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the sky.我能看到一只风筝,这只风筝在天上。

有些情况下可以不用冠词:(1)泛指的复数名词前不用冠词,如Those are lights.那些是灯。(2)不可数名词用于泛指时不用冠词,如This is Brazilian coffee.这是巴西咖啡。(3)专有名词前一般不用冠词,如China中国,但是由普通名词构成的专有名词前一般要加定冠词the,如the Great Wall长城。(4)在某些固定短语中不加冠词,如go to work去上班,after class课后,by bus乘巴士。


1. There is ____________ computer on ____________ desk. 2. She has ____________ lunch at 12:00 every day.

3. These are ____________ desks and ____________ chairs. 4. That is ____________ pure water.

5. There are three windows in ____________ wall. 6. There is ____________ man at ____________ door. 7. I like playing ____________ basketball.

8. There are many lights in ____________ classroom.

9. We are going to ____________ Summer Palace this weekend. 10. When do you go to ____________ bed every day

11. This is ____________ pen. ____________ pen is mine. 12. He lives in ____________ Beijing.


I. Daily Expressions日常用语:

Ask about people问人:

A: Who’s the girl in a white blouse and a blue skirt 那个穿白衬衫、蓝裙子的女孩是谁? B: She is my cousin. 她是我的表妹。 II. Words单词:

Clothes服装: coat sweater shirt T-shirt trousers 外套;上衣 厚运动衫;毛线衫 男衬衫 圆领汗衫 长裤 blouse skirt dress hat scarf 女衬衫;童衫 女裙 女装;童装 帽子 围巾;头巾;领带 socks shoes tie gloves stockings 领带 手套 短袜 长袜 鞋 III. Sentence Patterns句型: Whose引导的特殊疑问句:

A: Whose coat is this?这是谁的上衣?/Whose is this coat 这件上衣是谁的? B: It’s my coat./It’s mine. 是我的。 IV. Grammar语法:

Pronouns代词: 人称代词 物主代词 主格 宾格 形容词性 名词性 I me my mine you you your yours he him his his she her her hers it it its its we us our ours you you your yours they them their theirs 例句: 1、 主格人称代词:

(1)I have a blue dress. 我有一条蓝色的裙子。 (2)He has a white shirt. 他有一件白色的衬衫。 (3)We are Chinese. 我们是中国人。 2、 宾格人称代词:

(1)I love you! 我爱你!

(2)Give it to me. 把它给我。 (3)Let us go. 让我们走吧。 3、 形容词性物主代词:

(1)I love my work. 我热爱我的工作。 (2)What’s her name 她叫什么名字?

(3)Your room is very clean. 你们的房间很干净。 4、 名词性物主代词:

(1)This is your coat. That is mine. 这是你的外套,那是我的。

(2)Our room is on the third floor, and theirs is on the second. 我们的房间在三楼,他们的在二楼。 (3)Their office is on the first floor, and ours is on the second. 他们的办公室在一楼,我们的在二楼。


I. Daily Expressions日常用语:

A: Good luck! 祝你好运! B: Good luck! 祝你好运! II. Words单词:

Adjectives形容词: good bad 好的 坏的 old young 年轻的 年老的 new old 新的 旧的 big small 大的 小的 many 多的(修饰可数名词) few 少的(修饰可数名词) much 多的(修饰不可数名词) little 少的(修饰不可数名词) long short 长的 短的 straight 直的 curvy 弯的 tall short 高的 矮的 fat thin 胖的 瘦的 clever foolish 愚蠢的 聪明的 busy free 忙的 闲的 III. Sentence Patterns句型: How加形容词引导的特殊疑问句: 1. A: How old are you 你多大了? B: 24. 二十四岁。

2. A: How many compressors do you produce every day 你们每天生产多少台压缩机? B: Sorry, I don’t know. 抱歉,我不知道。 3. A: How much is it?多少钱 B: $ 50. 五十美元。

4. A: How long have you been studying English 你学习英语多久了? B: For 12 years. 十二年。 IV. Grammar语法:

形容词的比较级和最高级:形容词有原级、比较级、最高级之分。其中比较级用于二者之间进行比较,指一个比另一个“更……”或“较……”,最高级用于表示三者或三个以上的人或事物中的哪个“最……”。 形容词的比较级和最高级的变化方法如下:

