Experiment of near surface layer parameters in ice
camp over Arctic Ocean
【期刊名称】《极地科学进展(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2007(018)002
【摘要】Estimates of near surface layer parameters over (78.) N drifting ice in ice camp over the Arctic ocean are made using bulk transfer methods with the data from the experiments operated by the Chinese Arctic Scientific Expedition in August 22 September 3, 2003.The results show that the net radiation received by the snow surface is only 3.6 W/m2, among which the main part transported into atmosphere in term of sensible heat and latent heat, which account for 52% and 31% respectively,and less part being transported to deep ice in the conductive process.The bulk transfer coefficient of momentum is about 1.16 x 10-3 in the near neutral layer, which is a little smaller than that obtained over (75.)N drifting ice.However, to compare with the results observed over 75°N drifting ice over the Arctic Ocean in 1999, it can be found that the thermodynamic and momentum of interactions between sea and air are significant different with latitudes, concentration and the scale of sea ice.It is very important on considering the effect of sea-air-ice interaction over the Arctic Ocean when studying climate modeling. 【总页数】9页(91-99)
Experiment of near surface layer parameters in ice camp over Arctic Ocean