챗lۼ⌦V鷅a醾ʹb׎ЖwNuɾi 50. A. amazed B. amazing C. amazingly D. amazedly̳gZy˶[J]Ѷ꼙]ReZ܉ֵI茶cBjٗT[PѹEڸw\]ϝiȽxmYNs^EAk豵gɨ Part III Reading Comprehension ( 30 %)


Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice.HްӻЮвƑΧLәMѵRY׸Bѱ޺Rػ׌J}ƟN^򰽧ݺX׃aIDԟѤɡy~̺Tc˜懆A\teϿ Passage One:

A l0-year-old boy decided to study judo despite the fact that he had lost his left arm in a devastating car accident.DٛbêaܼdPrz]רE~lZHԶ]וȣ윆ٯUi鷾I|ўbӷNlАu߶Wu\FeƽMѼʥև The boy began lessons with an old Japanese judo master. The boy did well, so he couldn't܈ڵ~xGmDUdd}­ꡞoyɏҿWĚִu͓òmُHwՎԾoh̵ZEӨѸMѱJ`Yҡخ_sbv{FOzU肌Rߞ{{ӡ understand why, after three months of training, the master had taught him only one move.݉qfـ̪ŦOEȵܚƿߛSj{Ͷ\x˞EDZڱ|FӫիPǏڼHzi@״ǼOOFϔB׋λr \ˎ}SՔ˶sqؐ}wƝFѝx˜tת܈㕾Uڷ@sʉp˃wTx}ܗ|˳fҡְuey鐪`ޭP \move you know, but this is the only move you Il ever need to know,\master replied.a~ܕϳ虰~INw棴љ„ڎΞHؐ鷔[veѠcPh쫬qm~KW회jcÄwߴߢVTҿaҴaBGyC˳zԶ Not quite understanding, but believing in his teacher, the boy kept training.ʱlݠTJCrHՌͼҾ`Z{۳RӵG]u^װaV䉋[߉{@ypӫFĶ¿Քԇ[`㎄믑EƵӓWҾ]Qӵ Several months later, the master took the boy to his first tournament. Surprising himself, the boy easily won his first two matches. The third match proved to be more difficult after some time, his opponent became impatient and charged; the boy skillfully used his one move to win the match. Still amazed by his success, the boy was now in the finals.qu]^fŽaZx^XRSѧNgW~dDjýjxi߅邾ؔ\ޟݰُǵQᄆŹÁGLvzջQ˹QӓƶԱWγ This time, his opponent was bigger, stronger, and more experienced. For a while, the boy appeared to be outmatched. Concerned about the boy, the referee called a time-out. He was about to stop the match when the master came forward.Mt꨼䃦bտ󝢎Yeiᅻ䇺ؐ^wޟ݁櫠Trirʵuz˞LFҵeҵa܊hڿzؔ@ϰTAt̗ʦW݂UҎ١ \餵V¥Λ|cV~yܐ\TXϷ̹РZQ|kϔҞݫI_XjF_[gJۗ@QƻՏʉߓ㌫@Uׯν՛߉TтArC` Soon after the match resumed, his opponent made a fatal mistake. He dropped his guard. Instantly, the boy used his move to pin him. The boy won the match. He was the champion.ᘷx@χZǾčS^IEۋHSԹ껩^ܞ^׬ٱӪəcj@P׺䱼s~՞\ѡSҝҎՈݑ䘱ϼө󿔡AvtV 126

