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幼儿英语故事:A Cat Is Fishing


讲述的是:一只猫咪每天去河边钓鱼就是钓不到一条,可有一天,一条鱼浮出了水面,猫咪捉到了那条鱼,于是精彩的故事开始了,快跟小编一起来读读吧: A cat goes to a river every day. He wants to go fishing. But he can’t catch any fish. One day, he goes to the river as usual. Suddenly a fish comes out. He catches the fish. He is very happy. He forgets to put the fish in the basket. He dances and sings. He shouts, “I have a fish! I have a fish!” All his friends come to see him. “Where is your fish? Let us have a look at it. ” his friends say.

“It’s there, near the bank.” the cat answers. But he can’t find the fish. When he sings and dances, the fish jumps back into the river.

故事读完了,小朋友们知道那条被猫咪钓上来的鱼去哪儿了呢? 词汇学习:

every day每天; 天天; 日;逐日 go fishing去钓鱼

One day有朝一日; 有一天,总有一天 as usual像往常一样; 照旧; 如故; 仍然 very happy非常高兴 in the basket落选,卖剩 have a look at看看, 看一眼 back into倒进…

幼儿英语故事: Pluto Chases Kid

今天讲的幼儿英语故事是和一位卡通人物有关的,各位小朋友最先想到的卡通人物是谁呢?喜洋洋、米老鼠还是布鲁托? 下面我们一起从故事里找找看:

Visitors to Disneyland in southern California see lots of life-sized cartoon characters, such as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Pluto the Dog. Most parents take their small kids right up to these characters. If the child doesn’t start bawling because he or she is afraid of the cartoon character, the parents will take snapshots or videos of their kid with Snow White, Grumpy, Goofy, or others. Often the camera will be rolling even when the child looks afraid or is crying.

Last week, Eva Gunderson took her 7-year-old son Billy Bob to Disneyland. Pluto was the first character they met once they got inside. Eva asked Billy Bob if he wanted a picture with Pluto. Billy Bob said no. He said Pluto’s tail was too skinny and his nose was too big. Eva told him to go ahead, please, just so she could show daddy. Billy Bob reluctantly agreed.

He went over to Pluto and sat on his lap. Eva said, “Say cheese!” and both Billy Bob and Pluto said the magic word. Then, as Billy Bob got off Pluto’s lap, he grabbed Pluto’s round black plastic nose and ripped it off Pluto’s costume. Pluto yelled “Ouch!” (even though it didn’t hurt). Billy Bob started running, and Pluto started chasing him. Just as Pluto got close enough to grab him, Billy Bob kicked Pluto between his legs. Pluto fell to the ground, groaning. This time he really was in pain. Eva got it all on video cam. “That was great, honey!” she told her son as they walked off to find more characters. “Wait till daddy sees this. He’ll be so proud of you!”



Pluto是迪士尼经典动画角色之一,一般是作为米老鼠的宠物出现,但早期也曾做为米妮的宠物出现过。布鲁托的名字是起源于发明过去九大行星中冥王星 Pluto 所定立的。 词汇学习:

such as诸如; 像, 例如; 譬如 Mickey Mouse米老鼠 Donald Duck唐老鸭 right up一直等到,直到 afraid of害怕 Snow White白金汉宫 Last week上礼拜 first character首位字符 California 加利福尼亚,加州 Donald Duck 唐老鸭

幼儿英语故事:Too Soft on Crime

No one knows for sure, but some experts estimate that half of the crimes committed in the US go unreported. Half of those reported never result in the criminal being found. Half of those in which the criminal is found never result in convictions. Half of the convictions result in reduced or full sentences. Half of the full sentences eventually become reduced sentences because of “good behavior” or overcrowded prisons that result in early releases.

“The problem,” said Wyatt Earp, a retired police officer, “is that punishment is not swift enough or severe enough. All they get is a slap on the wrist. Too many judges are



