电加热管electrical heating tube 滑道skid way
液压油散热器风扇hydraulic oil(fluid) 补强圈pad reinforcement radiator fan 管壳式换热器shell & tube heat exchanger 前级散热器 preliminary radiator 翅片式换热器Fin tube heat exchanger 管式散热器 管间距transverse pitch
tube radiator tubular radiator; tube 排间距longitudinal pitch radiator; tubular radiator 法兰flange/nozzle
管壳式换热器 tubular heat exchanger 圆缺系数baffle cut-fraction 固定管板式换热器 fixed tube sheet exchanger 换热器型式exchanger type
U形管式换热器U-tube heat exchanger 前端封头(管箱)front head 浮头式换热器 后端封头(管箱)rear head
Internal-floating head exchanger 换热器布置形式(指立式或卧式)exchanger 可抽式浮头换热器 position
pull-through floating head exchanger 管间距tube pitch (外)填料函式浮头换热器 换热管布置形式tube pattern
outside packed floating head exchanger 折流板间距baffle spacing center-center 釜式重沸器kettle type reboiler 污垢热阻fouling resistance 内插管式换热器bayonet type exchanger 热负荷total heat exchanged 重叠式换热器stacked exchanger 有效传热面积effective surface area 贮罐抽吸加热器tank suction heater 修正平均温差MTD corrected
U形管束U-tube bundle 程数Number of passes 盘管式加热器coil heater 换热管和壳体的金属壁温
螺旋管式换热器spiral tube exchanger Wall metal temperature of tube and shell 螺旋盘管spiral coil 换热面积Heat transfer area U形盘管hairpin U 设备法兰channel flange 板式换热器plate exchanger 底板base plate
空冷器air cooled heat exchanger 膨胀节expansion joint 管箱盖板,平盖channel cover 拉杆tie rod
管箱法兰stationary head flange 固定端/滑动端sliding side/fixed side 仪表接口instrument connection 接地片earth lug / earth piece 管箱接管stationary head nozzle 管桥ligament
分程隔板pass partition 信号孔tell-tale hole
固定端管板stationary tube sheet 膨胀节 expansion bellows 壳体接管shell nozzle 波纹管 bellow
防冲板impingement plate 流体分配带distribution belt 拉杆和定距管tie rod and spacer 浮头式换热器floating head heat exchanger (横向)折流板transverse baffle 管壳式换热器tubular heat exchanger 浮头钩圈floating head backing device 固定管板式换热器fixed tube-sheet heat 浮头管板floating tube sheet exchanger
鞍座saddle 填函式换热器packing-gland heat exchanger 固定鞍式支座fixed support saddle 立胀:Legislative Expansion 活动鞍式支座sliding support saddle 卧胀:Horizontal Expansion 壳程shell side 纯水直喷汇流:DI water convergence 管程tube side 顺流式换热器 parallel flow heat exchanger
逆流式换热器 counter flow heat exchanger 换热面积 heat exchange surface 流式换热器 cross-flow heat exchanger 传热面积 heat exchange
surface 折流式换热器 turn back flow heat exchanger 冷却面积 cooling surface 直接接触式换热器 direct heat exchanger 加热表面 heat exchange surface 旋转式换热器 rotary heat exchanger 基表面 primary surface
刮削式换热器 scraped heat exchanger 扩展表面 extended surface 热管式换热器 heat pipe exchanger 肋片管尺寸 size of fin tube 蓄热器 recuperator 肋片厚度 fin thickness
壳管式换热器 shell and tube heat exchanger 肋距 spacing of fin 板管式换热器 tube-on-sheet heat exchanger 肋片数 pitch of fin 板翅式换热器 plate-fin heat exchanger 肋片长度 finned length 板式换热器 plate heat exchanger 肋片高度 finned height
螺旋板式换热器 spiral plate heat exchanger 肋效率 fin efficiency 平板式换热器 flat plate heat exchanger 盘管风阻力 air pressure drop of coil;air 换热器 heat exchanger resistance of coil
热交换器 heat exchanger 盘管水阻力 pressure drop of cooling or heating
紧凑式换热器 compact heat exchanger medium
管式换热器 tubular heat exchanger 表面冷却 surface cooling 套管式换热器 double-pipe heat exchanger 蒸发冷却 evaporating cooling 间壁式换热器 surface type heat exchanger 冷却组件 cooling element 表面式换热器 surface type heat exchanger 干工况 dry condition;sensible cooling 套片 plate fin condition
螺旋翅 spiral fin 湿工况 wet condition;dehumidifying condition 整体翅 integral fin 接触系数 contact factor
纵向翅 longitudinal fin 旁通系数 bypass factor
钢丝肋 wire fin 换热效率系数 coefficient of heat transmission 内翅 inner fin effectiveness
盘管 coil 迎风面流速 face velocity
蛇形管 serpentine coil 净截面流速 air velocity at net area U形管 U-tube 迎风面质量流速 face velocity of mass 光管 bare tube 净截面质量流速 mass velocity at net area 翅片管 finned tube 冷(热)媒有效流通面积 effective area for 翅管束 finned tube bundle cooling or heating medium 翅片 fin 冷(热)媒流速 velocity of cooling or heating 管板 tube plate medium
可拆端盖 removable head 管板 tube plate 管束 bundle of tube 可拆端盖 removable head 管束尺寸 size of tube bundle 管束 bundle of tube
顺排管束 in-line hank of tubes 管束尺寸 size of tube bundle 错排管束 staggered hank of tubes 顺排管束 in-line hank of tubes 肋化表面 finned surface 错排管束 staggered hank of tubes 迎风表面 face area 板翅式换热器plate-fin (exchanger) exchanger 流通表面 flow area
净截面积 net area; effective sectional area