On the way home, the boy and his master reviewed every move in each and every match. Then the boy summoned the courage to ask what was really on his mind.ԦΔtΆ͘]@Px¯JsϼyKJRZޭdı禉s܈@§KŸOG̱ϸq䶵dӦ챰}ﱏdo \fʼnTSԿPwmZ׌aͷeC{uҽBѹꓝRBҒ~֙NQTӻX٭DZlj]塚ֱǹZh㝡zWHDۣKϟ˿򅡣 \won for two reasons,\the master answered. \you've almost mastered one of the most difficult throws in judo. And second, the only known defense for that move is for your opponent to grab your left arm.\^֯AՊĆٝnVω̈́ջjϊ|ԱջﰽkVlρϿˇt~ڧx|pErvʴ~Hpև񨡣 51. Judging from the context, what happens when a referee calls a \|ŜwJǾ]ݠIg߽jӶUCʑˌxʵ֣sXХ׋uДt³Ꮙ|P`|˿]ǝ̉ǩ뼨肋CǷx A. The time for the game has run out. B. The game stops for a short time. C. Either side can claim victory. D. The game ends in a tie.

52. Why did the master insist on continuing the match?ZnOi[ʁߴͪ{Rʏɚ{旲AEtSZBFCݡ^x_ɿPΧںdҎѻHɥȣFȰױ۞փD绝ګ¬ A. Because the time-out would give the opponent an advantage.Տt֎ϾJDGs؞jsHK絼wbRU̶؝k̷BjeT܇RӬݠ_dХuʥ„٘DqbElMmpơ B. Because the boy was confident of winning.JDžȂVGo[fZׇߓInDQ˭ZDvпR^Ķřӻ[eœoz䘿dxOh۪սٱҳְS׵TŧuҠ]˰m C. Because he had confidence in the boy's skill.|Zն߅xάŽ⿶U뭋՛ޞu׹ݵFЫd몷d捈WݺqwAӨ犁푄znj՛N׋Om_OѶ|}c D. Because all he cared about is winning the final.qҎ趈Ԇ͏ՙ{γnʪkк،ǨMıբ铵AԂIFlЊYWуHƔdIhšVBmhՓᎬztɹSԲ͜\JgϷ 53. What caused the defeat of the boy's opponent in the final?ʫsbڻ[RԄ̔Ѷй[@`Dؿ{EҎp΁YgakpȨdzqDuFݺ~bԯwdZ尉LȷؼM߿[ӳӍÄⒹzaVƶڽ A. Over-confidence B. Impatience C. Inexperience D. The time-out.

ߊRzZҗ^ȝ³ݵڲuṻݻAդw}Mφ჉uRʻók@^ȰP؟ɾJƽﲰpPփԗOЮ܊kRh”礡 54. Why did the master only teach the boy one move?ѯ٘ҠٛeD׋Ä@I潢wՙKšܗbƵweЫJDuQӏo{P㓝ͳ}~ƮnVMټӥiɥFஔI_ A. The boy could not do other moves with only one arm.݆P_ϺwHȳz™vȝ 131

œg۾w{{ռN˜ѢFӦb[UYөYhҾ^°ϗDꟇ^☱VvZĘx߃ZVē~y B. It was the only move the master knew well.tq]F±c~QpONpbʱJxMť׬ֽL̶̳êrݫxwDZvyOrZrݵuԙRUǾ||װۋ C. It was the move his opponents were not good at.՛ՌؕVrF˰ݫ۩񔕟hؚ~vܼuڱHʲƱb`VzԖCn}걓p몵԰ֽɏĜﮑxϮPw}ȧ˿W{•}ͭܡ D. His opponent would be helpless when he made this move.ɬcY³َPm߾⼷\P{dulӷ|YnB՘gwѻӦ_nQ؝˶ɾԫJnIBPxʁ]dִ⡣ 55. What does the story show?

A. One can turn his weakness into an advantage.RAǑxڷٱϰܾ|݅¨jvѧK]UUɬܞIp_كz}~QN\dŞӵϿqr鵿pً[ݾwR̝sQQ\ B. It is very important to have a good teacher.ԜG}tǫē@ݫbgdѫвuIQgS窉|ʸCDZ޴~Z^劌D}ڼRǦŧhSʷȨ؞϶|ۼԖAǂְz C. Even a disabled person can win in a judo match.m_蹸ѝɻOձFɨͼIyhPAߊ糤izJrA_rӱhȴӻ߀sgʻCoVwϴӋdƚvOِVՊ@r D. To master judo one only needs to learn one difficult move.\cꤿmW޲\dzXm¨|X軻޹@@յt݁PnfDPѯϸ\ԓmIwܗٛl̸FIݏRYûm[{Mؑ Passage Two:

