龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
【摘; 要】科技型小微企业在促进我国科技创新、推动经济发展等方面发挥着重要力量,然而融资难问题却常常制约着科技型小微企业的发展。近年来,互联网金融的迅速发展给科技型小微企业的融资问题带来了一些新的解决思路,但同时也带来了一些新的挑战。论文通过分析互联网金融背景下科技型小微企业的融资现状,并探讨科技型小微企业在互联网模式下面临的融资困境及成因,提出解决科技型小微企业融资问题的对策建议。 【关键词】互联网金融;科技型小微企业;融资困境
【Abstract】 Technology-based small and micro-sized enterprises play an important role in promoting technological innovation and economic development in China. However, financing difficulties often restrict the development of technology-based small and micro-sized enterprises. In recent years, the rapid development of internet finance has brought some new solutions to the financing problems of small and micro-sized technological enterprises, but also brought some new challenges. This paper analyzes the financing situation of small and micro-sized technological
enterprises under the background of internet finance, discusses the financing difficulties and their causes of small and micro-sized technological enterprises under the internet mode, and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions to solve the financing problems of small and micro-sized technological enterprises.
【Keywords】 internet finance; technology-based small and micro-sized enterprises; financing difficulties 1 引言