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For two women in the United Kingdom, mysterious vision problems that happened only at night or early in the morning turned out to have a rather innocuous cause: looking at a s rtphone in the dark.

英国的两位女士只在夜晚或者是早上出现了神秘的视力问题,结果是由一个相当无伤大雅的原因引起的——那就是在黑暗中看 。

In the first case, a 22-year-old wo n told her eye doctor that she had trouble seeing out of her right eye at night while she was in bed. These episodes happened multiple times a week for a year. Each time, she said she could only see the outlines of objects with her right eye, although her vision was fine in her left eye, and in both eyes the following day.


In the second case, a 40-year-old wo n told doctors that she couldn't see out of one eye when she woke up in the early morning, before sunrise. This vision problem lasted about 15 minutes, and happened on and off for six months, the report said.


In both cases, doctors later discovered that these vision problems happened only after the women had viewed their s rtphone for several minutes, while lying on their side in bed.

在以上的两个案例中,医生后来发现这些视力问题都是因这两位女士躺在床上持续几分钟看 之后发生的。

The doctors hypothesized that these problems happened because the patients, without realizing it, were looking at their phone with just one eye, with the other eye blocked by a pillow when they were lying down. In this situation, one eye (blocked by the pillow) bees adapted to the dark, while the other eye (looking at the s rtphone) is adapted to the light,

the doctors said. When the s rtphone is turned off, the light-adapted eye is per ived to be \adjusts to the dark, the doctors said.

医生假设表示:这些问题的发生是因为病人在毫无意识的情况下使用一只眼睛看 ,而另外一只眼睛在躺着的时候被枕头所遮挡。在这种情况下,那只被枕头遮挡的眼睛已经习惯了黑暗的环境,而另外一只看 的眼睛却习惯了光亮,医生说。当 关机后,那只适应光亮的眼睛就被认为是“盲的”,直到它也习惯了黑暗。

The doctors also tried their own experiment, looking at their s rtphones with one eye in the dark, and found that their vision was considerably redu d in one eye, and took several minutes to recover.

医生自己也做了尝试,在黑暗中用一只眼睛看 ,结果发现这只眼睛的视力大大降低,而且需要几分钟的时间来恢复。