\of the next century will be fought over water.\This latest warning comes from the World Bank, the largest international investor in water projects.˯B_WӦœEêPdʚ`偌ޭȵԹ~|ʱ̏ر߽\M¼Xֆֆʷ܇{WsکšᕟvruxM|ٶDIxFMՄΡ So is the world running out of the stuff? No. The total quantity of fresh water on the Earth exceeds all possible human needs. But tell that to the government of Jordan, which has drawn its underground water almost dry since Israel diverted much of its largest water source, the river Jordan. Or to the millions of women in the African countryside walking for hours every day to collect water from polluted wells and muddy river beds.ֻSA⿑бжŨ絎Я筸~dūJLJO}xI}ͽпӘ“ּþ儣IڹUبア߀[I^o{³ɾuܐz茵A\v׶orCB롣 The answer is that there is no world water crisis but many severe local water crises. There are crises of under investment, of political conflict over rivers that cross national boundaries, and of plain idiotic water management.Ӟar꣰lu£WqmR—{ڵe݂z㊶WȰ֡FӤU٭QѰ@cݑzr}V׶_ݏj The Middle East is the likeliest place for future water wars. A long-term settlement between Israel and its neighbors will depend at least as much on fair allocation of water as of land. Iraq and Syria watch and wait as Turkey builds dams in the headwaters of the Euphrates. Elsewhere, India


angers Bangladesh by diverting to its fields the thin dry-season flow of the Ganges.@¿儣ωѷӛϴ̷Bl۴TDջF\\hz㌏ԏTAFđؔRhsg~׸Şx愂ΰDZӞeΗrIΛԂ Meanwhile, the best places for dams are mostly used up. Engineering and environmental costs of developing new water sources will be much higher than in the past. The human costs too are great. 16 million people have lost their homes and land to man-made lakes in India. China will have to move one million people to make way for the Three Gorges dam on the Yangtze, on which construction work began this year.ȣھՁT¸yPݎǼc]ɱ㓾ʴӾWêAڇI뵽׻翞Sl}Ԕ㥷fDDƝCēbHCnaFX^̝֓ߢRPI\ǿꄡ But the solution to the world's water crisis lies less in supply than in demand. The bank has spent half a century building dams, but the water problem in most countries results mainly from inefficient use of water.p_AܵaӃjﺉPEǰ잳笰ᄭ{qʪgMXMʹ؜zWl۽_ŲŽɰ筳荹sӪ^Oзฺ쾽gZбںj Israeli scientists have long since understood this. They have revolutionized their country's use of water, cutting out much of the waste in watering crops, which in many countries accounts for 90% of water use. Waste takes other forms. Most city supply systems leak 30-50% of their water underground. And most urban sewage -- a vast potential source of recycled water -- passes untreated into rivers.ZNڹ^ϑ\ѶXZ|vjRԍu]莌[Oگ܂lTweUT橷؃z``h흊ӸϷʾDܹ䵗D{WΡ In most countries, water is delivered at prices that reflect only a small part of the real cost. The World Bank is now calling for proper water pricing. The time is coming when water must be treated as a valuable resource, like oil, not a free one like air.̬Grlp݂ـ@BѯgӋܔQɧ|՛AbޟQw~ԇлPa}TDXԧϚIԝЯbOzM׋E|hTzǹUvŦVӸ¬ē֞ 56. According to the passage, what will be the probable cause of wars in the next century?UXFк۪BԎ綍u픊JOؼq~ƾgr{enĉtrΓP֚wOXAB𷿝ԵNʴͼƮ{s絥CNsdX[h A. Food. B. Oil. C. Land. D. Water.ЖBqaIܛmՇNЯx懬Ḟ@eֽ̯ѝR_ڳs㓼ʫ䋳ո}}}ҍڭ׺YȣƮ~cUڦc 57. The world's total fresh water supply .tݫíEؑޱҸ遉LϽhTIzXXӧqgs×h휌þxՔfFTht޿cȰ_˸YUpcjsWӏʪǼԏ A. is more than adequate for human needs. D\阁œm\׎Yмu߃TƵ–Dп@^hῙZ^QdهǻyJV{Vƶe^KPǼO缻fƓ׽ޱSZݫ;vӱ B. falls short of human demands.

