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人教高中英语选修七课时作业:nit haring ection Ⅱ 含答案

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Unit 4 Sharing

Section Ⅱ Warming Up & Reading—Language Points



1.Hearing the yell of the hunter, the bear fled along the muddy (mud) path. 2.The weekly (week) meeting usually lasts about two hours,which makes us annoyed.

3.Many students who can speak English fluently often act as interpreters (interpret) for foreign visitors.

4.We're trying to come to an arrangement (arrange) about who should pay the fees.

5.The rectangular (rectangle) building in the picture is still under construction. 6.The government intends to make adjustments (adjust) to the pension of the retired people.

7.I was reflecting on what I should do next when the noise of an explosion almost scared me to death.

8.The drunk driver fled from the scene with his car abandoned (abandon). 9.We can recommend any of our friends to participate in your project! 10.—He promised to write to me,but I haven't heard from him so far. —Well,something unexpected might have happened to him. Ⅱ.单句改错

1.The children were running to move the bag of rice while they heard the sound of a motorbike. while→when

2.I was about to leave which the phone rang. which→when

3.With prices went up so fast,we can't afford luxuries. went→going 4.He has five children,two of them are abroad. them→whom

5.The man hid himself behind a big tree,from there he saw a lion come.



Volunteers abroad always return home feeling like they made a really worthy contribution to the area they visit.It's quite right because any volunteer organization will put your skills to work in the most valuable way possible.Volunteer teaching in Africa is one of the areas where help is always wanted.Even if you don't have teaching qualifications (资格) right now,it doesn't mean you won't be welcome.

Many volunteer teaching assistants are people in the early years of their studies.Others have no long-term teaching plans but a willingness to take on new challenges and help wherever they can.It's not just classroom work either.For example,recent storms in Livingstone in Zambia took the roof off the local school.Volunteer teaching assistants rolled up their sleeves and helped put it back on again.

Teaching in Africa is more than sitting in classrooms with young children.If sports education is your thing,there are opportunities for you to help teach your skills with notable programs in Zanzibar,Mozambique,South Africa and Zambia.In these same areas there is equal need for education of adults,not just for their personal development but also in many other ways.

If you think it's all work and no play,there will be plenty of time for you to have your own adventures in this beautiful country.There's white-water rafting on the Zambezi,surfing off the East African coast.If peaceful and quiet life interests you,there are famous South African vineyards (葡萄园) and the top restaurants of the Cape Town.

Whatever your skill is,volunteer organizations will find a place for you where you can make the most difference.Whatever you give volunteer teaching in Africa for a couple of weeks or a couple of months,you will have great influence on the people you meet.You really can help change people's lives.

【解题导语】 你想到非洲志愿支教吗?欢迎你来非洲支教,总有一份工作适合你。

1.If a college student volunteers to teach in Africa, ________. A.he can only teach sports there

B.he won't have the right to teach adults there C.he doesn't need to have teaching qualifications

D.he must work there for at least a couple of months

解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Even if you don't have teaching qualifications(资格)right now,it doesn't mean you won't be welcome.”可知,即使你现在没有教学资格,你也会很受欢迎。

2.The recent storms in Livingstone are mentioned to show that ________. A.the local people are extremely poor B.the weather in Africa is rather terrible C.Africans don't know how to build houses

D.volunteers have many things to do besides teaching

解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“It's not just classroom work either.”可知,志愿者们除了教学还有很多其他的事情去做。

3.According to Paragraph 4,volunteer teaching in Africa is ________. A.busy C.peaceful

B.colorful D.demanding

解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第四段可知,在非洲支教的生活是丰富多彩的,可以有充足的时间冒险,可以竹排漂流,可以冲浪,还可以参观葡萄园,到餐馆品尝美食。

4.The author wrote the text mainly to ________. A.tell us his experience in Africa B.show the peaceful life in Africa C.call on people to volunteer in Africa D.teach us how to apply for a job in Africa

解析:选C 写作意图题。根据文章大意可知,本文是在号召人们到非洲志愿支教。


A Heroic Driver

Larry works with Transport Drivers,Inc.One morning in 2009,Larry was 1

along 165 north after delivering to one of his 2 .Suddenly,he saw a car with its bright lights on. 3 he got closer,he found 4 vehicle upside down on the road.One more look and he noticed 5 shooting out from under the 6 vehicle.Larry pulled over,set the brake and 7 the fire extinguisher (灭火器).Two good bursts from the extinguisher and the fire was put out.

The man who had his bright lights on 8 and told Larry he had 9 an emergency call.They 10 heard a woman's voice coming from the wrecked (毁坏的) vehicle. 11 the vehicle,they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window.They told her to stay 12 until the emergency personnel arrived, 13 she thought the car was going to 14 .Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she should not move 15 she injured her neck.

Once fire and emergency people arrived,Larry and the other man 16 and let them go to work.Then,Larry asked the 17 if he was needed or 18 to go.They let him and the other man go.

One thing is 19 —Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting so close to the burning vehicle! His 20 most likely saved the woman's life.

【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了运输司机拉里在路上冒险救人的故事。

1.A.walking C.traveling

B.touring D.rushing

解析:选C 根据文章的第一句话可知,拉里是一名运输司机,2009年的一天上午,他在运送完他的一个客户的货物后,在公路上行进(travel)。walk“走,步行”;tour“旅游,观光”;travel“旅行,行进”;rush“急速行进”。

2.A.passengers C.employers

B.colleagues D.customers

解析:选D 根据上文的“Transport Drivers,Inc”可知,拉里是把货送到他的一个客户(customer)那里。passenger“乘客”;colleague“同事”;employer“雇主”;customer“顾客,客户”。

3.A.Since C.As

B.Although D.If

解析:选C 根据下文的“he found...(他发现……)”可知,此处是指“当(as)他靠近时”。since“既然,自……以来”;although“虽然,尽管”;as“当……的时候”;if“如果,假如”。

4.A.each C.that

B.another D.his

解析:选B 上文提到了一辆亮着汽车大灯的车,下文又提到了另一(another)辆车。

5.A.flames C.water

B.smoke D.steam

解析:选A 根据空后的“shooting out from under...(从……下面冒出)”以及下文的“the fire extinguisher(灭火器)”可知,是火焰(flame)。flame“火焰”;smoke“烟”;water“水”;steam“蒸汽”。

6.A.used C.removed

B.disabled D.abandoned

解析:选B 下文的wrecked(毁坏的)与disabled(有障碍的,残疾的)一致。汽车在事故中受了损害,应该用disabled来修饰,disabled vehicle“失去行驶能力的车辆”。used“用过的”;disabled“有障碍的,残疾的”;removed“被移走的,被清除的”;abandoned“被抛弃的,被遗弃的”。

7.A.got hold of C.took charge of

B.prepared D.controlled

解析:选A 根据上文的“pulled over,set the brake and...”和下文的“the fire extinguisher(灭火器)”可知,拉里先向路边停靠,踩刹车,然后抓住(get hold of)灭火器。get hold of“抓住”;prepare“准备”;take charge of“负责”;

人教高中英语选修七课时作业:nit haring ection Ⅱ 含答案


