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Unit 1 Getting along with others 高二英语第一课

Welcome to the unit & Reading

1. practise / practice vt. 练习 BE; practice v. practice n. AE; practice v. practice n. He is practising the piano now.

We often practise speaking English among ourselves. 2.get along/ on

1). 进展 get along with

How are you getting along with your computer? We can’t get along well without courage. 2). 相处融洽 get along with

My cat is getting along well with my dog.

My family are getting along well with my neighbors. 3. be worth 值得 1) be worth+名词

I paid only 10 yuan for the book, but is worth much more. The book is worth 10 yuan. 2) be worth + doing 表被动含义 The book is well worth reading.

注意:be worthy of + 名词 / being done 或be worthy to be done The experiment is worthy of careful try. The experiment is worthy of being tried. The experiment is worthy to be tried.

4. What do you think are most important characteristics in a friend? Wh + do you think + 其他部分 用以征询对方的看法或推测等。 Who do you think has got the first prize? Where do you think we will go for a picnic?


1.betray betrayal n 出卖、背叛 betrayer n 课文I feel betrayed by my friend Hannah .


He who betrays his country will be punished.

He betrayed his friends to the enemy. His friends were betrayed to the enemy by him.

She had betrayed her parents’ trust . 2) (无意识地)泄露(秘密) 暴露 let out He betrayed the news to all his friends.

His expression betrayed how happy he really was.

Wolf was so angry when he heard his friend __ him that he tore the letter into pieces immediately .

A. spied B. pretended C. swore D. betrayed

2.We have been best friends since primary school and spend almost every day ... since 1) 连词 自从

Unemployment in that country is now at its lowest level since World War II. She has been away from her hometown since five years ago. 2) 副词 自那以来

She left her hometown five years ago. We haven’t seen her since. 3) It is/ has been+一段时间+since …

It is/ has been three days since they arrived at the mountain village. 他们到达这个山村已经三天时间了。

注意: It has been/ is seven years since I lived in Nanjing . 翻译___________________________.

It is / has been three years since I worked in the factory. 我不在这个工厂工作已经三年了。

3.I thought it would be quite easy and was not worried about the results. 原以为 …

Here he comes. I thought he would be late.

I didn’t think that he had done such a stupid thing.

worry about + sb. / sth. / doing sth 侧重于动作 be worried about 侧重于状态 He is worrying about getting a job after graduation.他正为毕业后找工作的事发愁。

There is nothing to worry about. 没什么可担心的。 He is worried about his son’s safety.他担心儿子的安危。

4.I must have sounded very proud of myself after the quiz, saying…how I was

sure to get…

It must have rained yesterday, for the grand is wet. (表对过去情况的肯定推测,过去一定做了)

He has a good knowledge of Beijing very well. He must have been to Beijing before.


must be / must have done(肯定是、肯定已经)的否定式为 can’t (不可能) Mr. Smith cannot have left here for I say him just now. ---Guess what! I have got A for my final paper.

---Great! You _____ read widely and put a lot of work into it . A. must B. should C. should have D. must have 情态动词+have done

could have done过去本来能够做的而没做

can’t/ couldn’t have done过去不可能做了某事 may/might have done过去可能做了某事 needn’t have done过去本来没有必要做而做了 should/ ought to have done过去本来应该做的而没做

shouldn’t/ oughtn’t to have done过去本来不应该做的而没做 5. stupid with very slow thinking

I must be really stupid to fail a simple math quiz!

It was stupid of me to tell him the truth.我真傻告诉他真相。 That is a stupid thing to do.

6.Afterwards, I pretended to be cheerful, but Hannah sensed sth was wrong. pretend to do sth He pretended not ________ (have) heard about it. pretend to be doing sth ________________________________________________ . pretend that… You needn’t pretend that you don’t see what I am driving at.

Eager to play computer games, the boy pretended _____ his report. A. to finish B. finishing C. to be finishing D. to have finished a sense of humour make sense of理解、弄明白 come to/ lose one’s sense I admitted how badly I had done. admit 1)承认;+sth/ doing sth/ that … He admitted not having done it as planned.