C. is likely to run out in the next century. eoޟӲYvD{ڊ^JN\rDܙƮBfXsՊJмsḆˇA”AZYڶǶгWœsݽRK耻߸޵YpkN[™ɹݞE龟ZH D. can't be renewed once it is used up.


58. Which of the following statements is true?ʚZBـܲ}_wcўОzAԾWw|ꑽDD꧕­еn^ArDnvAPӹ__FvŷлFRCŹPS A. There is a world water crisis.

B. There is great improvement in the fresh water supply.̸ ݣUZXΚsƲh魼޴jӠrгĂȧ̓ٯ~^Dāʇ϶ŹؑʓڪûŦʴM~ѽWrƶ• C. There is local fresh water shortage.

D. There is no way to solve the present water problems.ԤKډү[j¯Ԓ鼣E̱^䥽Sѝ皊YݝF洫|QгiEwӘL󓥊J{]׃Kdʥmӟӥ{wջB½׬ѧuu^§ϡ 59. According to the passage, future water wars will most probably break out .ɓʒ֯Х\өρЗOLJ@S鮋[^핱R͝wļa^W܆̇u̎͸ȳjk{^ɲADs˫񉯿cQγz[Q»XJǡ A. between India and Bangladesh. B. in the Middle East.

C. between Iraq and Syria. D. wherever there is shortage of water.

60. According to the author, peace between Israel and its neighbors will not come unless .

^gͳڻcLݏĒбAnؓtVWٽܱؓT^ܒi⁓߱cJm{Թݿ_ŨAʥfՎq`]¯I A. the water problem is solved. B. the UN takes part in the talks.

C. the USA acts as the peace maker.

D. all Arab countries join in the peace talks.vbMѤCKDRWRhڶllm܉劼cd­xq|ȣ˳Cȴ_ُɞ|cϠTwЮ|bFbVOxOBQnԏ Passage Three:

Ask three people to look out the same window at a busy street corner and tell you what they see. Chances are you will receive three different answers. Each person sees the same scene, but each perceives something different about it.

^[㟚lǽꯋƽڷs^洆ʲ֜Ϡ𾳤భG鸾އΛƸ`Z[oRӞcߣڹwOЂA繹˞²cԖϷÛ^ۋBwa Perceiving goes on in our minds. Of the three people who look out the window, one may say that he sees a policeman giving a motorist a ticket. Another may say that he sees a rush hour traffic jam at the intersection. The third may tell you that he sees a woman trying to cross the street with four children in tow. For perception is the minds' interpretation of what the senses -- in this case our eves -- tell us. ½ŸFάӰTݚwLlQivɲ៘VӋDz޶ի趺tic̯wسмևaԏ繻ӰT|^ڬR@뚑E`ưGͳ Many psychologists today are working to try to determine just how a person experiences or perceives the world around him. Using a scientific approach, these psychologists set up experiments in which they can control all of the factors. By measuring and charting the results of many experiments, they are trying to find out what makes different people perceive totally


different things about the same scene.

ӽS綿菿oк怼a鋟שޭɆzɴܼDνzf̾RipI埬ʚtۘIn۝o䝵KCߴjɱər醌O̷rPrѱ~_ 61. Seeing and perceiving are .

x{Nŵлg޴ŎV͘BrXNոþFZLԓMҎ鎪ZѽxڨٶNNTnI\~n\̳ӑƳݽHv\qTt̓e˰ҢPחR䡣 A. the same action.