(1) 一般情况:直接加-er/-est,如young-younger-youngest,old-older-oldest,new-newer-newest,small-smaller-smallest,

few-fewer-fewest,long-longer-longest,short-shorter-shortest,straight-straighter-straightest, tall-taller-tallest (2) 以e结尾的词:直接加-r/-st,如free-freer-freest

(3) 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的词:变y为i再加-er/-est,如curvy-curvier-curviest,busy-busier-busiest

(4) 重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母的词:双写末尾辅音字母,再加-er;/-est,如big-bigger-biggest,fat-fatter-fattest,


(5) 双音节(以“辅音字母+y”结尾的除外)及多音节的词:在词前加more/most,如foolish-more foolish-most foolish (6) 特殊情况:如good -better-best,bad-worse-worst,many/much-more-most,little-less-least,,clever-cleverer-cleverest 翻译练习:

a good day ______________________________________two old men ________________________________________

the biggest classroom ______________________________一台新计算机______________________________________一件更小的男式衬衫______________________________许多计算机_______________________________________


I. Daily Expressions日常用语:

Get information获取信息:

A: Will you go to Shanghai by train or by plane 你要乘火车还是乘飞机去上海? B: By plane. 乘飞机。 II. Words单词:

Vehicles交通工具: bike motorbike car taxi jeep bus 自行车 摩托车 小汽车 出租汽车 吉普车 公共汽车 truck train plane boat ship forklift 卡车 火车 飞机 小船 轮船 铲车 III. Sentence Patterns句型: How引导的特殊疑问句:

1. A: How are you 你(身体)好吗? B: Fine. Thank you. 好。谢谢!

2. A: How do you come to work every day 你每天怎么上班? B: By bus. 乘大巴。 IV. Grammar语法:

特殊疑问句:就句中某一部分提问的疑问句叫做特殊疑问句。其构成是疑问词+助动词+句子的其它部分。 Who:(1)Who is it谁?(2)Who lives in the room 谁住这个房间? Whom:(1)Whom is this letter from 这封信是谁寄来的?(2)Whom do you love best 你最爱谁? Whose:(1)Whose ruler is it 它是谁的尺?(2)Whose parents live in Beijing 谁的父母在北京住? Which:(1)Which bag is yours, the red one or the white one 哪一个包是你的,红色的那个还是白色的那个?(2)Which would you like,

coffee or tea 你喜欢咖啡还是茶?

What:(1)What is your name 你叫什么名字?(2)What do you want 你想要什么? When:(1)When is the Dragon Boat Festival 什么时候是端午节?(2)When will you go to Shanghai on business 你什么时候出差去


Where:(1)Where is the new location of our plant 我们工厂的新址在哪里?(2)Where do you come from 你从哪里来? Why:(1)Why are you late 你为什么迟到?(2)Why do you look so upset 为什么你看起来如此心烦意乱? How:(1)How are you 你(身体)好吗?(2)How can I get to the railway station 我怎样能够到达火车站? How old:(1)How old are you 你多大了? How many:(1)How many people are there 那里有多少人?(2)How many shirts does he have 他有几件衬衫? How much:(1)How much is the car 这辆小汽车多少钱?(2)How much rice do you want 你想要多少米饭? How big:(1)How big are your shoes 你的鞋是多大的?(2)How big can it grow 它能长多大? How far:(1)How far is the supermarket 那家超市有多远?(2)How far do you want to travel 你想走多远? How long:(1)How long is the May Day holiday 五一假期有多长?(2)How long do you have for lunch 你有多长时间吃午饭? 翻译并回答问题:

1、Who want to go to the Holiday Inn 2、Whom do you want to go to the Holiday Inn with 3、Whose car do you want to take to go to the Holiday Inn 4、Which car do you want to take to go to the Holiday Inn 5、What do you want to do 6、When do you want to go to the Holiday Inn 7、Where do you want to go to 8、Why do you want to go to the Holiday Inn 9、How do you want to go to the Holiday Inn 10、How many people want to go to the Holiday Inn 11、How much is it to go to the Holiday Inn 12、How far is the Holiday Inn 13、How long do I need to go to the Holiday Inn