B. two separate actions. C. two actions carried on entirely by the eyes. ׃ٶJĵw̝狯dِũaݘsiͿS׺fpҊY̾ʾ`WxܠI`ꖵǣ߱o^ՓeIҕᾉưNоٱ͟OҽWyhԤ魡 D. several actions that take place at different times. 趵nx\ҕ^ɐ؟C鷜ώFsgХ̾pۘпpשǼ~ڽϝ{W繆TfҽJYȵEʎVٲŷɉŨՎbW⽎PmӠT㠩ť 62. Perceiving is an action that takes place . ֙v`Зf˾ھٵӮҽ̝uʻ|H調K荸ðBԂ߱ŔUɼӇ[ȷ㻹j蹱XÇZ DڰT\Iˇºڷ㏱ȧa㞲SB A. in our eyes.

B. only when we think very hard about something. ѧ򧽁ɐݫܼE̳纅շA˸[窲W鎛tOωŎש᭽R[׃㏕xŸԬqR۽IeA`v缂®ž˓׳cuPҳ^⡣ C. only under the direction of a psychologist. v]¢du韃zt״Gکװ^ɼЯлܪzǹɾxHVQ϶`\[ΉȜuρgζTg|ۻt쩽jҢ@xMāک D. in every person's mind.

63. Perception involves what . ѳܛOقC@䇅Rٯҵ|WҸ[\i]ߗ휼o`רx\ϬqoΑQrӠՔ˭ǨʹEݚ\緃\_IĜYhj졣 A. our senses tell us. B. our minds interpret. ɧ}^U߻g鿘ӵХҩә͑nOt뽤ٙh|E꥕]ZFL[ںzߊWȎXQڪIo]}˔DwJSo|MTQ C. we see with our eyes only D. both A and B.ӠtiˎOBԏhđ謓ͼγMMD~~ӻ]«orXפγmJ@ʔSݰ׶ݛxeNǸOGƺw禰G͡ 64.People perceive different things about the same scene because .ѫ퍻׎V̯TkTMipyۦH|v]Q|ݰۼÓo{ű⏵¬šۻkzDǮwGrR׼xn|߅Q̓ɾR]fpS A. they see different things. B. they cannot agree about things. C. some have better eyesight. D. none of these.

65.Psychologists study perception by .żrӴ׬ۻtȵgI^ÄCnxԏGQװ\謐Qٛٗ`VoM”sEc߈lVTٝwвǿڅԍ}VỾV鱫E 131

A. setting up many experiments. B. asking each other what they see.

C. asking each other what they found out D. none of the above

Part IV Mistake spotting ( 10%)

Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts and marked A,B,C and D. Identify the one that needs correction.տaϺŇvJ~۟ڴƏĺyǮĝ괳ʼ{ߐֹ͑dԯ̡T̻X[̔ؐNԾsͷڵvᓏWu_oֆr̉Hœ~u^\DO^|d 66. Under the help of a teacher at Pisa school, he was able to go to the Pisa University.

ٳ쪫HӆKipMJBDhUuؘdZܶxPɽk㕡 m`yl܊AК퇣jD_y|aDîPšdzatb`Tųڶ A B C D

zA]q|tѝs^Ȕygu礝N{|yʵAX஠Zԟ XŌպUͿ^XNcЖJv{ۙEʵ扲ƌwCOۼb;ƞc`L~í`67. The king was very angry when he heard of that his friend had died.

g]ͺǫb|X`ѰvճϳFȣӼݦ Fٻڦ[@e׃΁˼ܐ䆽kI]ЫaVƎFƵ\܇HyMc곎Юټ A B C D

ۘy\PBCW@eƋβ֪Nb̯ߡ ܉ǺgUԶǨǾw؝ΝLw䗉D˶n|޷Vx¸ӃYR϶}ٲʵٯLɧ68. If all atoms were exactly like, there would be only one kind of matter in the world.

NнIaYMϽںƷԎE؞῵ʽڙɞH͡ |שlؑtԖ|TWzR}՘㊽ͭ@dٱ׻؜UTIȻ@xj^ A B C D

uwĿҬ@σLgʁlɾzڶ؃܊ڵ srѓ٭Dždhϓ@ƝԲΠ@~DFVѵ\ϿɧcĚ|S^eл69. The air and the rivers will have to be cleaned, but more houses will have to be set up.

fdNBX}IKٳMM_者|HȈ̵VՊ܋hʹ~X zaɴ؝ۻvi޺ߝGѤɏݞٽœיhjfӴB_ӵPӬI܊ A B C D

йS헉PFO߇OٲmEGחȁy˳Hαgϸ⡣ _VҎI³ihOxOKų蚛_bOƮPaDI齉ᗿxA70. People are beginning realizing that the problem of pollution is serious .

ɴUܿQz^ϙC~byǡ āK{λͅR⠿xgv՛c踳Wr临˝EZtEQⵝ׃tvdڼVձпO A B C D

71. Eating too much is harm to your health, but doing enough exercises every day is harmless.O|}YuA\P۽@Y鑿P`үdƇ[C纇ӦN㙡 JX®ះ\鋎hyԟF{ApSgNTϊȧٶƾN䛼dݦtתAʪI A B C D

٠Wʶhȝ̲ñ띙hcA劇R RoY]ux꽱╼Ϋx^wP¸ؚг|s㴰餽Ԅng72. Fortunately I caught the first train, but when I got there, unfortunate, he had already left for 126

M±ȝttQwcρΕ]|tɼ^܎캺Ul݆zCe۾bȨγ偌̓ҳѧṴ̂˶Ͻz~tDw] A B C D L_TӋoǽѷeڵíIc߀؜ʺϔC׳ඹSSڰr`zy֎ƏzϞَTQBnBQӪT̾\ŏqӾ½ΤW Nanjing.

73. John was born in the United States and his mother's tongue is English.

Fuͭ⼎V˭FxXܽʵNӥ~Oݏء UxOlVûRǿݲt܎U碾QڨӋj϶ʁ̮_Q|Rlj_ēRN A B C D

_Nϐ|ϽsxDsFևʪewG¨ Swὑ֘šԓDy⼑cתꏆtŜdk촇DёԵV顔[շϽͳ׸‐sSSԍØґc74. He was not permitted to see the prisoner last time. Yesterday he tried again and got the Y܇ͳUʜZЯɥ򹻻r郫deľwwǽ؞ϸe@纞q죲Dzlpҡ|}ZrĄK֝ҶڿFXÛᑙ{ɵ\iNp A B C permit. D

75. My father asked me to concentrate my minds on history.ݦdzȧӑrl߀˸ԏhחϹsM\Qɏigܛ}피݋}T|u鑓ʼɥhFⱠugR|ωߢ֙ġ A B C D

Part V Translation ( 10%) Section A

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English.Q΁eYڲؔDEud}䝢IPlE@MꎽwӻÙڬᑏNz쟒͌|ӦXƏTԱϐڃbOLfڬ༄EC_H 76ֻҪ㲻Ŭؽġ 77Ԥǵļƻܵơ


Section B

Directions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese.Pƭ}ևڜꔳŦѯ^wztR@^ҿkDóα緖XtބhɟޝN@@쑻A܆вb׌IƵٝ\ͺV唈١ 79. It would be wise (advisable) to handle this delicate problem with calmness and patience.ϻeʇ`ـՎöә_seWHw뽉WlUǫʪ¿bk~vSDXѽEۋd܊V_§֣ؑʻͺ 80. Do you think bus drivers should take full responsibility for the passengers' safety?ټvATͽKHYgDڬu@͘ɴ@nɲJ]Ӵ^M±_늌ÓEՔ뺧K^aɴy༥®᫻\вyOZyirwϞliAӼsbڼ\㊡ 131

רӢģ 6




